By pure luck one day, in summer of '09. Reading tech blogs like I always do. Or maybe I was browsing through iPhone apps. One catches my eye. An ad for Smule's Leaf Trombone made by two funny guys. It was a theme from some circa-90's TV show. It was awesome. But then, I had seen both of them before. In an online TV show, making songs. Having recognized them, I went to their website. And I found RhettandLink. The second video I saw was the country taco bell order song. I was
ecstatic. I loved the song and the video. I showed my cousins, and my family. Everyone loved it. Fast forward to 2010. Around the end of January. Rhettandlink make The Perfect Bathroom Trip. I loved it. But the director, and first shown actor in the video, Julian Smith caught my eye. I looked into him. And I found my two favorite Youtubers. Forward to May 2010. AKA, now.
How do you become an internetainer?
The category of this question is definitely 'Burning Questions for RhettandLink'.
Yes, I do know how to use Youtube. Yes, I know that it sounds like an idiotic question. No, I'm not an idiot. At least I think I'm not.
The question I'm asking here, is not how to internetain people, or to make people laugh. You can't be taught that talent. Either you're born with it, or you're not. Rhettandlink, or Julian Smith were born with it. If I am or not will have to be seen. The question is how to make people see your videos. When was Rhettandlink's big break? How were you discovered on youtube? Besides being good at it, and funny, what made people see your videos and make you become popular on youtube?
Sorry if it's long, and if I wasted time, but I wanted to give some backround before jumping out and saying, 'so, how do I become an internetainer?', and then looking like a nerdy idiot.
Do I need to finish it? Well, hope you read this, looking for answers, I have burning ideas in my head that I think could be funny, but it's no use making it and then having nobody watch it.
Thanks Mythical Beasts and R&L,
Mythical Beast Deullow