
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

... AND I saw the books of the Bible songs you two did (which you haven't posted on youtube yet!!) and I was wondering if it were true. Plz respond.

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They used to have a non-profit ministry thing going on before they started being internetainers.

I'd love to hear more about their background, both musically, and religiously.

Rhett. Link. Tell us about how you are down with God.
Oh wow! I didn't know that! Are you guys still doing anything like that? Please let us know more!
Yes, Link and I are Christians....and it's a big part of our lives and influences the nature of our content. However, our videos are not Christian, and this Kommunity is not for people of any particular faith. The work we did on the Bentley Brothers characters is for Phil Vischer's JellyTelly series...it's not "Rhett & Link" content, per se, and it shows up in a different place.

We understand that a lot of people are passionate about their faith, and they want public figures of that same faith to "take a stand" or "let people know the deal". But, our focus is to make people laugh and bring some light into their lives through our videos. As a result, you're not gonna see us directly address issues of faith through our comedy content.

Also, we're not interested in getting into a long, drawn out discussion about how we communicate our faith, so this answer is going to have to suffice, and I'm going to close this discussion. Thanks for the question!


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