
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Although the Duo has known each other for over two decades, it is inevitable that there are points (breaking points) that make you think: "Are Rhett and Link finally going to duke it out with fisty cuffs?"
"Could this be the end of Rhett and Link?" or
"Am I watching a younger version of the Odd Couple?"

Here are some of those competitive moments with Rhett versus LinkI share these moments and ask: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE R. v. LINK MOMENT?

Final Update: the attached file contains every tense moment during their RhettandLinKast of 2009. It is not the same as the document previously posted! Re-uploaded and digitally re-mastered on May 31st, I use Windows 7 word document, please message me in my inbox if there is a read-compatibility issue. 

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Thanks for the suggestion. I guess have I many hours left to watch (since R v Link is only one thing I am cataloguing). Though I think I will start with the more daunting task of livekast, youtube videos, and then shorter ones like quik.
I second Jordan... make sure you watch the qik streams!! This one is great: http://qik.com/video/392525?page=5
I must say, I think "fisty cuffs" is perhaps the cutest phrase ever.
I would hate to see an ugly breakup! Heaven forbid a ... *gulp* Martin and Lewis style breakup...
I loved those two as well... (gotta love watching old shows/movies on youtube)
Hehe I love the phrase fisty cuffs too. For some reason it reminds me of two grumpy old men feebly fighting one another... What image does that phrase conjure for you?

Mel (Salerbatis) said:
I must say, I think "fisty cuffs" is perhaps the cutest phrase ever.
Yes you gotta and there is more to archives come from my laptop. So keep your eyes peeled on the ReKap section.

Jacqui {Dinocken} said:
I would hate to see an ugly breakup! Heaven forbid a ... *gulp* Martin and Lewis style breakup...
I loved those two as well... (gotta love watching old shows/movies on youtube)
To me it implies a fight between two well-dressed men who both have incredibly small hands. ('cos "fisty" sounds little, and cuffs makes me think of french-cuffed shirts)

It also reminds me of a line from a They Might be Giants song, "Lucky ball and chain"...

"I could shake my tiny fist
And swear i wasn't wrong
But what's the sense in arguing
When you're all alone?"

Claire (Flying Penguin) said:
Hehe I love the phrase fisty cuffs too. For some reason it reminds me of two grumpy old men feebly fighting one another... What image does that phrase conjure for you?

That is certainly a interesting image. Thanks for the mental picture ;)

Mel (Salerbatis) said:
To me it implies a fight between two well-dressed men who both have incredibly small hands. ('cos "fisty" sounds little, and cuffs makes me think of french-cuffed shirts)

It also reminds me of a line from a They Might be Giants song, "Lucky ball and chain"...

"I could shake my tiny fist
And swear i wasn't wrong
But what's the sense in arguing
When you're all alone?"

Claire (Flying Penguin) said:
Hehe I love the phrase fisty cuffs too. For some reason it reminds me of two grumpy old men feebly fighting one another... What image does that phrase conjure for you?

i like link more but i think rhett would kick his ass
I don't think Rhett would kick Link if you liked one better than the other... but it would be interesting to see one day

Tayla (cyguiner) said:
i like link more but i think rhett would kick his ass
I have just updated the 2009 document and uploaded this new document (May31st) please check it out!

Other discussions are here!

To see the full set of 2009 documents only (and an embarassing extra), see blog at: http://rhettandlink.ning.com/profiles/blogs/brand-spanking-new-kast...

Also please msg my inbox, if you are interested in archiving, reKaping all other videos for R&L (youtube) for the template.


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