
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Am I alone or did others miss the B.E.A.S.T. kast that aired this Thursday at 7:30 pm?

I get email notifications as much as the next beast but for some reason there has always been a delay of when I receive email updates from the Rhett and Link website, especially blog posts. I never reported it before because it was never a problem when I knew the scheduled time of the show. Usually, I would get an announcement about the pre-kast topics/ outline in my hotmail the next day, which was a nice welcome reminder of the show the night before, but useless now that the Kasts are secret. I didn't get an notification until the next day around lunch time. I'm glad that it was recorded or else my arKives would be in trouble.

Please comment and tell me has this happened to anyone else out there in the Kommunity or am I in some sort of wormhole which prevents me from seeing Live kasts when they are live?

If you don't experience this delay, you can comment on how do you feel about this new internetainment delivery system known as the B.E.A.S.T. kast?

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Same situation here, Anna. All of the other Komm notifications have been coming through all right before and after the Kast, but nothing about a BEAST Kast. I'm 99.8% sure my settings are correct... when the guys explained it, it seemed straightforward enough. I had wondered if it got caught up in a junkmail filter for me, but that didn't make sense, because of everything else coming through as normal. We'll have to share solutions, if any of us find any!
So I am not alone! I know I double checked my settings after the vlog announcement and I know that they dont end up on my junk mail, so now I will be paranoid that I will miss another kast.

Hmm...I wonder if this could be bypassed if the announcements were also sent to the ning inboxes.
hmmmm....I'm not sure what happened on this one....we'll investigate
Thank you. Hope I get the email the next time around...

Rhett (Shahbaz) said:
hmmmm....I'm not sure what happened on this one....we'll investigate
I too missed what could have been my first BEAST Kast. :*( I will move on though. I will be victorious
i missed the beast cast too.. :(
there was a Kast? I haven't recieved an email yet..... my mouse broke.... i probly missed out on alot!
i got the one for today (4/1) but a lot oppl said they didn't if anyone thats not getting them would like, i had a friend friend me (haha) on fb and i said i would send her amessage when i found out. just let me know on my page here if you want that. trying to be nice
Epp so I am not alone. Luckily it is recorded more times than naught. I currently get the notices/ emails about 4 hours before the kast begin, but I didn't check out my email in time.

So new question: Anyone beast miss the kasts because they dont check their email in the afternoon?


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