
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Collect them all!

Trade with your Kommunity friends and neighbors


  • fill out the information about yourself using the template below and post in the comments
  • you will be notified via message on your wall page when your card is available.


Front of Card

Photo - - do you want to use your profile pic or point me to another?

Any interesting quote or funny saying you would like to use (please reference author if known)


Back of Card:

Human Name:

Beast Name:

Birth Date:

Beast Date:

Beast Number:  NOTE - - I will calculate this for you

Favorite Kommunity Group:

Favorite R&L Song / Video / Series:

Beastly Motto:


Sample Card


I also created a wall banner that includes every one of these cards since the inception of the project. Presently, with over 150 cards, if printed out it would measure 32" wide X 164" long.  Due to the NING website's upload size limitations, I can not share this as a photo upload but I can, however, link it as part of a discussion or blog comment, so . . .

HERE 'TIS!   (click below for expanded view)

Photo Albums:

There is a 100 picture per album max limit. 

This issue has been corrected by the addition of a second album.



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Front of Card: 

Photo (Profile Picture)
Quote: Ocelots are awesome, I am awesome. Therefore, I am an Ocelot! 


Back of Card:

Human Name: Lauren Tomlinson

Beast Name: StormOcelot

Birth Date: 16/10/1997

Beast Date: 30th November 2011

Beast Number:  NOTE - - Gumbo will calculate this for me! :)

Favorite Kommunity Group: GMM Fans

Favorite R&L Song / Video / Series: Good Mythical Morning

Beastly Motto: Whatever you have... It could always be better with Bacon!

The first of my MB Trading Cards collection. :))

Quote: Yes.

Human Name: Cole Arn

Beast Name: Colo Colo

Birth Date: 6/18/97

Beast Date: 3/16/12

Beast Number: NOTE - - I will calculate this for you

Favorite Kommunity Group: GOOD MYTHICAL MORNING FANS

Favorite R&L Song / Video / Series: The Caption Fails

Beastly Motto: I usually wear pants.

Human name: Clarence Huddleson Jr.

Beast name: InkedViking

Birthdate: January 25, 1981

Beast date: March 2012

Beast #: TBD by Gumbo123

Favorite R&L song: 2 guys, 600 pillows

Beastlt motto: It's not about how hard you can hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and still keep going.

Quote: If life gives you lemons, without sugar and water, your lemonade will stink.

Human name: Mysterious wombat girl

Beast name: The Platypus

Birth date: July 52, 200000 B.C.

Beast date: first encountered by Europeans in 1798

Favorite Group: International

Favorite R&L Song / Video / Series: The future of pants.

Beastly Motto: Rainbow games are the best!

"Before you insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes because when you do you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes."

Human name: Jax Scally

Beast name: Jax the King of Monkey Bread

birth date: None of your business!

Beast date: March 23 2012

Beast #: What is it, Gumbo?

Favorite R&L Song: All of them

Beastly Motto: If you happen to fall off of the Sears Tower just go real limp and you will look like a dummy, and someone will catch you because, hey, free dummy.  


mythical beast Dave envoy of the beginning

December 3 1996

march 30 2012

TBD by ju ju ma gumbo

"The hair song"

Thousand armed kanon's torrential roaster of the shinning white heavens!

Nice,but I do not want one!

Human Name:  Nikki Reed

Beast Name:  Chickcharnie

Birth Date: 01/06/1986

Beast Date: 06/10/2009 (I'm guessing around there)

Beast Number:  NOTE - - I will calculate this for you

Favorite Kommunity Group:  Crafty Critters and Fe-mells

Favorite R&L Song / Video / Series:  Taco Bell Drive-Thru and Guacamole

Beastly Motto:  Rawr.

Saying on front:  I feel like I can smell it.

Front of Card:
Any interesting quote or funny saying you would like to use
"Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you." -Thomas Jefferson

Back of Card:
Human Name: Andrew Eaton
Beast Name: Lupis Ignis (Fire Wolf)
Birth Date: 9/19/96
Beast Date:3/2/12
Beast Number: TBD by Gumbo
Favorite Kommunity Group:Doctor Who
Favorite R&L Song / Video / Series: Epic Rap Battle
Beastly Motto: Normal in boring, being paradoxical, now that's fun.

Human name: Lan
Beast name: Dragopegonolfugus
Birth date: jan 14 1996
Beast date: ???
Favorite r&l song: dope zebra
Beastly motto: DFTBB: dont forget to be beastly!

MOTTO: Failure is equally as important as success. Without each other they both are useless.



human name : Christopher Won

Beast Name: Talcon

Birth date: October 13 1997

Beast Date: March 28 2012

Beast Number: TBD by gumbo

Favorite R&L : How to sleep less and do more

Beast Motto: Attack and defense are bout important, you can't win when they are unbalanced 


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