
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!


Hey guys!

I’m sure most of you have seen us roll playing in the Komm chat. ^^ Well, Zach and I have decided to make one here, in a discussion, for those who are interested in a more long-term RPG story.

Firstly, it might seem like there are a lot of rules, but they are mostly just common sense and will not inhibit your ability to control your character. Also, even though we are “Game Masters” we will not abuse that power, in fact we will even kill our own characters if we feel it is correct. This RPG story is meant to be fun, do not take anything that happens in it personal, no matter what. Have a good time, use your creativity as much as you can, and just enjoy the story as it unfolds.



  1. You can have multiple Characters! They don’t have to be all on the side of good, or all on the side of bad, you can have both, either, or neither.
  2. You may not control another person’s named character.
  3. You may not kill another person’s named character.
  4. All decisions regarding final fates of characters are to be decided by the GMs (game masters).
  5. Try to keep the story central.
  6. GMs are able to ban participants.
  7. One post at a time! If you submit a post in the RPG story, don’t post again directly afterwards, wait for another person to post in between. If you address another person’s character, wait for that person to answer.
  8. All characters must be able to die. No invincible characters. Ever!
  9. Try your best to keep everything is pace.
  10. No destroying the world.

Sub rules

1. The world is an Earth like situation, which means that you cannot fly. Of course, some characters with wings, and magic powers are able to fly, but real-world physics still apply..
2. Mythical Beasts are allowed. Meaning you can have dragons, phoenixes, and other types of creatures that may or may not exist in the real world.
3. This is a time period similar the middle ages, which means, there are no guns.
4. There is magic on this world. (Such as the use of fire, water, earth, lightning, light, and dark magics.) Of course, standard use of magic applies.
5. You are allowed to create a character of a different race, such as the races: orcs, drow, elves, and dwarves, among others. Try to keep your character’s personality similar to the characteristics of its race. For example, since dwarves like to eat, to not make an anorexic dwarf.
6. There are the different kinds of magic users, such as: wizards, sorcerers, druids, warlocks, clerics, necromancers, magicians, etc. If you are going to use a magic user you must stay within the boundaries for that type of magic user. As an example Necromancers cannot heal people, it just doesn’t work.
7. Creatures that are summoned using something such as an artifact will have to return to their plane of existence after a period of time depending on the strength of the creature summoned. But if a creature is summoned through a ritual (such as a demon) they can say on the plane of existence they were summoned on until banished, or summoned elsewhere. 
8. Magic is not infinite, it relies on the strength of the user and it takes a price for its use. The stronger the magic the more the energy it takes to use. If you use magic to start a fire, and then the fire starts the trees on fire, it will take less magic than for you to try to start all the trees on fire on your own. Magic will also take more energy to travel a further distance.
9. Weapons can be enchanted, although those weapons are rare. Weapons that are enchanted must be enchanted as they are made, they cannot be enchanted after they are finished being made.
10. If the game masters have missed any rules, or feel that there needs to be more, they can add rules for the sake of keeping the story fun, entertaining, and fair.


Now that the rules are all out there nice and pretty, I would like to ask something..

Mods, if you would like us to move this discussion to another, external, site, I would very happily do so, if it becomes bothersome in any way. I would however, very much like to ask that you do not delete it. If we could have a warning first, so we have a chance to save the work, I would be very, very thankful.


Okay! So enough boring stuff, it's time to have some fun with this! Just post below with your addition to the story. Be creative, be fair, and especially, have fun!!

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Xylia knew the area around her well, as she had lived most of her life there. She wasn't ready to return to her village, not yet anyway, so she took a quick look around her. "There should be a road near here. It's the road where Moe used to go for supplies." She stepped lightly around a few fragile looking twigs, careful not to disturb them. Just as she'd expected, the road was just ahead of them. She pointed it out to Lorcan. "It's right there, but judging from what I know of the area, we're a long ways off. We might need better transport." She'd never wished so much that they had a good set of horses.

Raylin dodged multiple strikes from the Commander of the Dark. He then realized he was outnumbered.

"Face it, Raylin. I have won. Sephiroth killed your champions, and he is going to kill the rest of the wizards on this world. Your order has come to an end. Give up. Darkness will fall." The last three words he emphasized with a strike on each.

"I will not give up." Raylin said as a small silver tear flowed down his face for the loss of Finn and Seth.

"Is this sorrow I see in your eyes?" The commander said. "You had to know that those two young boys would have to die at some point. Is your glorious plan worth the lives of all the wizards sworn to you?"

"They all knew the possibilities when they signed up." Raylin replied.

"Did they? Did they know they would be going up against the dark Larlei? Did they know they were going up against the gods?" The dark commander said.

"You are no more a god than I am. You are fallen, and will fall."

"And I will get back up and start again." The commander stated flatly. With this, Raylin disappeared. He used much of his energy to appear near Perigrina and princess Nightglow.

The two felt the presence of their commander and looked around to see where he was.

"Over here, young ones." Raylin said, from the trees. "Is is true? Are Finn and Seth gone?" The sorrow in his voice brought tears to Perigrina's eyes again. She ran to him and hugged him. He sat there holding her as she wept. Princess Nightglow stood off to the side and let her friend cry. She turned back to Red, "Our lives have just gotten a lot harder." She said, quietly.


Allaith and Rilvita ran on through the woods. They came to the elvin city in the middle of the forest. The captain of the guard came out to meet them.

"I see the messenger got to you." He said as they slowed.

"Yes, how are they?" Allaith answered.

"They are as well off as we could have expected. The energy it takes... well, you would understand that better than I." He replied.

"Yes, we would. Can we see them?" Rilvita asked.

"Certainly, but be warned, there is something dark about them. I don't like it." He replied.

"We will take that into account, after we have said our hellos. It has been twelve years, world standard time, after all." Allaith stated flatly.

"My apologies, mistresses. They are right inside."


(Hey no problem, Charlie. I just wanted you to know ^^ )

Raylin turned to the man who addressed him. "Perigrina, who is this man? He must not know who I am or else he would not address me so."

"He's a friend, Raylin."

"Are you sure? He has much darkness inside him."

"Yes, he is here to help."

"He should be in his own time. This is not his place." He now addressed Loraden, "History should not be changed, young one. Why are you here?"


            Allaith walked into the room and she was not surprised to see that the two had not changed in appearance at all. She looked most directly at the one on her left. He looked peaceful as he slept on the bed. His black cloak was off to the side, folded up. His jeweled dagger was sitting on the nightstand next to the bed. The guards had stripped his armor off. The thin armor, made of thin strands of dragonstone, in a red hue, and onyx, could protect anyone better than the strongest steel armor.

            She continued to look at him until she realized that there was a red stone sitting next to the table. A black mist seemed to flow inside it, and a feeling of dread fell over her. His magic was no longer in him. It was trapped in the red gem.

            Rilvita looked at the man on the right. She smiled when she saw his peace. His claymore was leaning against the wall, with his cloak hanging from it. His armor, made of thin strands of diamond (both yellow and white), laid next to his sword.

            Rilvita looked at the nightstand and realized that there was a yellow gem with white swirling in it. She came to the same realization as Allaith.

Allaith rounded on the guard. "Why did you take their magic out?"

"Yes, why? They need that to remember everything!" Rilvita shouted.

"They do not need it. It will only harm them if they cannot remember their boundaries." He responded calmly.

"What do you mean they don't need it?" Allaith said. "They are magical. They cannot remember without it."

"Yes they can, and they will. They have you two to help them remember." He responded.

"I order you to put them back in." Rilvita commanded.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Mistress." He responded.

"You cannot refuse our orders." Allaith said.

"I can, because this has come from one higher than yourselves." He said. "Your mother, Rilvita."

Xylia stared blankly at the space where the three had been. Strange things happened in this world... she shrugged her shoulders and turned to Lorcan, "Yeah, we might want to go there now." The last thing she wanted was to hang out in this forest any longer

Perigrina looked at the two characters. She did not understand how Red and Alice played a part in their grand story, but she knew they did.

"Red, where is this blood elf you are looking for? And who is it? We cannot help her if you do not bring us to her." Perigrina stated.


After hearing Laraden's explanation, Raylin disappeared, there were places he needed to go.


The dark commander looked at the place Raylin just was.

"He has escaped us, my lord." Said one of the four.

"Do you think that I couldn't see that?!" the dark commander shouted.

"My apologies, Master. I just meant to state the point." The young larlei said.

"Yes, I know." The commander said, cooling down. "He will turn up again. Until then, we will continue. Sephiroth should be finding the other wizards and putting an end to their order. Once the wizards are gone, then this world will be ours."


"We understand the threat that the larlei present. We know that they are the most powerful beings ever seen in time. None can surpass them. But that is why the wizards are here. We, combined, can defeat the larlei. Finn and Seth have proven than. They worked with other wizards to save many worlds. Now, we call upon you once again, fellow wizards. The Dark has come, but even in the blackest night, you can still see the light." The Arch mage opened the convention.

"But we no longer have Finn and Seth. And you, tier tens, are not allowed to meddle in this." One light fire mage stated. "You have made that plain. You are here to help it begin, but you cannot see it to the end."

"You are correct, young mage. We cannot help you in this. It is up to the wizards who were called to this world. The light knows what it wants. Cosmos called you here to fight Chaos. The pawns of Chaos cannot fight against the soldiers of Cosmos." A tier ten water mage stated.

"It matters little what the two have to do with this. We are here now, and we will prevail." Said the very enthusiastic dark lightning mage.

"You are correct. But you cannot survive where you are now." Said a deep voice.

The eight wizards, and the five tier ten mages, turned to the back of the room. In the back of the ornate white room stood a figure in black. All of the wizards and mages dropped to a knee when they saw It.

"Raylin-Harlei, what brings you here?" Addressed the Arch mage with reverence.

"I am here to get this going. You all deserve to know the truth about Finn and Seth. You all deserve to know what we are up against." Raylin said quietly.


Allaith looked to the man. "Why would their magic be taken away? What harm could they do?"

"You know very well what harm they can do. I will not relent on this subject. You can accept it and enjoy the time you have with them." The captain said as he walked out of the room.

"This isn't fair!" Rilvita stated.

"No, it's not." Allaith said.

"They always do this to us, you know."

"Yeah, the last time they were here we had to re-teach them how to sword fight." Allaith said.

"Yeah, but... it was kinda fun showing them how to do it." Rilvita said.

"I will admit, I enjoyed knowing more than him for a bit." Allaith said.

"Well, maybe they will remember this time?" Rilvita asked.

"I doubt it, but let's hope. They wouldn't be here unless something terrible happened. I'm sure they need to go back, but they must need help... or else they wouldn't be here."

"Yeah, but how can we help them? We are only tier five, and they are tier six... unless they tested for their seventh." [They are tier seven, wanted you guys to know that]

"We can always give them an army." Allaith offered.

"Well, we'll see what they need when they awaken."

"Gosh, won't it be something when they wake up and find us?" Allaith said, a twinkle in her eye.

Xylia and Lorcan arrived in a village that looked strangely familiar to her. She looked around her--the houses, she knew them all.

And in the distance, she saw a taller building... an inn.

Roof... fixed.

Her inn.

"This is my village," Xylia said, eyes wide. "This is my inn." 

Raylin walked to the front of the white room. The wizards stood as he passed.

“This world how inhabits many of the dark larlei. They plan to take this world over and to turn it into another base for which to spread the darkness.”

“When don’t they?” The arch mage asked.

“Granted,” Raylin said with a smile, “However, this time they have found the way to temporarily suspend magic.”A collective gasp came out of the wizards. “Know this, the Dark is coming and the sun is setting. I am all that remains in defense of this world.”

“This is not true, Raylin. There are other mages on the world than Finn and Seth. There are eight others in the circle.” The arch mage responded.

“You let fear cloud your eyes. Sephiroth came with the Larlei.” Raylin said, his tone grim.

“S-s-sephiroth?” The arch mage gasped. “He… he shouldn’t be able to get out of the vault of shadows! How is he here?”

“I know not, but he is here and there are no other wizards. Finn and Seth had planned to join with them, but once Sephiroth took out Finn and Seth… the others were no match.” Raylin said, turning his face away.


Allaith sat on the chair next to the man on the left. Rilvita took the one on the right. They both began to study the men in the bed, it had been a long time sense they had seen their friends. Both men started to wake; they became livelier as time went on. The two women sat in anticipation.

Will they remember us this time?

I know not, Rilvita… but I don’t want to have to go through another ordeal like the last.

No… but they are worth it, are they not?

They are. But let’s hope we don’t have to teach them they love us again…

(waiting for Vale to post. also: this RPG has been going on for over a year now. wow)

Xylia was naturally hesitant, but she decided to go anyway. "Yes, we should go. I wonder who's running it..." She pulled her hood over her head. "I think I will remain anonymous for now. There are people here that might recognize me." 

She walked towards the familiar front door to her inn, wondering whom she would find inside. "Let's hope they are in here, or at least someone who knows where they are." 

Perigrina looked at Red. “No, we could use your help. This world is falling to darkness, and you need to help us stop it. Wherever Samenta went… She was the Maiden of Darkness for this world. She and the Maiden of light must combine their powers to stop this war. We needed the wizards to help with this, but we know there are none other than ourselves.” She indicated herself and Princess Nightglow.


Sephiroth smiled. This wizard was no match for his powers.

“What do you mean you killed Finn and Seth?” Luxmitis asked, her voice high pitched.

“They fell to Masamune (His sword).” He replied with a wicked grin. “They are no longer here. They have joined the Lifestream. Nothing of them remains.”

“That can’t be true. They can’t be dead.” Tears welled up in the young light earth wizard.

“You know I have no reason to lie. However, you are all that stands in our way to victory. So, shall we dance?”

“I have little say in the matter, but let Cosmos curse you, Sephiroth, you deserve nothing else.”

“Cosmos tried.” He said without a hint of a smile as he took a step forward and swung his sword. It bounced off Luxmitis’s wards, but he swung again. She called the earth to bind him, but it passed through as if he wasn’t there. Finally, after three more swings, Luxmitis’s wards failed, and she fell as Sephiroth stabbed his 6 foot sword through her chest.

“So fails the last defenders of the light.”


Raylin turned to Fenris. “Let me use terms that you will understand, the deities that mortals worship, these are Larlei. There are Light, Dark, and Neutral. The Dark Larlei have begun to take over the worlds to fuel their armies to destroy the light forever. I am part of the Neutral larlei. I am here to stop six of these Dark larlei. These are the top of their ranks. One of them could tear multiple worlds apart. This is how strong one is. Imagine how strong six are combined.” Raylin said in a commanding voice.


The man on the left slowly began to stir. He slowly tried to sit up. He got about halfway up until his strength gave out. When he thumped the bed Allaith woke up. His eyes opened. They were as red as rubies.

“Where… Where am I?” He asked slowly as if even speaking was difficult.

“You are safe, rest. You need it.” Allaith said.

“Wh-Who am I?” He asked. “Do you know me?”

“Rest.” Allaith commanded. He tried to sit up again, but she placed her hand on his chest and put enough pressure that he could not sit up.

“Let me…” He began but he fell to a deep sleep, his body needed time to rebuild.

Allaith looked over and saw that the other man was fighting against Rilvita, who was holding him down.

“Let him up, he will be out soon.” Allaith said. Rilvita removed her hand and the man sat bolt upright, but as soon as he sat up his face contorted and he fell back down upon the pillow.

“They shouldn’t be waking yet.” Rilvita said.

“No, they shouldn’t. We need to get ready to help them. He,” Allaith indicated the man on the left, “Couldn’t remember anything.”

“Neither could he.” Rilvita said, indicating the man on the left.

Finn awoke. He blinked twice, then turned his head to the right.

"Hey. Hey Seth." Finn whispered. "What's going on?"Seth put his head under the pillow and mumbled in his sleep.

"Jussfivemoreminutesmommy." Finn rolled his eyes, and looked around on his bed. Seeing a piece of lint, he chuckled, and put it in his mouth. Once it was completely saturated with saliva, he took a deep breath in through his nose, and- SPLAT! "

Aaaaaragh!" Seth screamed, and leapt out of bed.

"Whodidit?!" Finn fell off his bed laughing.

"Oh. It was you. I'll get you back. Watch out." Finn kept laughing.  Finally he sighed, and sat up. "So, Elfie, what's actually going on here?"

"Dunno." Seth said, wiping spit off his face. "But I don't think we should just sit around here like prisoners." Finn scratched his forehead, then bit his nail before looking over at Seth. A strange light shone in his golden eyes, contrasting the red of Seth's.

"Well, they left us swords, shall we put them to use?"

Seth turned to his right and noticed his dagger sitting on the nightstand, as well as his cloak and a red gem. He took those as Finn grabbed his claymore, cloak, and the yellow gem on the nightstand. With these possessions, and the packs they found on the ground, they walked out of the room.

Three guards were posted outside. The moment Finn and Seth appeared the guards turned.

“You are not allowed out of bed yet.” The captain said.

“What? Are you going to kill us for getting out of bed?” Finn asked with a little menace in his voice.

“How about you get out of our way?” Seth asked once he drew his dagger. The guards returned in kind by drawing their swords.

“Go get Rilvita and Allaith!” The captain commanded to one of the two other guards. “Put that dagger down.” He commanded of Seth.

“Or what?” Finn asked as he hefted his claymore upon his shoulder.

“We don’t want to fight you.” The younger guard said.

“Are you sure? Cause we would very much like it if you got out of our way.” Finn replied. “However, you do not seem inclined to move.”

“Yes, get out of our way.” Seth stated his tone angry.

“We are here to stop you from running amuck on this world. You are to stay in this room until you are fully awake.” The commander responded.

“We are awake.” Finn said. “See?” To emphasize his point Finn swung his sword at the young guard. The guard executed a perfect block only to see his sword shatter as it connected with Finn’s claymore. The instant the hilt hit the ground, Seth was behind the guard with his dagger on the guard’s neck.

“Looks like we are in control now.” Seth’s tone was grim.


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