
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

UPDATE: AlyandCate are gonna sync the popping up to some music. So in addition to the regular montage, there will be a music video of sorts. It's gonna be pretty awesome.

This KBE is closed! Check it out in the videos: https://rhettandlink.ning.com/video/pleasure-pop-montage

It was a ton of fun to make. Thanks Kommunity for making this a great KBE!! :)

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I'll be filming mine and entering mine.. probably right on the 17th.
Sorry I didnt get it in on time Teresa, but I can't wait to see the other entries. If anyone was interested in mine, it was recorded but (after an epic battle between myself and the plastic wrap) it was too long to send even when compressed on Dropbox. So if anyone was interested, here is the site: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/2403234/Locklear%20DVD%20compressed.zip I get 404 when i access it.
Don't worry! We will figure this out before next weekend!!

Claire (Flying Penguin) said:
Sorry I didnt get it in on time Teresa, but I can't wait to see the other entries. If anyone was interested in mine, it was recorded but (after an epic battle between myself and the plastic wrap) it was too long to send even when compressed on Dropbox. So if anyone was interested, here is the site: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/2403234/Locklear%20DVD%20compressed.zip I get 404 when i access it.
Can we still enter in this thing??
im gonna be filming mine very soon im just trying to find time i have just been SLAMMED lately its not an excuse just telling ya'll
Yes, I will still take entries until the 24th at midnight. I will include this in the update on Monday!
Dear Kommunity,

I would like to present to you... the Pleasure Pop Montage. :D

Yooooooooooooou, Mythical Beasts, are awesome!! Much love to all of you, and THANKS!! :)
Teresaaaaaa!! This. Is. Awesome! Fantastic editing job! :)

Teresa U - Twin Phoenix - TnT said:
Yooooooooooooou, Mythical Beasts, are awesome!! Much love to all of you, and THANKS!! :)
Great job on the vid, girl :D Very nice to finally see it put together. ********************************
This is AWESOME Teresa!! Applause to you! :)


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