
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!


Hey guys!

I’m sure most of you have seen us roll playing in the Komm chat. ^^ Well, Zach and I have decided to make one here, in a discussion, for those who are interested in a more long-term RPG story.

Firstly, it might seem like there are a lot of rules, but they are mostly just common sense and will not inhibit your ability to control your character. Also, even though we are “Game Masters” we will not abuse that power, in fact we will even kill our own characters if we feel it is correct. This RPG story is meant to be fun, do not take anything that happens in it personal, no matter what. Have a good time, use your creativity as much as you can, and just enjoy the story as it unfolds.



  1. You can have multiple Characters! They don’t have to be all on the side of good, or all on the side of bad, you can have both, either, or neither.
  2. You may not control another person’s named character.
  3. You may not kill another person’s named character.
  4. All decisions regarding final fates of characters are to be decided by the GMs (game masters).
  5. Try to keep the story central.
  6. GMs are able to ban participants.
  7. One post at a time! If you submit a post in the RPG story, don’t post again directly afterwards, wait for another person to post in between. If you address another person’s character, wait for that person to answer.
  8. All characters must be able to die. No invincible characters. Ever!
  9. Try your best to keep everything is pace.
  10. No destroying the world.

Sub rules

1. The world is an Earth like situation, which means that you cannot fly. Of course, some characters with wings, and magic powers are able to fly, but real-world physics still apply..
2. Mythical Beasts are allowed. Meaning you can have dragons, phoenixes, and other types of creatures that may or may not exist in the real world.
3. This is a time period similar the middle ages, which means, there are no guns.
4. There is magic on this world. (Such as the use of fire, water, earth, lightning, light, and dark magics.) Of course, standard use of magic applies.
5. You are allowed to create a character of a different race, such as the races: orcs, drow, elves, and dwarves, among others. Try to keep your character’s personality similar to the characteristics of its race. For example, since dwarves like to eat, to not make an anorexic dwarf.
6. There are the different kinds of magic users, such as: wizards, sorcerers, druids, warlocks, clerics, necromancers, magicians, etc. If you are going to use a magic user you must stay within the boundaries for that type of magic user. As an example Necromancers cannot heal people, it just doesn’t work.
7. Creatures that are summoned using something such as an artifact will have to return to their plane of existence after a period of time depending on the strength of the creature summoned. But if a creature is summoned through a ritual (such as a demon) they can say on the plane of existence they were summoned on until banished, or summoned elsewhere. 
8. Magic is not infinite, it relies on the strength of the user and it takes a price for its use. The stronger the magic the more the energy it takes to use. If you use magic to start a fire, and then the fire starts the trees on fire, it will take less magic than for you to try to start all the trees on fire on your own. Magic will also take more energy to travel a further distance.
9. Weapons can be enchanted, although those weapons are rare. Weapons that are enchanted must be enchanted as they are made, they cannot be enchanted after they are finished being made.
10. If the game masters have missed any rules, or feel that there needs to be more, they can add rules for the sake of keeping the story fun, entertaining, and fair.


Now that the rules are all out there nice and pretty, I would like to ask something..

Mods, if you would like us to move this discussion to another, external, site, I would very happily do so, if it becomes bothersome in any way. I would however, very much like to ask that you do not delete it. If we could have a warning first, so we have a chance to save the work, I would be very, very thankful.


Okay! So enough boring stuff, it's time to have some fun with this! Just post below with your addition to the story. Be creative, be fair, and especially, have fun!!

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Aayla rode back to the jolly inn and teathered cinnamon to a post. Aayla rubbed cinnamons nose and held on to a necklace her parents had given her when she was just a child. Such beautiful liquids that flowed through it. Aayla's parents had given it to her as a child, It was the only thing she had left of her parents.


They had been killed by blood elves when she was just a child, she had been hiding under the bed holding onto her necklace as she watched the horrific sight.


Aayla shook of the chills and walked back into the jolly inn. She saw Samenta when she walked in but decided she shouldn't continue her *research* on her untill she'd checked in with Xylia. Aayla walked into the supplies closet to find Xylia on the floor rocking back and forth with a look of horror on her face.


"Xylia! Are you ok?" She said as she rushed over to her friend, "What happened? Samenta? You look like you've just witnessed a murder. Seeing Xylia reminded Aayla of herself after she had been traumitized by her parents death. Xylia was there for her then, she never really knew what happened to them, but she was there. Now Aayla needed to be there for Xylia what ever maybe going on with her.

Xylia was numb inside. Instead of directly responding to her friend's concerns, she slowly, carefully, unfolded Moe's letter and began to read. 

"Mr. Gallimond, sir,

With all due respect, I would like to know more before I take Xylia as my responsibility. I am starting an inn, you see, and that should be burden enough for any man."

Xylia choked at the word 'burden'. Was that what she was to him?

"Of course, I do owe you a favor. But all you've told me so far is that she's not human. What is she then? Is she dangerous? She seems like such a sweet child, with her green eyes and black hair, but what dark secrets lie behind that? I expect a prompt reply, but for now, I will care for her.

Best regards, 

Moses Lodger, esq."

Xylia turned to her friend, her voice barely above a whisper. "What am I, Aayla? And why didn't I realize it until now...?" She once again buried her face into her hands.

Aayla's eyes widened, she had no idea what to say to her friend. She felt a lump in her throat form, again she thought of her parents and how she had so many unanswered questions about who she was.


Aayla turned to Xylia "Time will tell, it always does, I know it just may take a while. You'll find answers, I'm just not quite sure how." Aayla sat there waiting for Xylia's response, "maybe you should go home for the night. I'll watch over the bar, in my own way." Aayla gave Xylia a knowing look.


"I guess so." Xylia gave a hollow laugh. "Too much for one day." She wiped her eyes and stood up, packing the note away. "Thanks, but don't get into trouble."

"I'll sure try." Aayla sarcastically said trying to lighten the mood. She went ahead and left Xylia, she didn't want to be to pushy about trying to help her.


Again Aayla found a table in view of Samenta's, she was still fiddling with those jewels as far as she could see.

Aayla watched as Samenta stood up, something was wrong... Very wrong. Aayla saw Samenta dart out the room, Aayla got up and trailed Samenta on Cinnamon. She seemed to be heading towards a shack, she saw Samenta dart out of the shack. She was still approaching the shack when it exploded! Sending her and Cinnamon to the ground. Aayla got up, her arm was badly burned. Cinnamon appeared to be fine, Aayla saw Samenta standing there watching. Oh no the village! Aayla mounted Cinnamon and rushed past Samenta with out a care that she might lose her. All she was concerned about what was happening in the village!


Aayla rode into the burning village and it was chaos! People were running in all directions! She saw a woman around her age who seemed to be in shock as to what was happening. She rode past her and stopped to try to get her to get onto the horse. She pulled her up, "Ouch!" Aayla yelped, she must of hurt her arm in the explosion. Aayla continued on with the currently aloof woman and led others out of the village.


They all sat there as they watched it burn, some where crying, some seemed to be distant from reality. Aayla heard screams from those trapped in the fire. It was like her parents deaths all over again. A tear trickled down her face as she watched.


Aayla needed to get back to the jolly bear, she was badly hurt from the blast.

Aayla saw the girl she had saved standing there. "I have to say something" She thought. Aayla walked over to her and attempted to say something, "Are you ok?" The girl stood there a moment before seemingly coming back to reality. "Yes thank you" The girl gave her a sort of half smile. "Um... did you have any family in there?" As soon as Aayla said that she immediatley regretted it. "No, I don't have any family left living." The girl didn't look too disturbed which worried Aayla.


Suddenly Aayla's eyes widened, there was Red! Carrying a girl out of there? A blood elf? "That is deffinatley not Samenta." Aayla thought, the girl saw the look on Aayla's face and saw some of the white of her face that had been exposed in the explosion. She gave a devious smirk, "My name is Lila (lie-luh)", "Oh I'm Aayla" They shook hands and Aayla noticed that Lila had hurt her leg. "Hey we should get that patched up, I'll take you to the jolly bear. Theres nothing left we can do here." There really wasn't, there way into the village had been blocked by fire that had spread.


Lila nodded still wearing that mysterious smile on her face. They rode off to the jolly bear, to go get Lila patched up and to recover from the horror of the fire.  

Seth heard an explosion. He smiled, wondering what fool lost control of his magic. He couldn’t remember why he felt like he knew what that was like. He then saw fire. He continued to walk until they reached the gate of the manor.

“I’ll take care of this, Finn.” He said as he decided to pick the lock. He walked up to the gate and pulled out a small piece of metal. He worked it into the lock, and felt it click in. He then twisted and smiled as the gate swung open.

“I don’t remember why I know how to do that.” He told Finn. They walked into the courtyard.

“Stay here, Myra, Finn. I need to go talk to the guards.” Seth said as he walked off. He walked up behind the first guard; he tapped him on the shoulder.

“I’ll give you ten gold crowns if you let us into the castle.” He said to the guard. The guard smiled at Seth as Seth lead him to their party.

Xylia tended to the onslaught of limp bodies being carried into her inn. She had been crazy enough to offer all who needed help a room, which went against all she had been taught about managing a business. She walked from room to room, making sure the patients were all right. We need  a doctor in this town. 

She had no time to think, as a strange man she had never seen before walked up to her, staring at her, amazed. "Yes, sir?" Xylia asked. Maybe he needed a room.

"I need to talk to you," he said, "right now. It's about-"

Xylia sighed, "Sir, with all due respect, we're in the middle of chaos here, I have patients to attend, mourning families to comfort, so many things to do! If you could please come back at a more convenient time."

"But you don't understand," he said, desperation lacing his voice, "I need you. Perhaps you've heard of me. I'm Mr. Galli-"

He was trying her patience. "Sir, come back later, please," she said, annoyed, "this is my inn and I have to run it."

"But Xyli-"

"Good day, sir,"  she said, escorting him out the door. Not until later did she ask herself how he knew her name.

That was the least of her worries, she realized, as Red walked into the inn carrying a blood elf she had never seen before. She would rather not deal with her dislike of him, and besides, if he was carrying someone injured, she couldn't possibly refuse them a place to stay.

"Hello," she said, trying to sound kind, "do you need a room for her?"

Aayla walked in helping Lila through the door. "Oh great this place is jam packed with people." Aayla spotted Xylia talking to red and the blood elf she had seen earlier. "Oh great even better."


Aayla led Lila to the supplies closet, she scrounged around for something to wrap her leg with. She finally managed to find something, they were running low on supplies on account of all the injuried people that were being rushed in. "Here we go finally something." "Um I think you got some flour or something on your face?" Lila said with a devious smile. Aayla didn't like how much she was smiling after what had just happened, it made her very uncomfortable.


Aayla instinctively touched her face and made the white blotch bigger. "Oh I'll just go rinse that off real quick and I'll be right back." Aayla told her with a nervous twinge in her voice. "Ok."  

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Hm I wonder why Red makes this little waitress so nervous? He may have a thirst for blood but a Cordoran's only fear should be of a blood elf." Lila smirked with the satisfaction that she knew Aaylay's big secret. Lila continued talking to herself as if she were two different people having an on going conversation.

"All clean now." Aayla said sarcastically but with an edge to her voice. "Yes all clean now...." Lila repeated holding the devious smile on her face.

Lila was having fun toying with Aayla and didn't want it to end. "So do you have any family?" Of course Lila already knew the answer to that. "Actually no they died when I was a kid." Aayla said apparently not wanting to let out anymore information. "Ah I see." Lila replied in a knowing manner , "Well I'll go see if I can find you something to make you comfortable for the night. Aayla walked out and Lila could see she was very glad to get away from her.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aayla walked out and saw what a wreck Xylia was, she was talking to Red and a badly burned blood elf and she looked nervous. She kept her distance and walked around them and picked a spot on the wall to lean up against where Xylia could see her. Aayla made eyes at Xylia to let her know to stay calm. Xylia and Aayla had been friends since they were little kids and they knew each other well. Aayla kept her hand on her dagger ready in case Red tried anything. From what Aayla could see he was thouroghly annoyed with this blood elf. Aayla unconsciously smiled to herslef at the thought of that.

Aayla saw Loraden run in with Samenta, "Aw great now she's here too" Aayla realized she had left Lila alone for a long time and decided she should go check on her.


When she got to the supply closet Lila was gone! She was no where to be seen,  "oh well at least I can get back to focusing on the task at hand" Aayla thought, mostly relieved Lila was gone. Aayla walked back out and sat at a table in site of Xylia and Red. She had no idea where Samenta and Loraden went.


Aayla realized sitting there she hadn't felt even the slightest bit of fear through out this whole incident since after she had woken up as Aayla the Cordoran. That worried her a lot....


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