
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!


Hey guys!

I’m sure most of you have seen us roll playing in the Komm chat. ^^ Well, Zach and I have decided to make one here, in a discussion, for those who are interested in a more long-term RPG story.

Firstly, it might seem like there are a lot of rules, but they are mostly just common sense and will not inhibit your ability to control your character. Also, even though we are “Game Masters” we will not abuse that power, in fact we will even kill our own characters if we feel it is correct. This RPG story is meant to be fun, do not take anything that happens in it personal, no matter what. Have a good time, use your creativity as much as you can, and just enjoy the story as it unfolds.



  1. You can have multiple Characters! They don’t have to be all on the side of good, or all on the side of bad, you can have both, either, or neither.
  2. You may not control another person’s named character.
  3. You may not kill another person’s named character.
  4. All decisions regarding final fates of characters are to be decided by the GMs (game masters).
  5. Try to keep the story central.
  6. GMs are able to ban participants.
  7. One post at a time! If you submit a post in the RPG story, don’t post again directly afterwards, wait for another person to post in between. If you address another person’s character, wait for that person to answer.
  8. All characters must be able to die. No invincible characters. Ever!
  9. Try your best to keep everything is pace.
  10. No destroying the world.

Sub rules

1. The world is an Earth like situation, which means that you cannot fly. Of course, some characters with wings, and magic powers are able to fly, but real-world physics still apply..
2. Mythical Beasts are allowed. Meaning you can have dragons, phoenixes, and other types of creatures that may or may not exist in the real world.
3. This is a time period similar the middle ages, which means, there are no guns.
4. There is magic on this world. (Such as the use of fire, water, earth, lightning, light, and dark magics.) Of course, standard use of magic applies.
5. You are allowed to create a character of a different race, such as the races: orcs, drow, elves, and dwarves, among others. Try to keep your character’s personality similar to the characteristics of its race. For example, since dwarves like to eat, to not make an anorexic dwarf.
6. There are the different kinds of magic users, such as: wizards, sorcerers, druids, warlocks, clerics, necromancers, magicians, etc. If you are going to use a magic user you must stay within the boundaries for that type of magic user. As an example Necromancers cannot heal people, it just doesn’t work.
7. Creatures that are summoned using something such as an artifact will have to return to their plane of existence after a period of time depending on the strength of the creature summoned. But if a creature is summoned through a ritual (such as a demon) they can say on the plane of existence they were summoned on until banished, or summoned elsewhere. 
8. Magic is not infinite, it relies on the strength of the user and it takes a price for its use. The stronger the magic the more the energy it takes to use. If you use magic to start a fire, and then the fire starts the trees on fire, it will take less magic than for you to try to start all the trees on fire on your own. Magic will also take more energy to travel a further distance.
9. Weapons can be enchanted, although those weapons are rare. Weapons that are enchanted must be enchanted as they are made, they cannot be enchanted after they are finished being made.
10. If the game masters have missed any rules, or feel that there needs to be more, they can add rules for the sake of keeping the story fun, entertaining, and fair.


Now that the rules are all out there nice and pretty, I would like to ask something..

Mods, if you would like us to move this discussion to another, external, site, I would very happily do so, if it becomes bothersome in any way. I would however, very much like to ask that you do not delete it. If we could have a warning first, so we have a chance to save the work, I would be very, very thankful.


Okay! So enough boring stuff, it's time to have some fun with this! Just post below with your addition to the story. Be creative, be fair, and especially, have fun!!

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Xylia caught her friend's look. She would stay away, for now. She wondered if Samenta would try and talk to her if she didn't stop standing in such a public place like an idiot. But there was nothing she could do at the moment.

Aayla watched as Samenta took out the purple jewel. Unaware Samenta was that the odd waitress with greenish brown eyes and brown hair who had been unable to speak everytime she approached was now a black haired blue eyed, tan (dirt) colored girl watching her every move with a drunken customer.


Aayla glared at the purple jewel, it made her feel strong. She craved to know why, Aayla also knew that little jewel could very well lead to her destruction. Aayla kept a close eye on Samenta and intended to find out what was happening to her.

Aayla watched as Samenta analyzed the rings. They were very similar and almost seemed, connected.


Suddenly the drunken man stood up, "Who are yee!" Everyone's attention was turned to them two, "Come on buddy your a little bit drunk sit back down hm" Aayla said in a hushed tone hoping to coax the man into settling down. "Don't you try and tell me what to do!" He swung his beer at her! Aayla ducked and came back up and hooked him in the face. That's all it took to knock the drunken fool unconscious. Aayla gave one of the waitressess a look saying for her to help her and the man out of there.


During the tussel some of the beer was flung onto Aayla and some dirt came up exposing streaks of her currently white skin. Unaware of this fact Aayla and the waitress lugged the man out of there.


Aayla oddly liked the adreniline she got from all this. And she knew that was not a good thing.

Bar fight! Xylia was fuming! What was going on with the town? Aayla was just protecting herself. But wait... her skin! It was becoming pale again. The beer! Xylia ran towards Aayla and the waitress, hoping she wouldn't be too late.

Aayla saw Xylia coming towards her and gave her a look off *back off* Aayla knew she seemed harsh but it was only to protect sweet innocent Xylia...
Aayla didn't notice the fight that took place just a few tables away from her, the table she had so intently been staring at. Aayla also didn't wait to see what Xylia's response was and just decided that she needed to get this drunken fool out of here and move out of the spot light.

Xylia was not going to let her friend hold her back, not this time. She had sworn to herself that she would protect Aayla, and she was sure she was up to the task. 

She kept walking towards her, ignoring the shocked gasps of some of the customers. She would deal with whatever they were witnessing later.

"Aayla!" she said loudly, before leaning in and saying quietly, "some of the dirt rubbed off your face. We have to do better than dirt. I might have something in the supply closet..."

Aayla replied to Xylia sharply "Later, my only concern now is moving out of the way of the spot light and dumping this dead, drunken, fool somewhere."

Xylia's eyes narrowed, "Listen, when you stop being ridiculous and realize you need to hide yourself better, meet me in the supply closet. I'll be making something for your skin." Xylia walked off, leaving Aayla to her concerns. 


Xylia walked into the supply closet, a wide room more than a closet, and went to the back, where Moe kept his emergency items. He had never let her near them. But Moe is drunk somewhere right now. He's no help. She dug through the drawer, and, to her shock, found a small book labeled "XYLIA." Her eyes widened at the sentence that greeted her as she opened the book. 


She fell to the ground, certain she was going insane. She buried her face in her hands, willing herself to forget everything.

As Xylia walked off Aayla continued outside with the waitress. When they got outside Aayla motioned for the waitress to head back inside.


Wait Xylia was inside with Samenta, "Who cares she has the dagger, I have other things to worry about like this dead body to dispose of."


Aayla strapped the body to her horse and headed out to the bottomless pit. A lake that's been around since Aayla and Xylia were small children, a lake that seemed to have, you guessed it, no bottom.

Aayla approached the bottomless pit (such an original name :P) and started to untie the body from her horse Cinnamon. She was very close to a place called demon grove, it was pretty much just around the corner. Aayla spotted another blood elf with jet black hair and amber eyes. (Aayla had incredible vision being one of the race of Cordoran *Core-der-on*) blood elfs can easily be recognized by their amber eyes and seemingly innocent yet sinister faces. This one was of no concern or worry to Aayla for she was not nearly as much of a threat as that mysterious blood elf with the blood ring and so craved purple jewel.


Aayla dumped the body in the lake and mounted her horse, "Alright boy we've got to get back to the jolly bear. Don't want to lose our mysterious foe and asset." Aayla also wasn't so thrilled about the thought of Xylia being in the same room as Samenta.

Xylia sat on the floor, rocking back and forth, singing softly to herself the way Moe used to sing to her. She replayed that horrible sentence in her head, She's not human, she's not human, she's not human... Moe knew all along, but he didn't know everything. What was there to know? What was the truth? Not human... not human... not human...

It was too much to bear. Her voice shook as she continued singing softly.


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