
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Everyone, In order to be in the running for winning the Video Entry Prize what you need to do is attach your video entry to this discussion.

Here's what you need to do...
1. Attach your video entry into the discussion.

2. The tags for your entry have to have "CBE" and "80s." It can have more, but those two tags need to be there

If there's any problems please leave a comment, and if it is a dumb question i will flog you with the cat-of-9-tails in the public square. No I'm kidding. There is no dumb question. Sometimes uploading and tagging stuff can get confusing. So don't be afraid to ask. That's what I get paid for :)

Video Entries
Nigel (ognog): http://tinyurl.com/m9yyem
Ben Burton: http://tinyurl.com/m2velb
Michael Joseph: http://tinyurl.com/n48udn
Matt Dufilho: http://tinyurl.com/lp27n7
Anna Pitts: http://tinyurl.com/nxg43v
Amanda Jarvis: http://tinyurl.com/l67esy
Pat Case: http://tinyurl.com/nsldss
Matthew Cotterhill: http://tinyurl.com/lmppqm
thisisjojo: http://tinyurl.com/msvodn
Jesse Gilbert: http://tinyurl.com/n7zn6w
Brandon Holmes: http://tinyurl.com/lucwjr
Natalie Visage:http://tinyurl.com/nehuwp
Bailey Shelhorse: http://tinyurl.com/m38273
Jason Hacker: http://tinyurl.com/mqzpjv
Mike Beck: http://tinyurl.com/mp6wpd
Samtastic: http://tinyurl.com/m78apl
Donrico: http://tinyurl.com/l647l2
Christopher Carter: http://tinyurl.com/qah653
ZadokTheCat: http://tinyurl.com/lldt87
thisisjojo: http://tinyurl.com/kkj7xh
JoeWoody: http://tinyurl.com/na66p5
Jordan Huenink http://tinyurl.com/mfpx76
Bekahhh Williams: http://tinyurl.com/naurop
JeremytheCamel: http://tinyurl.com/m8f26m
Suzy: http://tinyurl.com/lsbvbl
Elise: http://tinyurl.com/nssmvn
Lissa: http://tinyurl.com/kqvoac

Views: 404

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Replies to This Discussion

Steven Jarecki said:
dude, i'll be surprised if u dont win

Nigel (ognog) said:

Yeah...I literally had that song stuck in my head at work the other day. O_o
Hopefully I did this correctly... I decided to sing my favorite 80s song, The Longest Time. It was 7 Background Vocals, 4 Snap Tracks and 1 Lead Track with accompanying video. All tracks were recorded right here in my room by me. Hope yall like it!

Find more videos like this on RhettandLinKommunity
Smokin' ukulele Eye of the Tiger track!!! :o)

samtastic said:
Here is the submission from Helvetica Ukulele Explosion (also known as h.u.e.)!

Hope you enjoy it!

-Sam Love, Helvetica Ukulele Explosion

MIKE NICE! One of my favorite songs as well...I thoroughly enjoyed it. An ensemble I was in during high school sang this song and it was great. You did a great job with all the harmonies and the dynamics going on during the song I LOVED IT. Great job good sir.

Mike Beck said:
Hopefully I did this correctly... I decided to sing my favorite 80s song, The Longest Time. It was 7 Background Vocals, 4 Snap Tracks and 1 Lead Track with accompanying video. All tracks were recorded right here in my room by me. Hope yall like it!

Find more videos like this on RhettandLinKommunity
Hi JoJo!

In the video entries list, you attributed our ukulele video (Eye of the Tiger) to MissElectricCompany. While I'm sure she is fabulous, we just wanted to set the record straight! Thanks!

Sam Love of Helvetica Ukulele Explosion
I got started in solar power in the 80s. I use solar and wind to charge my electric wheels.
I don't think my video uploaded with my comment. I will try again. 80s and CBE.
I'd love to say I can wail on a ukulele, buuuut, I can't. That is NOT my video posted above! Please give credit to the proper Kommunity member please!
Thanks Sam, but I am not anywhere near fabulous on a ukulele! But I am practicing on an acoustic guitar. Still not fabulous though! I just saw this error today, and also posted a reply. Hopefully JoJo gives you proper credit soon!

samtastic said:
Hi JoJo!

In the video entries list, you attributed our ukulele video (Eye of the Tiger) to MissElectricCompany. While I'm sure she is fabulous, we just wanted to set the record straight! Thanks!

Sam Love of Helvetica Ukulele Explosion
Wow, my bad. Consider it changed. Sorry it took so long. For some reason my internet has been out for the past few days. Thanks for your video! It was great. And MissElectricCompany, you are still fabulous! :)

samtastic said:
Hi JoJo!
In the video entries list, you attributed our ukulele video (Eye of the Tiger) to MissElectricCompany. While I'm sure she is fabulous, we just wanted to set the record straight! Thanks! Sam Love of Helvetica Ukulele Explosion

Pat Case said:

I had so much fun making this video! HAHA I always thought being Rick Roll'd was hilarious and since that is 80's I put a new twist on it :) Thanks so much for your time and support!


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