
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Last year on the 8th of December, RL posted this on Twitter saying that they were going to be in the January edition of the German Glamour Magazine. They also mentioned being in it in this GMM episode. I know that it's now February but has anyone actually gotten the magazine and if so, can anyone translate it? I couldn't find it anywhere. Below is the picture that was featured in the magazine. BYMB!

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I found it!

But it's not much though, just a few questions. The main article is about several Youtubers.


"Good Mythical Morning" in one sentence? 2 guys, who sit behind a desk, talk about stuff and do occasionally funny/rediculous Food- and more or less scientific experiments.

When did you first met each other?

At the first day of school, at the primary school of Buies Creek, North Carolina.

Before Youtube, what did you guys do?

Rhett was a civil engineer for drainage systems and I developed as an engineer conveyor belt structures.

What are you guys today?

Internetainers with 15 Employees.

Why did you start with Youtube?

Someone posted in 2006 our parody of MTVs "Pimp My Ride" on Youtube. It had more clicks on the first day, than the video had on our Website in 6 Months.

What's the best thing on your video channel?

The quick feedback is like live publicum.

Hope I could help :-)

Thank you this is great!

Uh, ok. please tell me that 'Publicum' means something other that what I'm imagining it to mean. 

Yep, I meant audience.
Thanks for the translation! :) The new GMMore today was hilarious!

Thanks for posting that! :)

Wow, thank you so much! I saw the GMMore and immediately went and searched "German Glamour Magazine Rhett and Link" online, LOL! 

Okay, so this likely does not translate literally.  Meaning?

I translated "die munter-macher" into "the pick-up" so yeah, I think it doesn't translate literally

Ah sorry, I forgot to translate the headline.

"Die Munter-Macher" means "The happy- maker", like for example a cup of coffee revives your spirit in the morning. It's a german slang.

ahhhhh - - like the U.S. slang phrase "pick-me-up"

pick-me-up [ˈpik mē ˌəp]
  1. informal
    a thing that makes one feel more energetic or cheerful:


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