
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

If either of them left, or perhaps even died, its safe to say the other would lose everything for a while, sure because he's his friend, but mostly because his job IS to be his friend. Its even in the name. "Rhett AND link" so what do you think would happen? Would we lose it all? Would rhett or link continue solo? Speak your mind in the comments below!

-- this post is not meant to be disrespectful or harsh in any way, we love rhett and link for who they are, and would be devastated if they ever left us --

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Can you please not speculate on whose potential death would be more newsworthy than whose? It's disrespectful and insensitive.  Thanks.

Oh gosh. I'm so sorry. I'll edit it


Sorry for the inconvenience, i'll try my best to fix this. Although it wasn't exactly about that particularly, i was only trying to understand what may happen if a major role in the show is no longer with us. Again, i apologize if any of this upset you. I'll edit it immediatly.

My specific comment was in reference to another comment, which has been removed.  Not your original post.

Ah, i see, but your welcome anyway, and thank you, if this post were to upset anyone, i should of added that part in the first place.

This is a heart-wrenching thought that I unfortunately have on my mind quite a lot. 

I have no idea what the "circumstances would dictate" if one of them left. I just can't see that happening. But if this did happen, they may go solo but I doubt it.

If one of them died, that would be absolutely devastating. I probably wouldn't be able to get out of the house so I can't imagine what it would be like for the victim's friend. If one of them died while they were on YouTube (not videoing their death hopefully), it would absolutely destroy us. It would be highly unlikely that either of them would continue on YouTube unless it was for a departure video or to further a cause i.e. if one of them died from some disease and the other wanted to be like Lou Gehrig's wife and help prevent things like this from happening (kind of going on a crusade).

But this is a horrible thought so I don't think it should be discussed a lot. We should just focus on what we have now.

(This has been edited)

Also i think its important that they promised eachother in one episode that they would continue without eachother for at least a week, so they don't just give up and instead, prove their promise that they can be strong for eachother, even if only for a little while.


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