
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Hey so I can't stop talking about Rhett and Link ALL THE TIME!!! lol  I come across this issue a lot though. What are the best videos from both their main channel and GMM to recommend to my friends to start with in order to really introduce them to Rhett and Link?

I have this issue all the time because I can't figure out what are the best videos. I was thinking of making a short playlist to send to my friends when I tell them about Rhett and Link but the list ends up getting huge because I love SOOOO much of Rhett and Link.

So what videos should be in a small playlist to introduce my friends to Rhett and Link?

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I have this issue as well (even though I'm actually pretty private about my fandom and I only ask (make) a few of my friends to watch videos. Of course, at the end of Photoshop Song, Rhett & Link advised those new to their videos to watch this playlist and if those new didn't like those videos, R&L said that they should just move on but I don't think that that playlist and advice would be good for all situations and it also doesn't do anything for GMM

It really depends on the person and situation. If you're trying to get someone hooked on RL, then you should probably show them the playlist UNLESS if their humour's not really geared that way. If that's the case, try and find a video more suited to their humour i.e. if a person hates potty or food humour, don't let them watch a lot of RL content or if a person is really into space stuff, let them watch the videos they made for Brink. If you just want to show someone what you love and not necessarily trying to get them hooked then just choose your favourite videos (but that may be tough)

For GMM, the same thing goes. If someone doesn't like watching people eat food but likes more intelligent conversation, don't let them watch a Will It and let them watch something like The 26 Year Road Trip or 7 Bizarre Theories People Actually Believe (refrain from game show episodes if this is the case) but if they like watching people eat food and whatnot, you've got yourself a semi-Mythical Beast ready to take action.

Personally, I would do this (for both channels) -

I would chose 3 videos - 1. I'd pick a video from the top 5 most viewed that I liked the most or the most viewed video, 2. I'd choose my favourite video or one of my favourite videos that aren't as popular (unless if you really want to choose your absolute favourite) and 3. I'd choose a video that I'd think they'd like best

If you want a bunch of videos that aren't necessarily apropos to anyone, I'd chose these videos for the main channel (there's a lot. Sorry)-

  • Sleep Tight
  • 2 Guys 600 Pillows
  • My OCD
  • T-Shirt War
  • FaceBook Song
  • Perfect Bathroom Trip
  • The Job Reference
  • Taylor Swift Caption Fail
  • Karaoke Stunt - Singing All Night Long
  • Squirrel Rights Song
  • Breaking Bad Middle School Musical
  • Rub Some Bacon On It
  • Famous Last Words
  • Red House Furniture Commercial
  • Shift It Commercial
  • True Blue Tattoo Commercial

For GMM, I'd choose these videos -

  • 8 Weird Ways to Open a Bottle
  • How to Make Someone Sound Like an Idiot
  • NeverWet Our Pants
  • Will It Donut?
  • Backwards Talking Challenge
  • 6 Weird Ways to Make Yourself Cry
  • 12 Worst Inventions of All Time
  • The Safest Way to Walk
  • 15 Prison Slang Words You Must Know
  • My Jacket Got a Waiter Fired
  • Precious Moments of GMM Season 2
  • Best of GMM Season 1
  • Best Movie Theme Songs Ever

For GMM, I recommend you don't let them watch story episodes right away (unless if they're entertaining or they like stories), don't let them watch any mail episodes right awat and odds are they're probably going to like newer episodes. For GMMore and GMCL, you're on your own because I have no idea. You'll probably have to let them discover that for themselves on that front.

This is really long. Sorry


My picks would be:

Main Channel: My first thought are the T-shirt War videos. It's such a cool concept & thing they did, creatively. And it's popular, you can't not like it :) Any of their visually stimulating videos like 2 Guys 600 Pillows & Sleep Tight, and fun music videos like Vacation, OCD, Christmas Sweatz. They're funny and clever. Sketches: Probably the Sketchtober videos, I personally like the Rusty & Larnold characters, since I'm from the South, they're extra funny to me. Chunk, Brax & Miri. 

GMM: SO MANY! Smell Taste Experiment, Will it Taco, Will it Pie (outdoors), Ghost Pepper THEN Carolina Reaper (this has to be required!), Extreme Ice Bath Challenge. Others: Fast Checkout Line Tricks (many from this past season are great actually, if you can't decide), Unusual Ways to Kill Boredom, How to Dance to Attract Girls (so funny!!!), Do You Have ESP, Face Morphing Experiment.

You could probably just also pick episodes that might cater to your friends' interests, depending on what you know about them, like if they strongly love music, recommend the more music-themed ones, cooking, art, etc. Example, the first episode I remember watching was the one featuring Daniel Radcliffe because, at the time, I was reading into what he had been doing since Harry Potter and found him on GMM! (Fun fact: It's also one of the rare episodes where they didn't shoot on their own set!) Ever since, I was hooked & had to watch more! Hope this helps! :D

I also just found this video "We drop it like it's hot." where Rhett & Link promote their own CD, "Up To This Point," if you think your friends might want a glimpse of what kind of music they did when they started. :) 

the issue is that it isn't updated and kinda oldish when it comes to their huge variety of works.

So you only want to show them more recent stuff? That's okay if you do, we were just making suggestions. 

not necessarily. but i do think some stuff that came out afterwards should also be spotlighted.  

for example 2 guys 600 pillows aka my favorite pillow is awesome! but not on that album

I agree. That's why I added the Vacation song, OCD & Christmas Sweatz to add to the variety since those are relatively more current and show different types of videos they can make. 

but how many videos are too many for a list for simply introducing them to R&L. 

Think of it like you're making a mix tape or a music CD for a friend. How many songs do you think they'd want to hear? Example: My best friend of 14+ years made a mixed CD of stuff she liked that she thought I'd like and gave it to me for a birthday once. It was awesome 'cause I never heard of anything from it and loved the majority of it and often go back to it! I think it had about 12 songs or so, each lasting about 2-4 minutes long. So, how many videos do you think your friends would want to watch? or think of how much time do you think they would like to give to watch the videos. 30 mins? 10 mins? See how many videos you can fit into a certain amount of time to start off with and then probably narrow down your choices into that. That's my advice. Good luck. 

Thats such great advice :)


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