
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I found Rhett and Link when randomly going through the Suggestions part of YouTube (Like you do.) and I stumbled across the 200 pillows video. Loved it and still love it. 

P.S. I thought Link's glasses were cool and that Rhett's beard was mesmerizing.

2014 (newer beast, but very much happy that I have found them!)

I was checking my E-mail when a friend of mine sent me a link with the caption, "I saw this and  thought of you", so I decided okay, and I clicked it.

I was gifted with the pleasure of watching the "My OCD" music video, tears of joy in my eyes, or perhaps it was the laughter that had gripped me, yes...I think it was both of those.

I watched it at least six more times after that and then, I made it my mission to binge watch each and every Music Video, GMM & GMMore after that.

These gentlemen had made me smile and blew me away with just how creative they were, the Spot the Difference video amazed and awed me!

I'm a sucker for the artistic stuff, and that was beautifully artistic!

Now, I have addicted my family, and many of my friends to the beauty that is GMM, it has become a very important part of my day and I am so happy that I was linked to that first video!

If I remember correctly I found them a couple of years ago by surfing the youtube's and found their video on strange tattoo's and I've been hooked on their stuff ever since...and I'm glad I did find them cause they can keep me laughing at some of the things that they talk about. :)

Found them through Stampy

I found Rhett and Link while watching Epic Rap Battles of History.

It's kinda funny how I found these two. I had been into lucid dreaming on and off ever since my sophomore year of high school and for a while, the interest just died down. The concept was fascinating but I couldn't ever achieve it, so I gave it up. Just this January the interest sparked again and I was searching for videos on YouTube on finding ways to induce a lucid dream, and I found a video of Rhett and Link talking about lucid dreaming. I added the video to my playlist to watch later and went back to it a few days later after I'd gotten sick. I watched that video, subscribed to their channel, and the next day I found myself having a Good Mythical Morning marathon. :D

My friend saw them on "Kids React" and showed them to me during the summer of 2014. At first I was a little skeptical (mainly over whether they wrote their own music/content), but that quickly fell away as I began watching their videos. Now I've seen every single episode of GMCL and GMM at least twice, every episode of The Mythical Show at least four times, a large majority of their main channel videos, and I've sat through the 11 hour version of "All Night Long" about five times, and I'm working on my sixth watch right now, as a matter of fact!

I found these good, too pure, cinnamon rolls around late season 8. which is sad to me because ive been enjoying youtube since I was 9. *flashes back to mr,safety* yet never discovered Rhett & Link til recently.

I youtube-searched something strange, a question of some sort on a whim, (I forgot what, id really have to dig my brain for it because it is outlandish) and the name "Good Mythical Morning" caught my eye in the results. It seemed familiar (the name for some reason) but it was uncharted youtube territory for me but I gave em a shot and tested the mythical waters.

all the admiration/joy/appreciation I have for these two and their work goes uphill from that point on and on and on as I  must watch everything they made because they are precious gems and I dun' wanna miss a trick. (or a drop of a mythical mug *cough*ahem) y'know?

I don't think ill ever or ever want to stop watching. period.

My sisters usd to watch it and then I got hooked!

about 2 or 3 months ago one of their videos came up on my you tube suggestions. i think i had seen a few things before, i remember hearing the tune to Thoughtful Guy on Smule magic piano a while before that and my little brother often made references to GMM that i didn't understand at the time---he would say things like "Rub some bacon on it!" or "Let's talk about that!" he would answer his phone by saying "Good Mythical Morning!" but i just thought he was being weird. so, anyway the first video i watched was  "Will it Pie" and it was so funny so i just kept watching them. after about two days my husband watched a few videos with me, and he set youtube on TV to auto play their videos. we started binged watching and we still watch them almost every night before bed and still haven't run out of episodes...(although we have seen most of them by now) when one of their music videos came up (My OCD) the kids (we have 7 kids) asked us to look for more music videos, so we came across Hair Song and Rub Some Bacon on it (that's when i finally got what my brother had been saying for years! he laughed pretty hard when i called him about it.) the kids also called the Bacon Holtline. my 1 year old loves the music videos so much that we play them several times a day now or he screams "LINK!!" and cries untill we turn it on. we also downloaded some of the songs and put it on CD to play in the car.  My kids wanted to do their own versions of Hair Song, Rub some Bacon on it and Are You Gonna Eat That? so we did "covers" on you tube. now  GMM is part of our daily routine (although due to homescholing we usually don't watch it in the morning)

My daughter introduced me to GMM a couple of years ago and we watch together over breakfast before she goes to school.  My first R&L exposure was the Breaking Bad: The Middle School Musical.

I think our all time favorite GMM is The Safest Way to Walk.  That anti-mugger walk is a valuable skill we use often!  Both for safety and to embarrass whoever we're with.     

AS IF i can remember that, been years man.


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