
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

After putting a couple clues together that I have gathered today, I have a feeling that the Mythical Krew may possibly be working on a new segment. Maybe a funny little something for Saturday, or sometime next week. It seems to be like they are reading things about themselves while sitting on a stool on the dimly lit set. We shall see?  I am getting these clues from Jen's most recent Instagram photo and Candace's SnapChat from today showing Mike reading what sounds like something about him getting fired.

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Yeah, here are gifs by Graveyard-Whistler showing Candace's snapchat story: http://graveyard-whistler.tumblr.com/post/139569548165/candassbeyon...

It sounds exactly like a "Mean Tweets" setup, so that's also what I guessed!

well it wasn't there.  My guess is it'll be in GMM?

Change that- MY HOPE

I have asked Gumbo123 for help to move a video link to this discussion from the official Facebook page. They released the video about 30 minutes ago and it is comical. The comments are mean, but it is nice to see them take them with a grain of salt and make fun.

"If you don't laugh, you'd cry," as Moose says. xP I did find the video very funny, though!

Cannot link video uploads straight on Facebook to any other site as far as I know. 

They can be shared on other Facebook pages, but I don't know of any way to embed the video here.

That is what I was thinking, but if there were someway to do it, I thought for sure you would be the one to ask. Thanks Gumbo. ;)

You can just grab the URL of the video and post it, for lack of embed options.

My son and I put a little fun thing together just with screenshots and music to document it here to avoid any trouble.


That's awesome (and a bit depressing)!

Cool cool


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