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Quick poll - should Rhett and Link keep on playing video games/doing "Let's Play"s? BYMB!

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Not in any main fashion, maybe in Good Mythical More.

It was very funny to watch them fumble up the game! I'll watch them no matter what they do :)

To those that do not like Let's Plays - You won't be pleased today/tomorrow/whatever time it is where you are

Nah, this was a good one. As long as the game is funny and weird, it keeps my interest. 

That Octodad one was my favourite

I'd like to see an ongoing series of Octodad, personally. :P

Okay, I'll admit...I actually liked watching them play Octodad. As long as GMMores don't turn into "all let's plays all the time," I won't complain.

Oh man...if anything could've sold me on Rhett and Link doing Let's Play videos, it was them playing Octodad! The combined commentary and general flailing had me cracking up!

Me too! That game so silly & the way they played it was HILARIOUS! 

I would love it if they made an Octodad Let's Play sequel. I was intrigued to find out what was going to happen at the "Grocery Store"

I think it could be a strategic move to gain more subscribers for GMMore, seeing that the results of the survey imply that many of their viewers enjoy and want to see lets plays. They should choose the games they enjoy and where they can loosen up. Their lets play of Octodad kind of shows how much enjoyable it is to watch them play games they lose themselves into. They should do it maybe once or twice a month because I enjoy their discussions a lot. 

NO! I don't want to see let's play videos! If I wanted to watch a let's play I'd just watch Pewdiepie! If GMM just copies someone who's popular then they'll lose everything that's unique that we love about them!


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