
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

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I cringed quite a bit at their pronunciation "Dachshund." You'd have thought somebody on the crew would have known how to pronounce it and given R&L a heads up before filming the episode. There's a few different ways to pronounce it, but most often in the States it is something like "Docks-und." I actually did a double take when they started calling it a "Dotson," because the only time I've heard that word was in relation to Datsun cars. I did a brief search and from what I can tell, Dotson isn't an official name for dachshunds. I'm guessing it's a regional nickname ( like wiener dog, ect), so I'll give Rhett a pass on that, but not Link for calling it any of the variations with "dash" in it... ;-)

Haha yeah I was thinking similar.


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