
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

too funny i was just talking to someone about this the other day and i honestly cant tell you how i found the guys but i thank the lord i did because now look where it had taken me...i have been part of the community since the first show the guys ever did...and Rhett and Link have brought my fiance and I together as well :)

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I found out about them from my step brother and neighbor, it actually took me about a month to actually watch them because from what they told me they sounded really weird but one day I was bored so I decided to watch them and next thing I know I'm watching them multiple tins a day

My 10 year old daughter was watching these weird guys on YouTube and got me hooked!

I saw their video about why couples look like siblings and I was like, "these guys are funny. I like these guys" and I have not turned back since!

i cannot remember it was a long time ago all i know is that rhett and link are absolutley hilarious!

Unfortunately I came here very late. I came by the show through a friend of mine.

i found them november 1 2010 when i was looking up something funny to watch on youtube and they were one of the choices.i watched their video and the rest is history.

One of my friends were obsessed with Rhett and Link, and she showed like every video they had made. It was not that many videos as it is now, so it did'nt take that long time. So after that I have just been watching there videos, tho I have taken some breaks, watching something else like scary videos. Actually my friend who introdused me to these amasing guys, is not watching there videos so much, kinda like a role reversal. :D

The siracha challenge was iny the suggested videos so I clicked on it and fell in love and became a mythical beast

I found them first when they did Doctor Who in 5 minutes. I forgot about it, then my friends started telling me how fuuny it was, and I got hooked! Thanks R&L!

I found my inner mythical beast (I'm a vampire guardian half-blood) and want to give a shoutout to Rhett and Link, I now say Good Mythical Morning everyday!

i was looking around randomly on youtube when i just found a video that looked and sounded interesting. i wathced it liked it and now just spend hours watching them

I saw their video on how to spot a lire  or maybe it was how to cry. I then started at the beginning and then followed them on G+. I watch them everyday but not in the morning. I'm sorry but according to RL, anytime is a mythical morning. I love them and me and my friends fangirl about Link all the time. He's AWESOME!!!



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