
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!


There was a version of Guitar Hero, where you jammed out to Rhett and Link Music.

What if....

The was a version of Just Dance that made all Rhett and Link songs danceable?

Lets Do this Mythical Beasts! We can make Guitar Hero and Just Dance, Truly mythical, by giving them there own Rhett and Link twist! This may seem totally mythical (Which it is) But with some work and help from the community, We can get these games on shelves by 2016! WHO"S WITH ME!?

People I will Need:



3D Animator,


The ability to contact Ubisoft and Activision, (This will be done after we have a finished product)

and, an idea manager!

If you have talent/experience in ANY of the listed things above please send me a message! I would love to make this a reality!

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Some Stuff I Started Working On!



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