Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!
I started binge watching you gmm during the summer and when the school year started i got my bowl of cereal and turned on gmm in the morning every single morning. Rhett and Link are the best. you make every morning great. now on the weekends i cant wait for monday to see your new episode. :)
From my boss at work.
I stumbled upon the episode, “25 Worst Halloween Costumes Ever!” and was intrigued by them so I kept clicking on more and more episodes including, "Facon Bacon Taste Test" and, "Weird Ways to Stay Warm" - they just kept cracking me up! So I googled them and decided to start watching them from inception - "Good Morning Chia Lincoln" and every time they promoted a video, I'd watch that too so as to experience them in chronological order. I also started watching current episodes of GMM and Good Mythical More regularly every day after I dropped off my daughter at Kindergarten and that remains my routine over a month later so, I'm hooked. And now that I've posted this, I think I'm officially a Mythical Beast! lol! Love you Rhett and Link! You guys are awesome! xoxo
I was introduced to Rhett & Link about a year ago by my best pal. He is an avid fan, as am I now. I just could not put off becoming a mythical beast any longer
Wright Brothers was my first experience with Rhett & Link. Need I say more?
i fund them a few years ago can't remember the exact dat when browing to you and when i saw their videos i was like well this seems interesting and i subscribed to see more.I don't regret it even once
I found them randomly on youtube, about two weeks ago. Now i've started watching GMM and GMMore every morning. Their videos are awesome, and so are they in general. I couldn't be happier!
I was just derping around on Youtube one day and I saw the Geek Vs. Nerd Epic Rap Battle, Then found they did a show so I started watching an old episode of GMM. Then they plugged there main channel..... Needless to say, 24 hours of binge watching GMM only broken up by watching music videos..... I had become something else......... I had become a MYTHICAL BEAST!
My friend showed me the siracha challenge last year or something and i went home that day and started watching. The end...
i found them in 2013. i saw some of the hawk man gmm and then saw i am a thoughtful guy, then watched off and on until 2014 when i became a loyal viewer.
I found Rhett and Link on youtube about two months ago.
I have no idea. I just woke up one day with a cockatrice standing on my head.
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