
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

The official discussion of ideas for the Wheel of Mythicality!

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     Wheel of mythicality suggestions

                                                                                  -Link is being attacked by butterflies 

                                                                                 -Rhett does not know how to breath

                                                                                - Rhett wakes up with his hair shaved off and does not know until                                                                                    him but Link does not know how to tell him

                                                                                -Rhett shows Link how to dance

Rhett uses karate skills to try to break the desk, Link joins him.

Rhett believes that Link is a prehistoric creature who is out to get him.

Link leaves Rhett so that he can have a private conversation with the table.

Rhett and Link try to get into Platform 9 ¾ (Harry Potter Reference) by jumping into walls.

Link believes his shirt is trying to attack him as Rhett tries to convince him that it is fine.

Link does his hair like Rhett and Rhett does his hair like Link.

Link IS allergic to rabies.

Rubbing some bacon on it STOPS WORKING!

Link reveals he is a secret agent and takes Rhett hostage.

Rhett try's to sell Link girl scout cookies. 

Can someone please tell me how to post the little videos that say "I am xxx and it's time to spin The Wheel of Mythicality"?

rhett is a hippie and link is retro?

Rhett and Link switch voices.

One of them shrinks while the other watches.


Rhett and link should each pick one
Ending of the wheel and combine
Them to make a mega ending

Rhett and Link rob a bank and need an escape route 

Rhett and link are mute
Link thinks Rhett is a giant piece of bacon


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