
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

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The chicken nugget phone call -- I am not sure there are many reasons to say why it was dumb. Though, I will say, I would be upset that McDonald's wouldn't give me my money back. Forget the food, give me my money! 

Right there with you.

I too thought it was odd that they wouldn't give the lady her money back. If you had already received your food and there was a problem with it, I'm sure they would give you a refund. Now you haven't even received your food and want a refund, yet they won't give it to you? Seems kind of silly to me.

I know, I was really confused by that situation - I'm not sure how the payment could have logically come first.

The nugget call was kinda different, but I've never heard of anyone calling 911 because they locked themselves in their car.

That dictionary ending was fantastic! One of the most creative endings they've had in a long time.

I liked the dictionary ending too.


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