I know that this is the RhettandLinKommunity, but the Grateful Dead has its 'Dead Heads,' Jimmy Buffett has 'Parrot Heads.' Not that we have to be 'Heads' of any sort, but I was wondering what Rhett and Link fans call themselves. Do we have a cool name too, or are we just fans? 'Kommies' doesn't cut it for me. Any suggestions or is there a name I don't know about?
I realize, sure, it sounds like "detainees", but I prefer internetainees as a part of speech.
...as in an SAT problem:
Employer is to employee as Internetainer is to Internetainee.
Employees voluntarily enter into paid servitude, whilst we as Internetainees voluntarily give our time and efforts to this fandom in exchange for internetainment.
... and to quote Brian Layman the eHermit (post below):
" It will make people slightly uncomfortable for no logical reason - one of the main shticks for Rhett and Link."
I like a lot of the posts so far, but I just had an idea that I figured I'd post: Kommuters! Thought it'd be a fun idea to post. Think about it people.
ooo I think the RaLFs is an EXCELLENT choice. It has my vote for many reasons.
1. It's short and easy to say. So it can be learned and remembers by others "in the biz"
2. It's funny. RaLF. It just is! just ask Jim Henson.
3. It will make people slightly uncomfortable for no logical reason - one of the main shticks for Rhett and Link
I wish I would have thought of it. I already use that acronym for stuff rhett and link fan stuff now!
Kommuters and Internetained are my top choices so far. But, if we want to go with something that people outside of the Rhett and Linkommunity will get, then Internetained wins hands down.
I think we have a lot of suggestions floating around. Should we go on ahead and start up a poll?
I was just thinking about this... because Mitchell Davis' fans are Lavaheads, Shaycarl has Shaytards.... we definitely need a name of our own. How about..... Rhinkers? Internetainees?
I'm going to throw this out there because in my mind, I don't think we're close to a consensus on a name.
In honor of Alexis Cohen and as a tribute to her contribution to Rhett & Link's legacy, why not call ourselves the "All Rising" as a collective name (Rhett & Link's All Rising) and then use "All Risers" for short (Hey, All Risers, what's happening in your world?).
Just a thought since I know Rhett and Link and the Kommunity have been touched by her tragic death.