
Home of Rhett & Link fans - the Mythical Beasts!

Thomas (Minecraftius Stevicus)
  • Male
  • Bury St Edmunds
  • United Kingdom
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  • Aidan R (Zillwood)

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Hello Fellow Mythical Beasts!!! :)

Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 10:05pm on February 6, 2016,
Victoria (Centauromadoose)

Hi Thomas,

Gumbo123 organizes all event pages for the Mythicon events annually. He will set up a group specifically for Mythicon 2016 closer to spring timeframe in preparation for the summer Mythicon event; at that time, you can ask him specifically to create a page or discussion for a Minecraft Mythicon event.

Thank you,

K-Mod Victoria

At 11:49am on June 23, 2015,

Thomas - thanks for the update about MythiCon UK - - sorry you won't be able to make the Suffolk event, but hopefully someone else will be able to pick up the hosting spot there.  I placed a note on the MythiCon 2015 - - England, UK page to advise those interested to aid in the transition.

I hope you are still able to participate somewhat in the MINECRAFT event.  We haven't heard back yet from the person who proposed that (he lives in Malaysia) so perhaps you would consider co-hosting on a server of your choice.  If possible, please use one that is already familiar with Kommunity members who are part of the Minecraft Fans group.  Martin B ^-^(the komm father) is active in that gourp and could help you with coordinating.

MC-2015 ~ MINECRAFT virtual meet-up

At 1:52pm on May 5, 2015,

GREAT NEWS, Sir Thomas! 

Here is the link to your newly created MC-UK discussion page to get things started.  I set up the page assuming that (eventually) other meetings will be scheduled around the countryside . . . but SUFFOLK is #1!

At 11:53am on April 22, 2015,

Welcome to the Kommunity!

Here's a link to my little tour guide that may help you along the path to mythical beastliness ~ Rhett & Link 101 


Please also note that all new kommunity members are expected to read, agree and adhere to the spirit of the




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