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Moo Moo
  • Female
  • Toronto, Ontario
  • Canada
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  • Ling

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At 3:05am on August 9, 2016, Ling said…

Hi! I'm really sorry to be replying back so late. Good points. I see plans are mostly finalized now. As it's closer to the date now, I'm fairly positive I can attend (there's a bit of uncertainty with some volunteering stuff). So see you (and hopefully others) at Thompson Park! Have you decided on a meeting place?

At 9:28pm on July 21, 2016, Ling said…

I'm in the west end of Scarborough. So out of those locations, Thompson Park is the closest. However, I would be taking ttc if I were to go, so in the end Woodbine beach would be around the same time. In that case though I wouldn't be able to really bring any supplies. I was kinda thinking of something downtown though since it might be easier to get food that way? I was also wondering if anyone else provided feedback/is interested in going?

At 1:17pm on July 8, 2016,

@ Moo Moo - - if you want it , you got it!  here is a link to your brand new MythiCon-Toronto planning and discussion page. 


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