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Griffin Cale Vestal
  • Male
  • Boerne, TX
  • United States
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Griffin Cale Vestal's Blog

I am so sorry! A day in my shoes #4

Posted on December 4, 2014 at 6:14pm 0 Comments

I am so sorry for those of you who still read these.  But I'm not doing it because of no blog traffic.

If today was your last day! A DAY in my shoes #2

Posted on December 2, 2014 at 6:41pm 0 Comments

Hey guys!! So of those of you who read my first blog I bet half if you are reading this one, but anyway, enough of you lets get to me. So we have a major English project due and I did O.K. Not much really happened today, but I am allowed to go into the library, so yeah. So comment what you would do if today was your last day, because I would tell everyone goodbye. So... bye.

First Blog! A day in my shoes#1

Posted on December 1, 2014 at 6:39pm 0 Comments

Hey my name is Griffin, this is my project for this year, to blog for the whole year. So some background, my name is Griffin, that's also my mythical name, I am thirteen, I go to a regular run-of-the mill middle school. I have a "girlfriend" (you will be reading a lot about her), I have three siblings: Gavin, Greyson, and Gillian, I have two best friends, Will, and Dylan. I also have one dog named Daisy. I have three cats named Oreo, Lisa, and Raxxa(as in the tiger off of Aladdin). So yeah…


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At 12:26am on November 30, 2014,
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