Josh (Linkipoo)


Mountain View, CA

United States

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  • Shelby (stonecoldyeti)

    Hey Josh! Im here to say that I hope yuo feel better and that im praying for you! I really am! Love you Josh!
  • Femkoe Slangen(yuxa) I'm a cow

    please don't leave!!!! *begs*
  • Tylar (Tylwyth Teg)

    I am completely disgusted by the lies you have been perpetuating here on the Kommunity. You have suckered a group of nice, well-meaning people into feeling sympathy for you when you're nothing but an attention seeking degenerate. I knew something was fishy about you, anytime someone would confront you you'd avoid the issue. It is unsettling to know that there are people out there who are so pathetic that they're willing to make up stories in order to feel some sick sense of worth. Personally, I don't care about it that much-- but you have upset a lot of nice people here, and that is what I do care about. To make up stories of terminal illness is appalling, and like a smack in the face to anyone who has faced such turmoil in real life. You had people worrying about you, praying for you, just out of the goodness of their hearts. Do you really take pleasure in that? If you have any ounce of self respect left, I would encourage you to cease your participation here. Nobody wants to have a lying creep contributing to a lighthearted online atmosphere.