Spiderhawk The Stormwrought


United States

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  • Garrett (Gangsta Dragon)

    why thank you for correcting me Spider. I shall renew the vow:

    "Spiderhawk the Stormwrought shall go to bed at 11:30pm every night, or else suffer the painful consequence of being harangued indefinitely on whatever social media outlet is available, and furthermore shall be reminded to do her Latin."

  • Dakota (Groovyone)

    SPIDEY! Hey! Long time no talk to! I just wanted to say hi because you're awesome and you played a big part in making me awesome! Chat doesn't work on iPad now, sending messages also doesn't work, and before all of this broke I made a dumb move and changed EVERYTHING on my page to black so you can't read anything, so it seems like everything is keeping me from coming back but I will find a way to come back! I miss you homie! :D
  • Dakota (Groovyone)

    After reading what you said I was all like, "It's go time" so I went to my moms computer and I had like...5 awesome things planned to say, then my sister got home and I ran away from the computer and I looked at my dog and I was all, "Remember me as a hero!" and he was like "Humanbeast y u do dis?" so now I'm here...but yeah! Totally alive and not dead and stuff :D