Michelle Griffin (Griffinator)


Phoenix, AZ

United States

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  • K-Mod


    @ Michelle - - I have updated your MythiCon-AZ discussion page with the latest meeting site details.  I also checked out the Facebook event page you have created.  Suggest you include in the "about" page a link to the community discussion thread as that will also allow interested attendees to keep up with others who are commenting here and perhaps not on Facebook.

    Join the discussion at MythiCon 2015 - - - Arizona

  • K-Mod


    WELKOMM BACK!!! always great to have a returning MythiCon host with experience.

    I will keep an eye open on the AZ-Tempe MythiCon discussion page and update the header info with location, website, etc. as your plans develop.  If I happen to miss anything just message me directly.  THANKS!


  • K-Mod


    P.S. you might consider editing your profile page settings, very difficult to read with that font color/background combination.