Amir (MegaMoose)


Chicago, IL

United States

Comment Wall:

  • BrandonW (TheGuardianofArlon)

    What editing system do you have? I'll do the Rhett waking up parts.

  • Rachel (Nezulupantro)

    Hello, fellow Mythical Beasts!
    First off, i would like to congratulate you because YOU are of the few who have received a part in the Kommunity production of "Gutless Wonders the Movie"!! This is a great honor, and i just want to give you a few more details regarding the process for filming and submitting your scene.
    1. I ask that you make an effort to strictly follow the script that Rhett and Link have already written, but still add your own kreativity!
    2.Review the suggestions and requests in my discussion
    3.Save the date: October,13 2012! this is the date that your video is due
    4. Please post your video to youtube and then publish it to the kommunity as a reply to the same discussion. Along with it, let me know your name as you want it to appear in the credits of the movie.
    5. Lastly, have fun! Be Kreative!! ...and stay mythical.
    -Rachel (Nezulupantro)