

Parker, CO

United States

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  • K-Mod


    re: Colorado MythiCon - - I've tried all the prompting that I can, but to no avail.  No reply from proposed host Jess Todd on the location, not even sure if she is still signing onto the Kommunity as there has been no posting activity since back in April.

    The MythiCon Facebook event page is also no longer active.


    I suggest that you and the other locals come up with an alternate meeting plan of your own at this point. Just plan to enjoy the day yourself, bring some mythical friends and family along, and let the others know where you will be celebrating MythiCon 2015

  • K-Mod


    I updated the MythiCon Colorado discussion page with the location info that you requested - - - you are now the HOST!

    Don't let that scare you. Just go to the mall, bring a friend, meet some new ones and have a mythically great time. You've done this before, right?  Only this time you get to talk about R&L and GMM and other such happenings, take a picture and post it on the Kommunity.  What's so hard about that?

  • K-Mod


    re: MythiCon Colorado - - - please share any pics and videos you have at:

    looking forward to seeing yourself & friends who attended to include in the MC-2015 compilation poster.