

Southeastern North Carolina

United States

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  • Parker the Invisible Eagle

    Awe, you deleted your comment off my page. That's a shame because I really enjoyed it and now I have to try and reply by memory, which I am very lacking in. X_X

    Thank you very much for the kind words about me and Rhett&Link. I've never really thought too much about saying I'm a Christian, it's just a part of who I am and I figure people won't mind knowing that about me. By the way you talked (typed) it sounded like you were also a Christian, is that true? Or were you just forced to church a lot as a kid? : ) Either way, I appreciate what you said (typed) and how well thought out your comment was.

    On another note, I hope you're enjoying the Kommunity. There's lots of stuff to do and see so don't be shy, and don't feel bad about asking questions. You seem like an extremely kind and thoughtful guy and I'm very happy you're here with us all. The internet needs more people like you and I'm glad we get the honor of having ya!
  • Parker the Invisible Eagle

    Haha, that stinks. I've been too afraid to press it so I wasn't sure what it did, thanks for being a test dummy for me. : )
  • Meg McMo

    Have a great birthday, Champ Dog! From Rhett, Link, and the Kommunity.