

Raleigh, NC

United States

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  • Jack Stevenson The RowelPyranto

    Thanks for talking, but i want to say one last thing, the reason evidence is sufficient for me when you may not see any, (then again you may see allot.) The Bible says that even if Christians don't share the rocks will, and this is how: Have you ever studied rocks? They are complex, and yet we treat them like the simplest thing on earth, rocks come in all shapes and sizes, just seeing the detail in each one is enough proof, according to God, thanks again for the friendly convo!
  • Jack Stevenson The RowelPyranto

    Hey, if you want to keep talking sometime, just tell me, I'll be glad to share what I can.
  • Jack Stevenson The RowelPyranto

    I got thinking about it, just like you can't prove you have an invisible pony, (name him bill,) I can't prove that my God does truly exist, I only have faith. But there is evidence that supports my beliefs, like the only bone in your body that can re-grow on it's own is a rib. Correlating to God using Adam's rib to make Eve. Now think of this, you said you had to put the same "scrutiny" to religion as the opposing theories. Well I do not follow a "Religion," the literal meaning of religion is: Man (humans) trying to bind themselves to God through works. What do I believe? Christianity, Jesus Christ came to earth and died for the sins of the world. (that's just a summary.) Now, during his time on earth he did amazing things. He healed people who had leprosy, made the lame walk and the blind see, well yeah, doctors have come up with ways to fight blindness and so on, but, they didn't have anything during that day and age. He taught, and people had faith, well the religious leaders of the day say Jesus as a threat, they were cashing in and making a huge buck with their jobs. They ended up killing him, but they did more then just kill him, the brutally beat him, then they brought him to the roman soldiers and they beat him almost to the point of death, then they crucified him, once again, only a summary, so if he truly wasn't the Son of God like he claimed, who was he?