Stormy (Eurobeat Kirin)


Flowery Branch, GA

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Heather (LadyCynthiana-kittyfae)

    Thanks for getting my transcript of EB 5 up so quickly! It was a lot of work but I really loved doing it. Hannah's story is such an emotionally touching one! She's actually the first YouTuber I really got into, before falling deep into the Rhett and Link obsession. Her Ear Biscuit is definitely worth a listen, or a read, for everyone, I think.

  • Sarah (Shaywise)

    Thanks for posting it! Hope you have a great holiday! :D

  • Amelia Grace Wallis

    Hi, I've said that I would transcribe an EB podcast, however as I've never done this before I am unsure as to what and how I can accomplish this task! I would appreciate it if I could be helped with this as I would still like to do it but I need help! Thank you, AmeliaGraceWallis
  • Millie the Magical Mangatyde

    You are so amazing and kind to people you don't even know in person! :) let me know if you ever need a hug
  • Heather S. (YogaGhost)

    Haha!! I'd been Markiplier's episode for a while, but didn't have the time or energy for it before. and Thanks, I'd really appreciate it for the others! :)