Gemma (Squirmitcrab)


United States

Comment Wall:

  • ApathyFront

    Welkomm to the kommunity!! i hope you found you way. Please be aware of our new rules and please enjoy yourself!! i'm glad you joined!

    ~signed the painter

  • K-Mod


    Just curious . . . is this what a SQUIRMITCRAB looks like?

  • K-Mod


    Yes, just cobbled together bits and pieces of four pictures . . .

  • Marco Delrio (Gorgon)

    Thanks :)

  • Jill Benvenuti (Benvenich)

    Thank you so much, that means so much to me! Your drawings are just as awesome :3

  • Billie Pollet

    Thank you, your art is WAY better though :OOO

  • Carol (Aelrindyl)

    Hehe thanks. Just rolled out of bed, doing my early morning Kommunity check before I leave for work at 8:45 am. Tuesdays are crazy for me :)