Tardizooka) tardigrade+bazooka


Jacksonville, FL

United States

Comment Wall:

  • K-Mod

    Gumbo V2.0

    Welcome to the Kommunity!

    Here's a link to my little tour guide that may help you along the path to mythical beastliness ~ Rhett & Link 101 


    Please also note that all new kommunity members are expected to read, agree and adhere to the spirit of the



  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)


    You recently sent a series of links to Kommunity members via the GMM fan group, personal page, and through comments on your own photos. Please be advised that you should not send out mass messages via Groups or Private Inbox Message that promote any materials, including your own, for the sole purpose of increasing visibility/view count or popularity. It can be considered spam when you send a link to a large group of people who are not your friends or otherwise don't know you, and it's worse when you do it repeatedly via several different venues.

    Thank you,

    K-Mod Victoria

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)

    Hey Jeremy,

    No problem. I just wanted to let you know now so that it's not something you repeat in the future. Thank you for your quick response.

  • K-Mod


    PLEEEEESE post a video of your mythical missile launcher in action!

    And, if you could manage to make a launch video with a "Hello, I'm _______ from ___________, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality" outro message I will do my absolute best to make sure it gets noticed by the GMM Krew for possible use on an upcoming episode.  No promises, mind you, but I do know a few folks with pull in such decisions. 

  • K-Mod

    Victoria (Centauromadoose)


    Another note on your photos -- you appear to be re-posting the exact same images pretty frequently, something like every week or every other week. This is also unnecessary and clutters up our photos section with repeat images.

    I suspect you might be trying to "bump" your images back onto the front page so more people see them, but I'm sure you realize this is an ultimately futile effort. Photos are, and continue to be, posted to the Kommunity often and quickly; no matter how many times you re-post yours, they will inevitably be pushed back again. Please don't continue this posting cycle such that we end up with 20 copies of each of your multiple photos (no matter how mythical they may be).