

Salt Lake City, UT

United States

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  • K-Mod


    Welcome to the Kommunity!  here's a little tour guide that may help you on the way ~   Rhett & Link 101


  • Camille Bateman ( Zebra-Fairy)

    Hello beast! I'm from Utah! :)  gumbo, maddy, and i were thinkin about the mythicon on the 17th. He said,  "As a facilitator for your mythical meet-up, might I suggest  Cluff's Carhop Cafe  in beautiful downtown Fillmore, UT." are you able to make it? if you are tell me or reply to the mythicon discussion. also reply if you have anyother ideas! for any other info, go to the discussion, mythicon! hurry though, 10 days til' its the 17th! hope you can be there! 

    thanks! be your mythical best!

  • Camille Bateman ( Zebra-Fairy)

    yeah, ive seen the same problem. i live by SL too, and i might not go, cuz my mom aint gonna drive. so... yeah. hopefully next year, we can have it in two places in utah. one south, one north.

  • Clara (Star-Nosed Platyphant)

    Im hosting Mythicon this year in Utah!! Im trying to get a place close to where the majority of the people going. On July 19 2014. Please let me know if you want to go and help spread the word! Thanks so much and I hope to see you there!!