Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)


Plano, TX


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  • Anna (Thatrandomlady)

    Braiding hair by your windowsill as much as we do we have to be with those neighbors of yours.

  • Anna (Thatrandomlady)

    We have to be otherwise everything would go down hill faster than we could stop it.

  • K-Mod


  • octavio(parakeetmaster101)

    thank you glad to have joined 

  • Erin Carlson (Pegicorn)

    Thankyou :)

  • Kristi (Phoenaphant)

    Hey! Thanks for the welcome!

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *two weeks later*

    Gosh. I apologize yet again. I’m probably the worst person to message like this. Haha. I’m just so busy all the time. There’s been some other….things….going on, so I’m busy with life in general. Actually, I’m going to have to try to write this quickly because I have to go somewhere soon. (My schedule never ends!) Also, sorry for leaving you in the chat yesterday. After I came back from dinner you had already left, and then I had to go somewhere so I was gone all night.


    No, I’ve never read Julius Caesar. But consider me aware of the Ides of March.

    Speaking of time going by fast…I only have 26 more days!! Ahhh, I’m so happy! Plus, with Spring break coming up, I’ll be catching up on some much needed sleep. Then comes Summer and senior year following shortly afterwards. I’m more than ready to be a senior, but like you said, we’ll shudder at the thought of being a freshie in college...I don’t like that. *we will be wise* Not that we aren’t already, considering we’re surviving this year.

    So, it’s been two weeks since I was in the chat. The moon must’ve been fantastic that day. Yes, I remember how sad you were when you lost your previous message! But all is well. Like I told you, I still loved this message. T’was perfect.

    I really do love my school. I think it’s the perfect size. Of course, that comes with cons as much as it does pros. It’s true, I really do know everyone at my school, and I’m friends with almost all of them. On the other hand, some of our events are very small. (Not to mention, it gives you a fewer amount of people I could possibly go to prom with next year.) But I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I’d get lost amidst 2,000 other students. The thought of that is so overwhelming to me.

    From my experience, sleep is pretty important. I don’t a lot of sleep wither. Mostly because of school and life. I get about 5 hours of sleep every night. WE NEED MORE TIME TO SLEEP. Or less school.

    Hey, maybe I could be the one who finds a country song that you could actually enjoy….hmm. ;)

    I don’t think I could handle the weather in Texas (did I say that already?). The weather here has been so up and down lately. About an hour ago, it was perfect and sunny. Now it’s raining again. Can’t we ever settle on one thing?! But, in the meantime, it’s now officially springtime. Yay.

    Congrats on deciding your future plans! Sounds awesome. I didn’t know you like cooking so much! In that case, I bet your mini cheesecakes are amazing. I should just start calling you Dr. Aimée. I like the sound of that. Haha.

    I gotta start thinking about that stuff too. All I know is that I want to be a college math professor. I love the subject too darn much not to teach it.

    (I got you message the other day) So, you finished season 3 now? Isn’t it fantastic so far!

    One upside to taking chemistry: I can understand all these jokes. XD As much as I hate science, the jokes still amuse me.

    Another thing that happened over the week: It was my Komm anniversary! Woo. It’s been a whole year now. Wow. I wrote a blog thing about it: *shameless advertising* I even mentioned you in it~ :D

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    Wow. I made a lot of spelling mistakes in that reply. XD I guess that's what I get for trying to hurry.

  • Maxamillian Chesterfield

    Thanks for the warm welcome!

  • Liam Merrick (Chupacaribou)

    Alright! Thanks!

  • Andrew Eaton (Fire Wolf)

    Here's just a random hello from me, and a question. Who the person in your new profile picture? Friend? Family? Random person pulled off the street? Hehe...

    Well ttyl and have a nice day.
  • Courtney Shields(griffanix)

    Thankx much! It's always nice to feel welcomed! :)

  • Dylan Riddle

    Thank you I can't wait to jet to know you better too!!!!!!!
  • Sam Crowley (Tinjinleon)

    I have now completely forgotten what your old Profile picture was like! Haha

  • Bri Meyockmeyock

    Thank you! (:

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *Happy 3-day-late Easter*
    Everything always seems hurried. No matter what day it is, chances are I have something going on. Even on weekends and breaks, I'm still just as busy. It's annoying.
    It only makes me that much more excited for Summer (even though I hate the weather). But, like you, I'm sick of school too. I just want to be done. WE'RE. ALMOST. DONE. AIMEE. I'm on break right now, so I've been MORE than enjoying it. I'm sorry you don't have any more breaks. D: A lot of people I know got their Spring break like two weeks ago. I don't get it. Why is it even called "Spring break"? It should be "Easter break." It's just like Christmas...oh wait...Winter break...excuse me. It sucks that you can't even get Easter weekend off.
    Although, while talking with some of my friends, I've come to realize that I get excited about breaks from school for all the WRONG reasons. I hear a break is coming up, and this is what I think: "YES! I can finally catch up on all that work I haven't had time to finish! Then, after that, I can clean my room all day and get some extra work done early!!!" I'm not kidding you, I've told that to myself...multiple times. My main goal over this week is to catch up on all my math notes. What is wrong with me?! So far, I have yet to do that work (procrastination at its finest), but I have been cleaning my room. I enjoy it though, as you already know.
    Well, when you have 2,000 students at school you have the opportunity to get to know a lot of people, which is awesome. But, that's still a lot of people. I couldn't imagine knowing 2,000 people. XD That survey thing sounds fun, though. Going around campus talking to random people. I love it. :)
    I have been getting more sleep because of break. It's lovely. You should try this sleeping thing, it's great!
    I'll be on the lookout for potential country songs you may like. haha.
    I know! There was a bunch of news reports about the tornados. They said 18 tornados hit. I actually know quite a few people in Texas, so I was hoping everything was ok. How's everything now? But, I don't know if you'd prefer my weather anymore. I think we caught your storm. California weather is so unpredictable sometimes. It was perfect and sunny two days ago, and today, it was rainy and wet and stormy. The thunder was really loud, it woke me up this morning. Then it rained. Then it hailed. Then there was more thunder. THEN IT WAS BRIGHT AND SUNNY. *sigh* I just don't get it, Aimee. We even had funnel clouds and a small tornado. The tornado hit a town close to here, but there wasn't a lot of damage. I think it hit a few power lines and someone's barn or something. Obviously nothing compared to you guys, but for CA it's big enough. haha.
    *Makes plaque in honor of Aimee's future name: Dr. Aimée*
    And thank you, it means a lot. :D I'll be that one nerdy math teacher who loves logarithms.
    You don't watch Lost on Netflix? If you have Netflix, it has all the episodes on there. No waiting!
    Yes, I get the idea that you like science. XD hahah. Kudos to you. I will admit that Biology is better than Chemistry, but I still don't like science. Jacob loves Bio to death. You should see him, he gets all excited and stuff. haha. XD

  • Andrew Eaton (Fire Wolf) charlie said, I don't mean to stalk... but you changed you're profile pic...and well....IT ROCKS!!!  Uh...well...its not as good as seeing you, but hey.  So, what book is it sitting on?  I feel like this has become an interrogation...nuff said. 

    Lupis out

  • Sam Crowley (Tinjinleon)

    ..... *laughs* Hello.....

  • Andrew Eaton (Fire Wolf)

    It gets even more awkward when two guys post about how awkward it is to say that a friend changed their profile pic!'s mind bending!

  • Andrew Eaton (Fire Wolf)

    Even though I already posted about awkwardness when it comes it posting. I just have to say...

    You changed you're profile pic. :)

    (I think this has become a running joke now)

  • Andrew Eaton (Fire Wolf)

    You changed your picture...again...  I like the short hair!  I just can't stop laughing at how I have to comment every time you change your pic.

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *Happy cuatro de mayo* haha.

    Ahhh, you gots a haircut! It looks so cute! Isn’t it weird? You go to brush your hair, and it’s like: OMG MY HAIR IS GONE. Gosh, if you got a haircut in the meantime that I haven’t replied to you, then it’s been too long. Shame on me.

    Well, we don’t have six weeks anymore. Now it’s more like three weeks! 18 days for me. I can hardly stay sane, that’s how excited I am. WE. CAN. PULL. THROUGH. SCHOOL WILL NOT PREVAIL. MUAHAHA. >:D

    Spring break has been long gone, but I’m just that much closer to vacation now. I enjoyed it while it lasted, so it was good enough. Sleep is quite a wonderful thing. God was pretty smart when he invented sleep. He knew what he was doing. Haha. Turns out I didn’t do all the work that I wanted to catch up on over break, and my room is a mess again. I want to clean it so badly. School is even stopping me from being responsible! Gahh.

    People fascinate me too, especially in art. I love human anatomy and the emotions/figures people can make. I could look at people-art all day. (I promise, I don’t mean to sound creepy. XD ) The human psyche is interesting, too. And body language. Humans just fascinate me in general. XD But you’re right, everyone has their own stories. Seeing them express it through art/words/actions is a cool way to compare how people think.

    (And I would totally read one of your books, especially if it had that title. Love it.)

    Um, yes…you do need sleep.

    The tornados are all gone now, but that doesn’t mean the weather has gone back to normal. It was starting to get hot for a while, but then it got super windy and cold. Better than the rain, though. I was so tired of rain. (And yes, when we had the tornados, it was all over the news. Haha)

    I’ll try my bestest to be the nerdiest teacher. Explain how you can find the golden ratio is nature! :3 I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to out-do my previous math teacher, but I can try.


    Jacob taking physics? He’d probably say yes in a second. He’s a strange one…

    Like I was just telling you, we had Bistro last night. You’ll probably be able to see the video tomorrow. I’ll just sit here waiting for my friend to get back to me.

    I have a dentist appointment on Tuesday, Aimee. Kill me now. Please. XP

    Response to thing 1: Awww. That’s very sweet of you, Aimee. Thank you. I enjoy reading your messages just as much. They always make me smile. I’m not nearly as active as I used to be for multiple reasons, as you know, but it can still be an enjoyable place sometimes. You’re also a great friend, and I’m to happy to have met you.

    Response to thing 2: Ah well, it was meant to be. At least you can look forward to going next year now! I’ll be going next year too. Woo!

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (right?) One more year of surviving those conniving teddy bears!

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    Happy crazy birthdayyy! I wrote this para ti~ I wrote it at school today when I should've been doing my math. I figured it was more important than school. hehe. I'm so responsible. ^^

    I hope you have the bestest day ever, and I also hope you can read that.^ haha. (You can right click it for full view, if you need to.)

  • Andrew Eaton (Fire Wolf)

    AH! What's all this about a birthday? And I was not told? :D Well if it really was your birthday yesterday, I hope it was pleasasnt and fun!

    I still feel like a stalker....humph...
  • Andrew Eaton (Fire Wolf)

    I too must follow this law...You changed your picture...again.  I'm starting to think you like changing it just to see if Charlie and I are going to comment. ;D

    And Charlie stole the words right out of my mouth, so my question is the same.

    And I took your advice, I now am "The Stalker."

  • Grace Mathias

    Thanks! ;) I feel at home already! I have been there fan since I was 7... 
  • Mousesky

    Thanks!!!! :D

  • Shannon

  • Valerie the Dinosaur

    Thanks a bunch!! Love the photo! :D

  • octavio(parakeetmaster101)

    i have an  in my last 



  • octavio(parakeetmaster101)

    haha you win 

  • octavio(parakeetmaster101)

    were going to miss you

  • Andrew Eaton (Fire Wolf)

    You changed your pic! Clint Eastwood is great!  "Go ahead, make my day."

  • Angel M. (Auguzombie)

    Hey Aimee! Angel here :) We're all going to miss you so much! You're awesome!!! Just wanted to say that I, and pretty much all of the other Kommunity members, are really going to miss you!! You rock!

    Best Wishes!,

    Angel (Auguzombie)

  • Grace Mathias

    I have been a fan of Rhett and Link since I was 9...
    I finally have gotten the chance to be Mythical Beast!
    B) [Link] <:) [Rhett]
  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *Now it's my turn to apologize...(again). This is just a tad late. heh.*
    Yeah, you're welcome! I think it looks really cute on you. I also got a haircut! But it was like 2 weeks ago. I cut off 7 inches, and it's still really long. haha. I can't keep my hair too short, otherwise it'll be a big poofball. I was getting so tired of it, so I'm glad I cut it. It's nice for summer.
    YOU DON'T HAVE NINE DAYS ANYMORE. WE ARE OFFICIALLY FREEEEEEEEE. (Maybe I'll start going nuts too.) BUT GOSH, it's been SO nice. I like having the ability to say: "I don't feel like doing anything today". Kinda hard to believe we're already 2 weeks in.
    Looks like you barely pulled through those last few weeks of school. At least your craziness was entertaining to read. XD I could totally imagine you speaking English...entonces español...then French...and then gibberish. School kills that part of your brain where grammar matters.
    I'm sure you've been catching up on your sleep. It's too precious to lose. I LOVE SLEEP.
    Ahh, your room is so cute! I love how the stuffed animals slowly take over your wall. (My LOTR stuff does the same thing. It's spreading...hehe.) I gotta clean my room soon too. I WANT to. So badly. But, since I'm house-sitting, like I was telling you, I'm not home all the time. I like to make it an all-day project. *sigh*
    Since I know that you like the Starry Night painting, I wanted to show you these pictures. We had Starry Night cupcakes on our last day of Art class. And, that is a pin I have on one of my bags. (I love pins. ^.^ )

    There's so many interesting things about people. Accents, customs, and different nationalities are so neat to me. But mostly accents, I love them to death! They're are beyond entertaining to me. :D
    (Absolutely. I'll buy your first copy!)
    And thanks again! I love to tutor (math), so enjoy at least. College math professor, here I come! And you'll become Dr. Aimée!
    So you're almost done with Lost! keep going...then you can finally watch the video I sent you.
    We never actually got the Physics class. Instead, we have anatomy and physiology. Which I would've considered, but it's during yearbook, and I will not miss that class again this year! He'll be taking Chemistry. I think he's excited, though. He loves science.
    I'd love to see a video!
    Thanks for the comment on the video! How could I forget you? Here. I'll make you a deal: When we're both famous and stuff, I'll trade you one of my art pieces for one of your books! haha.
    What was your portfolio for?
    Gahh. The Dentist. That evil, evil place. Definitely one of my biggest fears. I had to go for a check-up. They recommended that I go to an orthodontist, so we scheduled another appointment. In the past three weeks, I've gone to the dentist 3 times, and I have to go back again like two more times this month. THE TORTURE NEVER ENDS. Turns out, my teeth are really messed up. I have a cross bite, and that's causing the problems with my jaw/bite. (I have TMJ, which I've known for quite a while, but haven't anything about.) I need braces and an expander (that thing is frightening) so I don't have problems later in life. They said ideally, I should've gotten braces 2 years ago. I

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    (Hahaha. My message got cut off too. XD )


    They said ideally, I should've gotten braces 2 years ago. I really didn't want braces for senior year, so that was terrible for me to hear. Luckily, we might get a good deal on the invisilign, so I'll probably get those. Oh, and on top of that, I have a small cavity! YAY -.- How did that happen anyways? Either way, I hate hate hate hate hate the dentist. I need to stop talking about this, you're probably getting bored. XD

    Gosh, that would be so nice once in a while! Like, take a week-long vacation just for the heck of it, and come back nice and relaxed. Even without school, life is hectic enough. I am also tired of being tired.
    *just noticed* Wow. Our weather conversation has ceased! (Or has it really, now that I'm bringing it up again?) haha.
    OH OH OH. (You don't need to respond to this) MY TOP THREE FAVORITE ARTISTS ARE ALL COMING OUT WITH A NEW ALBUM THIS YEAR. EEEEEEE. I already have one of them, and Josh Turner's comes out in 4 DAYS. *giddy* Ok, just needed to say that. I'm crazy, I know.

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *Will not move from seat until reply is finished*

    I really have to get better at responding sooner…

    I’m considering cutting my hair again. Maybe I should cut it as short as yours! Haha. That'd be a disaster on my hair.

    Isn’t the point of summer vacation to NOT do anything? Take a break? Relax? Apparently not. I’ve been kinda busy too. So far, I’ve literally spent half of my summer at someone else’s house. I feel like I’m never home. :( Oh well. I guess this is much better than actually being in school.

    So if school kills our grammar and math skills, then isn’t that counterproductive? It’s suppose to help us learn, not destroy what little knowledge we retain by the end of the year! Looks like we need to shorten the school year. Or maybe, break it up into sections. Like, have a month long “summer vacation” every three months. We’d still be in school for the same amount of time, so why not? Haha.

    There’s only one problem with sleeping so much during summer…having to break that cycle once school starts up again. I stay up pretty late as it is, but I’m going to bed later and later since I don’t have to wake up for school. I really need to fix that. *hits head*

    Don’t worry, I still have mine too. I had tons as a kid, but I finally forced myself to donate most of them. I only keep the ones that are really special to me.

    I finally cleaned my room too! :D

    …but then I made it messy again…

    But, that only means I get to clean it again!! Oh yay. I need to rearrange my room too. I’ve had it the same way for 7 years. Heh. I think I’ll do that today. (I’ve been telling myself that for the past week)

    Hey, it’s never too late to have a Starry Night cake. You can have one for your eighteenth birthday! That’d be really cool.

    Yes! I looked him up, and I’ve seen some of his work before. It’s beautiful. I really like his piece titled ‘Come Together’. I can spend hours on DeviantArt. ^^ I love it.


    OHH. I’ll have a signed copy of Dr.Aimee’s future book?! This is wonderful! I’ll definitely be sure to send you a signed art piece in return.

    That was so saaad. Poor Sawyer. But I still liked Hurley and his girlfriend…her name escapes me. They were so cute!

    I also have you to thank for getting me to watch Sherlock. I love it. I just wish they had more episodes.

    If you ever get the video, I’d love to watch it sometime. What did you launch from the catapult anyways?

    Good news. (Not really.) I can’t invisalign. Apparently, the office we went to doesn’t support our dental plan…blah blah blah…if you want them, pay full price. So, that didn’t end up working for us. Oh well. We’re now going with the ceramic braces, so the brackets are clear. That’s better than the metal ones. I ONLY HAVE SEVEN DAYS OF FREEDOM. I get them next week. :( Then I will have a terrible lisp and die inside. I know, I’m a bit dramatic. XD Jacob’s getting them the same day too. Woop-de-do. Are you getting them anytime soon?

    WOO TROPHY. Congrats Aimee, for holding the longest weather conversation ever. I think we did good.

    I love new albums. I’ve listened to a couple of Atomic Tom songs. They’re not bad! Song recommendations…I still need to find one country song you’ll like. The hunt begins.

    Kathi was a foreign exchange student, right? Did she stay for the school year? She probably felt like a sister, I bet.

    Oh yes. We started off with pretty short messages. I didn’t even intend for them to carry on, but here we are. Haha.

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *This is like super late*

    I honestly JUST realized part of my message got cut off (again). XD Gosh, how did I not notice that?? Weeeell, here's the rest of it--one week late. hahaha


    Oh yes. We started off with pretty short messages. I didn’t even intend for them to carry on, but here we are. Haha. I love to go back and read them, though. When we're done, I would love to print the whole thing out and put them together. It'd be like a mini book! It's so weird to think that we've been writing back and forth for seven months. More than half the year. Wow. We rock.

    Also, there's nothing wrong with the word "yay". It's an Aimée-yay, so it's cool.

  • Andrew Eaton (Fire Wolf)

    Ello, you changed your pic!  BTW Charlie is gone. Like off the Komm gone. Its weird.

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)


    Hey. I think your last reply got cut off again. XD You kinda stopped in the middle of a thought. I just wanted to make sure before I replied to it, so yeah. Thought I'd let you know. :)

    Talk to you later~

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *Insert creative sentence here. My brain doesn't want to think right now.*

    I believe it's been far too long since we've last talked. And why is the Komm scaring you? I say you go for it! I think it's really cute short. Are you cutting shorter than your chin? I just want to cut a few inches off the bottom. Shorten up my layers, so nothing super dramatic. I have to do it soon, though. We have school pictures next week. :/ (Don't worry! Short hair doesn't work well with me anyways. I only ever cut it that short ONCE. When I was twelve. haha)

    I like being busy doing the things I didn't have time to do during the school year. Because then I feel productive. So, you're right, you get to choose what type of busy you are (most of the time). And during these three months, we forget so much. We invest so much time into school to learn these things only to forget them during summer. Maybe my idea would work for some people, then? haha.

    Oh yeah, it's not a problem if you have nowhere to go in the morning. But in the meantime it's a hard habit to break. I also forgot how much I liked reading--one of the many reasons I stay up late. But I still have 16 books on my reading list. (I would look up that song right now, but YouTube is kinda blocked right now. My dad blocked it a few days ago, so I'm basically dying.) We do need to straighten out a better sleep schedule soon though, because SCHOOL IS STARTING IN TWO WEEKS. Didn't summer just start yesterday? I don't wanna go back yet. :( I go back on the 21st. How about you?

    Yeah, but sometimes they have so much sentimental value that it takes three times longer to get rid of them. It's something we have to do some time or another, unfortunately. I did rearrange my room! I just needed something new. But I kinda like it. I just have to figure out how to place all my shelves an picture frames. I even re-did my art desk! I'm so happy with it. I got rid of so many things and reorganized everything, so I'm all excited about it. But I still have tons more stuff that I can't fit in there. Sam is waving to you. :)

    I assume you have finished Lost by now. How was it? Did you like it? Are you even still alive from all the feels?

    Oh, I'd love to see it! Whenever I see Starry Night, I always think of you. I even saw a Starry Night umbrella the other day.

    DeviantArt is really good at inspiring me or making me jealous. But either way, I love it.


    I need to draw a really good piece to sign and give to you, then. Make sure it measures up to your book!

    YES. I DID FINISH SHERLOCK. Goodness, it was so good. My emotions were all over the place. The only problem is, season 3 isn't out yet. I'm just glad you recommended it. THANK YOU.

    I now have braces. I can honestly say the whole thing wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I mean, it was no stroll in the park, but still not a totally terrible experience. And this is coming from someone who is completely terrified of the dentist. The first week was the worst, with the pressure and trying to get used to them, but now everything's good. I still have a few problems eating, but not that bad. They've already straightened out a lot. The ceramic braces make a huge difference! Sometimes I even forget I have them. They'll be great for pictures during the school year. I just have to be careful about what I eat, the ceramics stain easily. I don't have to get my expander for another month, I think? So, the lisp is post-poned until then. :) But, don't wor

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    ...but, don't worry about it too much if you ever get them. You'll survive!

    Ok. I really have no idea if you'll like these songs or not, but it's worth a shot. I thought about Keith Urban. He's country, but not like super twangy country (at least, not to me). Try his songs "Somebody Like You" or "Days Go By". You don't have to like them at all, so don't worry. But, he does have an awesome Australian accent, so that's a plus. ^^

    That's awesome. I would love to have a foreign exchange student. Seems like a lot of fun.

    Doesn't feel like seven months. I think it's been so long because I take so long to reply sometimes. My fault.

    We'll have to double check to see if our messages get cut off, I guess. Like mine just did. XD

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)


    It was my fault. I WAS going to be here tonight, but I got busy. Can you forgive me? D:

    I really do miss you, though. It feels like we haven't talked in ages. This needs to change!

    So sorry I missed you, but hopefully we can run into each other soon. I really need some of your mini cheesecakes. Just to keep me alive.

  • octavio(parakeetmaster101)

    we all still miss you you should come on sometime 

  • octavio(parakeetmaster101)

    well anyways happy late birthday 

  • Batman


  • octavio(parakeetmaster101)

    welcome back!

  • Marcus Bean (Wilt)