Anna (Thorondor)


United States

Comment Wall:

  • K-Mod


    Welcome to the Kommunity!  here's a little tour guide that may help you along the path to mythical beastliness ~   Rhett & Link 101

  • Lucas (I'm Brony and I'm Proud)

    GMM fellow Mythical Beast & welcome to one of the best places to be on the Internet.  I hope you enjoy your stay & feel free to feast on the many fruits that the Kommunity has to offer.

    I also hereby acknowledge your Mythical Mustache  & recite the Kommunity Mythical Anthem "My Hair Song(#Does your hair go up? Does your hair go down?#) in celebration of your arrival.

    Don't forget about "Nilla Wafer Top Hat Time" & remember to "Rub Some Bacon On It".

    Have fun and take care!!! :)

  • ART3M1S Antonelli

    oh my goodness! is that an otter?

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    thx for helping the sbb and being an awesome co owner and friend on here :)
  • Nathan (The Zinc Phoenix)

    Its Thorin Oakenshield, if i were a dwarf (which i am not I'm a Silvan Elf) I would be Kili.

  • Nathan (The Zinc Phoenix)

    Dec. 14 its going to be epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    Red Ribbon
  • deanna bakeonaiter

    Red Ribbon
  • deanna bakeonaiter

    Red Ribbon
  • Randomcat (Sphinx)


  • deanna bakeonaiter

    HEY SIS ....ya so u arent on chat right now but i suddenly got some wifi sooo 

    MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE  i guess lol ya :)

  • Lana (geekypeach)

    Merry Christmas! (If you celebrate it!)

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    thx *hugs*:)

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    i got a mythical t shirt yay

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    hey how is your snake doin?

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    wow lol . sounds great thx

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    so im back in florida :) home sweet home 

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    hey so marie and jack frost got a mythical marrigae this morining i was preistess it ws fun

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    have you ever noticed how our mythical family never gets together for the holidays ? lol

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    i showed them the mythical family, jack and marie . but sierra asked me how much i mythicaly loved will ...odd

  • Sockrat

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    jack and marie are kinda there own family . i doubt they want to be in the mythical one

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    hey so  ethan told toris about bronies ..........toris went comeplety insane  it only got worse before it got better

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    hey anna , i was wondering how many captains have there been of the enterprise.

    ten i think....janeway archer pike kirk picard april decker spock garret and harriman.

    quite a list 

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    know whats awesome? how we can talk bout the most troubling things and then go on to talk bout music star trek and nathan being a murder

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    hahaha yups

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    hey eruanna so delilah started a star trek like rp and i want to know if you would like to join ... so there

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    o and forgot to menchin if lonso already hasnt he has a doctor who like rp

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    lonso has been meaning to talk to you. he has been spaming alot about his dr. who role play rather annoying ive had to slap him a couple times. 

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    pst anna guess what? 97 days till the new star trek movie !!!! no i will not go crazy like morag did for the hobbit.   -_-

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    hey i got some bad news .1 i havnt seen lonso .2 a month ago i pulled my hamstring and it hurt to walk but that went away . so today i went to acrobatics and i couldnt do anything cuz it hurt so bad i finaly told an adult.......

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    my leg is numb from icing it so long

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    im also pretty sick too .... my evening did not go well.

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    hey so a couple days ago i made bcom and ana my minons of the universe and it turned into a chat rp so uh here is the jest of it 

      the empire is a universe containging earth that i dictate it incudes jonah the dictator of earth past and future and anna and bcom also dictators.  alis  of ours include   geek beams store room and isaac the empires assasin and the cardboard box of laurel  . middle earth is rebelling aginst us diandus.small stone. middle earth just wants to dystroy us because we are a dictatorship. and they think we will use the galaxys for our own benifit. the empire wants to rule the universe to make it better and to give it leadership and to make a peaceful alliance ( not unlike the federation of planets from star trek)

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    something amazing happend today i didnt think would ever happen. .... *puases for suspense* i ........met a mythical beast who is a trekkie *faints* she goes to my church

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    hey i found a hufflepuff shirt i knew i could my quest is finished 

    here is the link to it

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    ive been watching too much dr. who ......ive been watching it from the begining or the beging netflix has. i think im gonna have nightmares of weeping angles, peoples faces getting sucked into a tv, and kids and adults calling for"mummy" . i blame u anna :P

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    geek wars with anna must include: beaming , phasers, lightsabers, wands, ponds, slaps, poking, and sonic screwdrivers. :) 

  • deanna bakeonaiter

    there are SIXTEEN deannas on here including me!!!! wow. and seven pages of annas .