Jessica (Swamp Chicken)


United States

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  • Mack (Alrokabeesk)

    Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, Jess! You're so great!

  • Mya (The Galumphing Cephalopod)

    Thank you!
  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    Jessica, you've been online and not talking for the longest time, and you're my very awesome internet friend, so here's an informative wall-post.


    2) I printed out your drawing and put it in my binder and everyone's jealous of how awesome my friends are ;D I love your drawing. Words cannot express.

    3) My dog attacked Bonafacio III the other day. I think she was jealous. Thankfully, Boni is okay, but I can't say the same for my dog. It must hurt to attack a rock.

    4) I am obsessed with the show LOST. I'm on Season 2 now.

    Well, that's all for now! I hope we can talk soon.

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    (self conscious about how long this is)

    The drawing was definitely appropriate. Everyone's asking: "who is this friend?" And I just say: "Jessica. You don't know her. No, she does not go to this school. YES I AM SURE YOU DO NOT KNOW HER OKAY."

    Anyway, I'm glad you actually enjoyed my message, my ramblings can be hard to deal with.

    No one can defeat Death Incarnate III XD (oh, you and Kev-man are missed on the chat *weird nostalgia moment*)

    I remembered you told me to watch LOST and I said I never would and look at me now XD

    Anyway, I'm glad it's raining where you are. We have a 'probability' of rain which means they're getting our hopes up because their one joy in life is to crush us. :P

    Frank is awesome! YOU GO, FRANK! 

    (speaking of your love of math, the same thing happens to me in Physics! childish love wins. I also got a tutoring job--an 8th grader needs Spanish help.)

    I hope you find your art pencils! This is a tragic loss indeed. They might be hiding because they're frightened by the sound of how awesome Frank is. I mean, he did kill a dinosaur. (Tell Jacob I'm glad Frank is okay. Oh, and tell him hi)

    And there are some crazy people in San Francisco. I hope you enjoyed it though, it's a beautiful city. I've been there a total of once, but I never forgot it.

    School is mad, my Pre-calc  class is ridiculously fun but it's driving me nuts because my teacher seems to think we know everything (we don't). I hate to crush his illusions, but I do want to learn everything I can. Also, I am addicted to Physics class. End of story.

    *needs to stop writing*

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *long messages win*

    And then if I say: "I met them online." they think I'm a creep. Go figure. You never win. Though you guys are awesome, they need to understand that.

    One word replies are difficult to deal with. I have a friend who very much enjoys the non-word 'k.' I have pointed out to him the fact that that's not even a word (unless you're a Chemistry nerd like me *dons lab goggles* in which case, potassium to you, too). He ignores me, and thus our conversation ceases.

    I am watching Alcatraz! It's really, really good so far. And the guy who's Hurley in LOST comes out. That gives it more awesome points. J. J. Abrams is pretty brilliant, and judging from LOST and Fringe this should end well. 

    That Frank never stops being suspicious. He's the kind of rock I warned Bonafacio III about. *shakes head* We'll have to keep a close watch, you never know.

    Oh, it has not rained, very regrettably. The weatherman wears this cheesy grin every morning, and I can tell he's just taunting me with the fact that no rain will ever come and we're all hoping in vain and whatnot. Also, today was 53 of your Fahrenheit degrees. Apparently that's the hottest it'll get all week. Oh, the cold... we'll see how that goes. (but then again, the accuracy of our weatherman is doubtful, so it might be boiling tomorrow)

    People were creeping in San Francisco? That's frightening, Jessica. XD I'm glad you got out of there alive. (also, what kind of masks were these? weird. *shudder*)

    As a sort of outlet for all the writing I enjoy doing for other people but for some reason do not do (I'm really enjoying these messages), I write letters to a friend of mine in San Diego, and she sent a letter a week ago but something's wrong with my mailman because my letter is not here and the suspense is causing me extreme anguish. I really can't wait to read it. To quote what I've been saying for the past week: "Hopefully it'll get here tomorrow." 

    So, the whole 'tutoring Spanish' thing should be fun, except the girl's never taken Spanish and I'm supposed to (and I quote) "prepare her for High School Spanish." Really what is there to prepare? I have no clue what I'm going to do yet, but I should be fine. As long as I don't grow impatient with her. ("HOW DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THESE *WORDS* THAT I AM *SPEAKING*?")

    Wish me luck. XD

    Hope all is well! 

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *jump high fives Jessica for message*

    My friends don't know Rhett and Link either... *sigh* A few know vlogbrothers, one knows WheezyWaiter, and the same one knows Julian Smith, but for some reason Rhett and Link just fly under the radar (I have no clue what that expression means).

    He says that in his language, k is a word. I told him I would never like to speak his language. This actually caused a huge argument--the most confrontational yet nonsensical argument I've ever been in XD

    I am loving Alcatraz

    But if they bring in a bunch of LOST characters that's all I'll be thinking about... "OH! he/she was in LOST! I Should watch LOST more!" And thus will end my run with Alcatraz. I'm watching so much TV now, as opposed to before, when I watched exactly none. 

    I lack Fancy Pictures, but I do agree that Frank looks extremely innocent. His plan is very elaborate-- look innocent, to seem suspicious, to hide the fact that he's innocent. Hey, can't argue with that logic. 

    I am pleased to inform you that I am in the middle of the biggest thunderstorm EVER. That's right--ever. I'm not just being dramatic (yes I am). The thunder scared my dog so now she's craving attention again. Oh, did I mention it's pouring rain? It's wonderful! I think you gave me your rain times a million haha! My weatherman appears to be improving. Maybe I misjudged him. Though I seriously doubt it.

    My letter still isn't here! It's a conspiracy, I tell you. It's been too long for that letter not to be here. It's like a little kid waiting for Christmas. I want my letter now. :P My life is currently centered around that letter getting here.

    I guess the tutoring will fall into place, hopefully. She appears to be a nice girl, and I'm sure she can't be that hard to teach. *crosses fingers*

    Oh, I forgot we had a quiz on the English book we're reading in one of my AP classes, so I didn't read at all last night, so the first three classes of my school day were spent reading a grand total of 257 pages of Devil in the White City (which really is a great book, in shorter intervals) and I had such a terrible headache from reading so much at once. All day--and I don't think I can read another word. Until the end of the week, of course, when I get to take my next quiz. (*unenthusiastic*) Oh well. The moral of this story? Don't procrastinate reading homework. (I still got an A.) 

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *tries to type without hands spazzing out*

    I am alone with Youtube stuff :P No matter who I mention at my new school *my old school was different* everyone's like... what. Rhett and who? So I give them the rundown and another cause to think I am extremely strange.

    *seals anti-K document with Royal Seal.* 

    *feels important*

    We definitely should be against it. Anyone caught saying the non-word 'k' will immediately be beheaded! admonished strongly. It's official now. We will not tolerate this injustice any further!

    I used to only watch Doctor Who, and it's still my obsession. My life is meaningless until the next season starts, etc. But I've gotten into all the J.J. Abrams shows, especially because of LOST, and how amazing he and his shows are. TV is just fabulous. I missed out on a lot.

    OH NO! My weatherman is worse than I thought! This cannot continue! I will go stop him, now! 

    Oh wait, the thunderstorm is over. Never mind. And it was actually... sunny and warm today. I thought that only happened in movies. But still, that weatherman is a criminal! And you know what we do to criminals (hint: it starts with 'p' and it ends with 'unish strongly until they turn back from their life of crime').

    Wow, I seriously underestimated my mailman. BUT today I got a less-anticipated letter from another friend, and he barely put it in the mailbox yesterday. WHAT IS THIS MADNESS. I do not understand the intricacies of the United States Postal Service D: 

    The reading drove me crazy. Too... much... 

    As for procrastinating, the same thing happens to me -_- I don't have enough time on my hands so some things I have to put off until the last minute, it's called prioritizing, but then I end up regretting it strongly. I always fall into procrastinating, and I berate myself strongly for it. Very strongly. 

    Oh, well, c'est la vie... 

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *makes serious effort to lengthen message*

    Psh. Exactly. They think we're weird, we know we're awesome, well-rounded individuals. Or whatever the English Class Terminology is. Does that mean we're cultured? You know, we watch Youtubers from across the world then come here to talk to people from other countries and our own, people that we may or may not meet 'irl' but who are still our friends and still give us a deeper understanding of the world around us. That sounded very inspirational. Let me copy it down for my autobiography.

    We haven't had an execution in a while! I will let Zee know. Anyone caught using the non-word will immediately be subjected to the wrath of the Handler of the Guillotine. No exceptions, unless we feel like making exceptions. Sounds good. We're making the world a better, more grammatically correct place, one step at a time.

    *I can't wait!!*

    I don't think I've gotten to Desmond. *googles Desmond*


    I haven't gotten to Desmond.


    I've never seen Quantum Leap, though I'm told it's superb. I'll put it on my Things to Consider Possibly Maybe Watching Or At Least Looking Into List. And Doctor Who is actually really addicting, and has one of the best fanbases ever. I have a list of all the Whovian things I will buy for myself when I have money :P Since I enjoy making lists.

    Obviously your weatherman is much, much kinder. Though, judging from the fact that you have the exact weather we don't, your weatherman might be in on it, too. Maybe they traded weathers. Think about it--makes sense! They're both evil masterminds bent on destroying our lives, except they actually improved your weather so I don't know how that fits in.

    JESSICA YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I NEED MY LETTER. I am worried. The paranoia is kicking in. What if some random person got it? What if they open it and read it and enjoy my friend's art and witticism which I will forever be deprived of?! What if this is never resolved and I have to suffer forever with the knowledge that I could have received an amazing letter but in fact did not?

    *breathe in, breathe out*


    *is also procrastinating*

    I know... it's like an endless cycle of stress. I get home at 17:00, way too late to actually do anything. I end up going to bed at 1:00 feeling guilty for not having finished anything and feeling awful for losing potential sleep. I need more time. I need less school. I need less college mail. I need... ugh. XD But like you said, life goes on. We must deal with what we have.

    I am going to post this and if it's not long enough I will be sorely disappointed.

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    Never mind, I had gotten to Desmond. Just didn't remember his name. Go figure :P

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)


    Hahaha. XD See, that's what I'm picturing, of course I freak out!

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    Yay for THE EYES and my smiley face! May they live long and happy lives.

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *regret for taking so long* 

    So, on Tuesday I saw your post exactly 8 hours after you posted it, and I thought to myself: "Better reply today, or I won't be able to until Saturday!" So, I replied. And then my internet went kabloom so I refreshed the page and my post was gone and I had to go D: It wasn't too much of a loss, though, because I was very sick and had a ridiculously high fever so the post probably looked like so:

    "I hate life. Hahahaha my mailman is so dumb. Ugh my head... Ugh the weather... Ugh Texas... MY EARS, JESSICA."

    So... maybe this is for the best? 


    I had to tell you about Desmond. It was essential to our understanding of my place in the show. Right now I'm at the part where Hurley (who I love) is hogging the ranch, Sawyer's going all gun-hog, and Charlie is proceeding to ruin any chance he had with Claire *sigh* Oh, well, such is LOST. I love it. Your message is amazing, by the way. It made my fever-induced day. 

    Oh, way back when I first joined the Komm, I thought to myself: "Self, it would be cool if I met these people. They're awesome." Then time passed, the old members left, the new members (including you and Jacob! yay~) joined, and I still held on to a faint hope but I realized the internet is kind of erratic. *sigh* Oh, well. 

    I'll let Zee know about the new law! I think she'll be excited. I know I am. *cheers* Executions are my favorite!! 

    That sounded weird. I promise I'm not that odd. *fingers crossed*

    Jessica D: I missed Alcatraz that day, too! I didn't want to say anything because I was so ashamed and incapable of just calling you 'Jess' like a normal person. Fortunately, I made up for it, and it was so worth it. 

    Good thing I have my contacts in California, then. Now we can foil the evil weatherman plot that is plaguing the world! Yay~~ All we have to do is figure out exactly what they're trying to accomplish.

    JESSICA I GOT MY LETTER ON MONDAY! I walked to the mailbox, and I opened it, and there sitting all nicely and unassumingly were (not one) but two envelopes from her :D It was like... 10 pages front and back. It was the most glorious thing in the world. I'm working on my reply. So far I only have 7 pages, but just the front. The letters far exceeded my expectations. I love letters. So much. Nothing compares to the walk to the mailbox, the wind in your hair, knowing that either you're sending something to someone you care about or receiving a special, unique something that someone spent time on just for you. It's perfect.

    This week has been so busy! I have so many major assignments, a birthday, a new volunteer position with people from different Latin American countries (see paragraph below), and yesterday my friends invited me to a Horror Movie and Sushi night. (A strange combination, but we had so much fun). So that was the only relaxing point of my week, but I did not have a single moment to myself other than what little sleep I got.

    Oh, about my volunteer position: I work with people from different Spanish Speaking countries, and what struck me is how distinct our accents and speaking styles are. Oh, and one word for me can mean something totally different to them. I love Spanish  and its variations and intricacies XD 

    Oh, thank you so much :D The writing compliment makes me smile every time i read it. I love writing so much, and I've been doing as much as I can of it lately. I hope the length of this message reflects that. Hopefully. (?)

    Well, Jessica, again I apologize for the delay and thanks for your awesome message :D 

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    Oh wow.

    That message was so long. Sorry? 

    (by the way, the fact that you found your pencils in Jacob's room, where (I think) Frank lives, only proves that it's all Frank's fault)

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *rereads Jessica's message a lot of times*

    Okay, I was at a church conference but I am back so crazy school stress time is over for the year (at least that's what my deceitful-looking teachers say). Basically, my replies will not take so long. I know you don't want me to freak out about it, but I love writing this messages and reading yours, so the fact that it'll take me less time makes me happy :D 

    LOST Characters and my opinions of them (so far):

    Jack: OKAY. I don't know why he annoys me so much. Maybe his whole: "I'm a good guy and BOO-HOO I WANT KATE TO LOVE ME" emo act gets on my nerves.

    Kate: I dunno. I just don't know what to think about her.

    Sawyer: I have a strange love for that guy. He has his ego but it works on him. At least he's not all "conflicting emotions" like Jack. He has a reason for being the way he is. He was developed very well. 

    Charlie and Hurley- my two favorites :D I mean, I like Hurley a lot more than Charlie now that Charlie's going all psycho and Claire despises him. Also, Hurley is just SO AWESOME. 

    *sigh* the internet needs to become more efficient! 

    Okay, Jessica D: I'll try not to freak out about not having a nickname for you.

    MY HANDS ARE FREEZING JESSICA. This weatherman must be stopped, no matter what his ultimate purpose is! I CAN HARDLY TYPE. Do you realize how terrible this is?

    I read my letters so many times :D I reached 14 pages and I need to send them off now or my friend will get as impatient as I did XD I love letters. They're so beautiful~ I was chatting with her on le Facebook and we discovered that we pretty much never stop writing to each other. (I'll be in Pre-calc: "Dear Roo, I should be learning the properties of sine patterns, but I decided writing is more fun")

    (I have a friend with an Irish accent. I NEVER LET HIM STOP TALKING)

    Frank's innocent smile is deceiving. Be on your guard, Jessica! 

    Over and out.

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    NOOOOOOOOO we're not featured members anymore!

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    Yeah, I know. I was surprised we even made it this long, haha. And it was such an honor; we've gone down in the featured members hall of fame.

  • Jacob Vasquez(Fluffy White Dino)

    Hey, I'm fun to play 20 questions with! I may be a little specific, but that's the fun of the game. so what if I'm thinking of a dead maple leaf!

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    Well, we did! least, our featured members selves did. But the rest of us is still alive and kicking.

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *yay free time!*

    I know O___O School is so ridiculous. Everyone told me Junior year was the hardest, to be careful what classes I took, not to overwork myself, etc. etc. and I nodded but in my head I was thinking: "I can handle this." My mistake. This year it's gotten to the point where I can't stand any of my classes except APUSH (AP US History) which is awesome because my teacher is so much fun and the class is really relaxing even though I was told it was death. But you're right--I can't wait for summer vacation. We can do this, Jessica!! And you enjoy ski week. It's a much needed, relaxing sort of break and it's so great that you get that, in spite of the misleading name :P 

    And yes, talking to you is fantastic :D Your friends are right. And I think everyone has weird dreams relating to their lives. That's awesome that you're good at helping out.

    Ooh! Ice-skating! Have fun. (never been ice skating) Be careful not to fall or whatever XD 

    I actually started watching because of Dominic Monaghan. I was all: "THAT'S MERRY! *fangirl scream*" But then I got hooked on the show itself and now look at me. I think he does a good job of distancing his role as Charlie from his role as Merry though.


    Okay, we must do something about this weatherman! He's turned on me! The weather is actually... NICE today. I'm talking 75 degrees F (21 C if that's your thing) not a cloud in the sky, ridiculous! And it was pouring rain in the morning for like two seconds. I AM NOT JOKING. I timed it. What's the weather like over there?

    (XD I just realized we've been talking about the weather this whole time. Small talk gone wild~~)

    My Irish friend loves talking, so listening to him should not be a problem XD

    Oh, I totally understand. When my mom's not around, I'm surprised my family remembers to breathe. *shakes head* Seriously, though, moms are awesome (: 

    I have to build a trebuchet for Physics, so I guess I have to go XD But I don't want to stop writing. Just today during APUSH I was thinking of how beautiful words are. It's almost like they have a personality of their own. I wrote an entire page on why I love words :P Which is weird because when I try to explain it to people without the thing I wrote about words being awesome no one understands and they think I'm weird. Which goes to show... I should probably show you that paper lest you think I've finally lost my mind.

    (Kathi (my German sister) said I *have* to start showing more people my writing, but I don't even know who or what to show)

    Anyway, off to build Trebuchets using the concepts of Projectile motion! Take care! 

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    Oh no, of course not. We have AWDC umbrellas, of course.

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    I will feel VERY proud of myself by the time this school year ends. I'll be Super-Class-Passer, but hopefully more cool sounding. You're right--I thought I could handle it too. And so do most incoming sophies. BUT THINK ABOUT IT. We're almost done with not just junior year, but with high school. That's kind of mind-blowing. Now we get to stress out about college! YAY!! *confetti withers into nothing*

    Never mind. I'll follow your advice: positivity. That is key. We will prevail. Our confetti will never wither into indistinguishable, colorless dust. Why? Because we win at optimism.

    I need a vacation countdown. Sadly we can never be sure, because we might have bad-weather days and they'll probably steal from our vacation to make up for them. They enjoy torturing us as well. 

    (*yay phones!! the best form of communication after smoke signals!!*) 

    (actually I really enjoy phone-speaking)

    How was ice-skating? Did you fall? Are you intact? :O Awaiting your response before I make any decisions about my ice-skating future.

    Yes, he is a great actor :D And I love his accent. 

    *almost as awesome as my Irish friend's accent. except I tried calling him just now and he's not answering and now I am in need of listening to a cool accent*

    Thank you for reminding me of John Green! Now my self-control is renewed. I can do this! I could do it with TFioS, I can do it with this!! *puts on confidence hat* Uhh... Now what? *sits to corner and rocks back and forth, clutching confidence hat* must... not... watch. If my reward will be as awesome as last time, I must do this...

    Well, I guess we should be celebrating him, but he's being so bipolar. It's less than 50 degrees now and all rainy. yesterday it was 80 and not a cloud in the sky. SUPPOSEDLY we'll have rain all week (I hope so) but if the weatherman denies me this I will be very upset. I need rain. Rain is nice. Freezing hands are not. 

    (that just proves how amazing we are at conversations. XD it's surprising the Komm can handle our awesomeness.) 

    Yay! Jessica's mom is back! Life is good (: 

    My trebuchet has to be to my teacher's weird standards. Launch a golf ball a certain exact height and a certain exact distance or else. Meh. D: It's either that or a catapult-but same specifications. Maybe I'll hire you and Jacob to help me XD

    (we're all allowed a little insanity, I guess)

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *feels very complimented :D* 

    I'm looking at my life in perspective here. The other day my mami told me something that shocked me: "You have more years of high school behind of you than ahead of you." Bomb right on my mind. But you're right--looking back is nice. These years have been great (: Four different high schools had its drawbacks, but dear sweettarts the experiences I had. I can definitely say I've changed for the better. But being a senior... it seems so far off still! 

    I fell into the deep dark hole of procrastination. D: But WE WILL STAY POSITIVE. Oh yay I love prizes :D I can't wait! My last day of school is the first of June (tentative du to bad weather days, but they usually never take Summer Vacation from us anyway) and I really, really can't wait. We will definitely succeed-we have to.

    (business phone calls terrify me. I actually have a list of people I enjoy talking on the phone with)

    YAY ICE SKATING! I am so glad you had fun~ Saturday I was all... woah. I hope Jessica is having fun and not possibly freezing. You got away with minor injuries--I'm so proud of you. As for skates, I'll have to be careful with choosing them if I ever go then. (did you all fall like a domino-effect? I have an interesting story about something along the lines). Oh, that sounds so relaxing, taking a break from all that school and yuckiness. I need to do that. I congratulating you on your ice-skating efforts. Relaxing days are the best (:  

    (I might even try out ice-skating sometime)

    TODAY IS MY STUDENT HOLIDAY! YAY ME! On Friday I went to the movies, and my friends coerced me into watching a chick flick. I didn't want to :P But we had so much fun. We sat around and laughed and ate popcorn (chick flicks and popcorns> two things I'm not fond of, but my friends made it so much fun). I guess my aversion to chick flicks subsided since the movie was actually heart-wrenching and adorable (yuck. I have feelings) and ughhh. As for popcorn, it's growing on me. XD

    1) Never heard of Celtic Thunder

    2) Now I have and I am hooked

    3) THAT ACCENT. *replays video in a trance*

    Okay, okay, okay: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT. I mean, seriously. Your messages make my day that much brighter, and reading what you think about my writing just made my day so perfect. (: It's so wonderful and now I just want to go and write all the things and publish all the novels and weave all the poems. Jessica, you are so cool. Thank you so much~~~~~ (all the squigglies. all of them)

    Beware of weathermen bearing gifts O_O (I fail at rewording quotes) My weatherman has settled into the pleasant 50's every day, but like you said, they could both turn on us just as soon as we let our guard down and disappoint us greatly. 

    (we narrowly avoided destroying the Komm. It owes us many things).

    Yes~ Bow and arrows are physics too! (that should be on a protest poster). As for trebuchets, I think I've pretty much made up my mind on doing that :D 

    Overall, it's been a good day. 

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *used to be worried about replying too late, now worried about replying too soon*

    Yeah, Junior year was amazing! I've met so many different people and if the workload didn't exist it'd be ideal. I wonder what being a senior will be like. I'm more curious than excited, though I do understand your excitement completely. You see all these people with 'Senioritis' and you wonder... am I going to be like that? All: "GO SENIORS CLASS OF 2013 BABY! FRESHMEN ARE LOSERS HAHA HAVE  NICE LIFE FISH." But if I have to change schools senior year I will be that awkward senior that no one knows. I like my school. *hugs drawing of school*

    FOURTEEN WEEKS AND COUNTING! You get like ten days less, and parties! That is so cool. The only party I get is prom--and that's only if I can get some misguided senior to invite me. As a group would be nice. Date with a misguided senior not so much. I MUST FIND A MISGUIDED, SOCIALLY ADEPT SENIOR THEN. (or just stay home and unravel my new and fulfilling relationship with chick-flicks)

    *takes notes* So... not too cold, size smaller, falling is okay, nice break. Haha :D I love Domino Effect stories. They're always hilarious. WAIT. My brain is somehow telling me to go ice skating. Could it be your discreet pushing me towards it? I seriously want to try it now though.

    Monday off was so relaxing! But I'm dreading school right now--are you? Is it just me? Did you enjoy your Ski-less Ski week? 

    Yes, Chick Flicks and I do not love each other too much. But we're solving some issues. AND FRIENDS ARE THE BEST. (I am typing fast because I have to go but I want to write ALL THE THINGS SO MUCH). As for movie theater style popcorn, it's the only type I will allow near me. I don't like it--but I don't hate it either.

    And don't let school crush you and Jacob's amazing siblingship! You two are the bomb, to put it in modern nomenclature. *big word plug*. I can't wait for summer :D Maybe then I'll catch you and Jacob on here again--at the same time! *gasp of disbelief* But seriously though, you and Jacob are the coolest pair of siblings ever. I decided that a while ago.

    Okay, they are a great group, and now that you mentioned the country thing I am sort of hesitant. I'm not a big country music person, but since I already like this band I can't go into it with that awful little bias of mine. DIE BIAS. 

    I will publish so many things and show my writings to so many people :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I started writing a story this morning that I love and the words are increasing by the thousands. EXCEPT I SHOULD BE SMART AND SLEEP. But I love writing. Writing > sleep. 

    TRUST the weathermen?! *skeptical* I guess we could try it out for a while. But mark my words, if they fail me, I will uncover their plot! 

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    AHHH I ordered mine a few days ago, and I can't wait!!!!

    How is it? It look absolutely fantastic.

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    AHH I'M SO JEALOUS. I can't wait for mine to come! :3

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *really loves LOST too much it's scary*

    Consider yourself forgiven :P Trust me, I know what it's like to be busy. Don't stress about it--this is for fun.

    Now shall we:

    I really, really, really need to get to Senior year already. You're right, we'll be the coolest seniors ever :D The world will be so jealous. And just watch--we'll get our free time, at least as a prize for all this suffering this year put us through. We can always hope!! *optimism shot* And I agree about not taking 9 classes :P It's probably not the best idea if you want a relaxing year. As for me switching schools, I'm keeping my fingers crossed~ I really, really love my school (it's structured to be like college). I have very relaxed teachers even in my extremely stressful classes. You know , the usual. So if I stay here, I'll have my friends and my people and my fun. 

    Let's see. As of today, I have 89 days left of school! I can only hope I'll make it haha

    Okay, on the subject of Prom. See, most of my friends this year are exchange students, so this is their year to go. They want to go as a group and they want me to go but I can't unless some misguided senior invites me. To be honest, I really don't want to go this year :P but I do want to have this experience with my friends. I've always thought of Prom as more of a Senior year thing, and I never really agreed with schools that let juniors go just because. Mine is Seniors only, unless your date is a lowerclassman. I'm definitely going next year though-it's Prom and it's my Senior year. But I can settle for chick flicks with friends easily :) I'm sure you can find someone to go with by Senior year. (hopefully it's not that hard to find someone to go to Prom with). Even then, group attendance at Prom is a longstanding tradition (one that I hope to uphold due to my astonishing lack of someone to go with).

    There's an ice skating rink like 15 minutes from my house. Hopefully I'll try it out in the near future (: 

    My Spring break is next week and it's ONLY a week. I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SURVIVE THE REST OF THE SEMESTER WITH ONLY A WEEK OF BREAK AND I AM GOING TO STOP RANTING NOW. you and Jacob ever fight? (I fight with my bro ALL the time. But it's like a friendly arguing, not a beat you with words kind of fighting). And Good thing Life won't crush you guys XD

    Country is just... ehhhh... 'iffy' for me.

    (but writing IS better than sleep~ your math thing is so accurate I laughed so hard hahaha)

    Our weather is slowly improving from Texas-all-over-the-place to Texas'-erratic-definition-of-normal. Which is a big up for the weather here. I love rain I love rain I love rain I love rain :D As for my weatherman.... I'm keeping an eye on him.

    (College visits this week! wish me luck~)

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    Oh, also, CLAIRE TOOK CHARLIE'S HAND (I watched this episode so long ago but the feelings still remain)

    And Desmond D: I hope he's alive. (getting close to Season 3 finale!)

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *is also excited about canvas painting because people that canvas paint are awesome in my book*

    I still have far too many days left of school! Thankfully, as you know, the week is off so I get to rest (hypothetically. really all I've done is explore downtown). I am so ready for senior year. In fact, I am so ready to graduate! *will elaborate more on that later* I literally am counting the days. Every day I come home is one day closer to my graduation. It'll be our reward! *confetti* (tangent: You're missed on le chat D': no one understands Doug or confetti). As far as I know, my current school remains. Usually the plans to move start around this time.

    30 seniors... HA. XD I just pictured a prom with only that amount of seniors. Prom is supposed to be an event only for seniors, in my opinion. Otherwise, if you go every year, it's just not special. I get Homecoming. Go every year if you can manage it. But keep prom special. Yay group~ so much better than awkward dates.

    This is the last break I have this year D: I wish it were later so it'd help me relax before AP tests and stuff. I'm milking this break for all it's worth. I try to change my attitude about sleep :P It's not working out too well.

    XD I love my little bro as well. He's the coorest, but he is a bit temperemental.

    I can do some metal, but screamo is not my thing. I find it hilarious, however, that my city has a Christian screamo station XD I didn't know that existed! The only genres I can't stand are that and country (sorry?)


    "If you don't like the weather in Texas, it's okay. Just wait 20 minutes."

    -Uncle David

    Our weather was 80 today, 40 yesterday (yay for using F) 

    Woah! How'd you calculate that? That sounds like a lot :D And we can make it more~~ *makes mini cheesecakes to motivate*

    About my wanting to graduate: I chose my college and made my plans :D I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT IT YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Every day I turn to Kathi and say: "I wanna go to college!" I need to graduate. I'm excited about the direction my life is going, about my major and what I'm going to do with it. It actually astounds me, because I never thought I'd be so sure about my decision that I'd actually be that excited.

    Anyway, it's all going well :) I won a poetry contest and the awards ceremony is in about two weeks. So I'm psyched about that as well.


  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *made pie on pi day. it was blueberry*

    Sadly, I was never graced with a Pi Shirt, though now that I read through your whole message I definitely want one! How am I supposed to survive Pi Day otherwise? How am I supposed to live with myself?

    I guess all I have to do now is beware the Ides of March

    (that's today by the way)

    (have you read Julius Caesar or am I being too confusing)

    That is true. Time does pass by very quickly. Before you know it we'll be done with Junior year and we'll be nostalgic ol' seniors going over the wonders of our Junior years (yeah right) and the absolute horrors of being Freshies (*shudders*). We'll be all ready to graduate but at the same time we'll appreciate the great time we were allowed in high school.

    Just kidding Seniors don't seem that wise (but we'll be!)

    You're popped in the chat right now :D *excitement* As you can see this is a retype. (sadness overcome). Also, I seriously want to know what Doug looks like know. He'd probably look awesome, aside from being a rectangle with words and pictures and smileys in him. Doug is le coolest. (is the moon great today?)

    I used to go to a small school, with about three seniors (to give you a general idea). That's WAY too small for me, but your school seems just about the right size It seems like you'd get to know people a lot better, as opposed to when you're surrounded by 1,500 other Juniors all wandering around campus just as confused as you are. Most of them aren't going to prom this year, and apparently neither am I. :D Senior year here we go.

    I need sleep! Jessica, admonish me D: I've been awful this week. Really, it should be illegal in at least 37 states. I've stayed up beyond midnight, never earlier, usually until like 4, either because I'm on the phone or because I'm just too excited about the night to be tired. I just can't even fathom it. Next week I'll be exhausted.

    Younger brothers are the coolest, in spite of their... faults. They just can't help being that way.

    Christian screamo amused me greatly :P I had no idea that existed in any way. But like you, I have a pretty solid love for most genres of music. In fact, some day I might even find a country song I can remotely tolerate. Well, at least half of one. Hopefully more (I need help). Then I will be a more well-rounded individual. But finding good country... man, that'll be hard for me to do on my own.

    Here it's been miserably hot and sunny, even inside (sans the sunny). There is no escaping the ridiculously high temperatures. It's ridiculous, it's Texas. If it's this bad in March, who knows how awful it'll be come July? I envy your nice, cool rain. That stage in my life with Texas seems to be gone, unless Uncle David is completely right.

    I need to do that word document thing. Has it really been three months? Man, time really does fly! I was looking over my Kommwall and I did realize most of my comments were from you :D I love these messages. They're so fantastic.


    2 years getting my Associate's Degree in Culinary Arts at Le Cordon Bleu

    5 getting my Master's in Food Science with a concentration in Culinology, which is awesome because I'd be doing experiments with food and helping in the Food Service industry (second biggest employer in the US after the government)

    I also plan to get a PhD in it so I'll be Dr. Aimée. You just watch. it's going to happen. :) One of those years I'll study in Spain, where I plan to live for a while (me+spain+spanish=Realization of my dreams) This also enables me to major in Spanish, which would open up a lot of doors for me. A PhD in Food Science and a BA in Spanish... pretty well-rounded, I'd say.

    Poetry awards ceremony in exactly 10 days! *guess who can't wait* 

    Glad that amused you :P Hurley does have a habit of repeating words. And Charlie and Claire... can I repeat. Adorable. Also, Kate apparently loves Sawyer now. I always liked them together better than Jack/Kate. We don't need those two to be together. Ever :P

    XD I love that! It's so amusing!

    Another Chem joke:

    Two men walk into a bar.

    The first man says, "Hm.. I'll just have a little H2O."

    The second man says. "Cool! I think I'll have some H2O, too"

    The second man died.

    (Chem jokes are so great)

    Anyway, I really have to go say goodbye to you and be off to the movies to watch Extremely loud and Incredibly Close with Kathi! This is another day I'll stay up past midnight (yayayayay)

    *ceases to exist*

  • K-Mod


  • Andrew Eaton (Fire Wolf)

    Excellent job on the artwork, you've got a gifted hand!

  • Ethan (Vivid Wyvern)

    Aww.. thankies, Jess! I think I overdid it a little on the virtual cake..

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    Wooo, thanks Jess! Yeah, I was pretty surprised. I guess they just spelled my name like that to "protect my identity" or something? Maybe they didn't want to say people's full names for the Internet without their consent. But they really didn't change it that much, so... they may have just mistyped it, haha.

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *no clue how late my response is*

    NO NO NO. You are an awesome person to message like this. And life is its own hurried self, isn't it? 


    I have... hm... ehh. Too many days. I am so sick of school it's ridiculous. BUT I HAVE NO MORE BREAKS. Might as well drop out of high school now (just kidding. I'm too 'responsible' for that). OH SQUASH. Being a freshie again will not be my favorite thing /: But we can do it. We are strong. *clinging to hope*

    I'm glad you liked the message :D

    2,000 other students is definitely too much, but at the same time, I always meet new people, and my friend Sarah and I always go around just talking to random people, doing surveys and the like. Great way to meet new people. (also to find things out: More people want to go to prom than not). So the upside is that I know a lot of people. The downside is that I don't know a lot of people.

    To quote Dallas: "You should Google sleep sometime." It's a luxury D: But, alas, we must trudge along. I do vote for less school though. That sounds luscious. 

    XD Any country song suggestions are welcome. Though I would be surprised if you found one I actually liked. 

    I TOLD YOU ABOUT THE TORNADO RIGHT. It was traumatic. Not Texas weather's finest moment. I prefer your weather... *sigh*

    I love cooking. But I mostly love the science behind it--it's fascinating to the extreme! And yes, Dr. Aimée I shall be (: 

    Exactly. You'd make an AMAZING math teacher. Just an accepted indisputable fact of life. That's awesome. 

    YES. LOST is fantastic! Sadly, we have yet to get Season four from the library... I am anxious to see it! 

    I love science. I just love it. Science is the love of my life. Science and I are in a very fulfilling relationship. Science and I love each other (shall I continue?) 

    And getting chemistry jokes is just an upside XD

    I read your blog and commented and everything *throws confetti* YAY! 

    New over here: nothing of consequence :D Yay for my monotonous school monopolized life! *three unenergetic cheers*

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *Happy Tax Day!*

    I know! Same here! I've hardly been home at all this weekend. It's awful. I don't understand why, but I guess that is how life is deciding to workout nowadays. 

    Keeping my fingers crossed that these last six weeks pass quickly. I NEED THEM TO. I AM GOING CRAZY. But we're almost there! We can do it! We are strong and the like! Also, next year I'm only taking five classes. That should be more relaxing. 

    I know, the official names are "Winter Break" but everyone calls it Christmas break anyway :P As for Spring break... we got ours WAY too early. I think April is a good month to have it. It's right in between and it leaves the final streak as more relaxing.

    Haha! That is hilarious :P I mainly get excited about break because I get to SLEEP. (but then I end up staying up until 3 in the morning anyway. I just love TALKING to people). I think I understand, though. I love catching up on work. I love being all caught up and having my room clean and everything. I feel so wonderfully accomplished. That's a nice feeling to have.

    Like I said, I love talking to people. So that survey was fascinating! People are just awesome. They all have their unique backgrounds and personalities, and everyone, absolutely everyone, has a story to tell. The important discovery we all need to make is what we're going to do with our stories. Some paint it, some write it, some draw it, some invent something amazing out of it. (I have this weird reverence for words and stories that I can't explain.) If  I ever was pretentious enough to write an autobiography, I'd call it: "My Life as an Untitled Story."

    I need to sleep.... eh... not really. 

    Weather is bipolar EVERYWHERE. It's all stormy and rainy today--the perfect weather. I've never heard of tornados in California XD I'm sure the people there would go nuts. I can handle earthquakes but tornadoes are far too frightening!

    *yes yes yes I want to be Dr. Aimée even more now! it's so cool I can't get over it*

    You'll be like that sub I had this week. She LOVED Moby Dick, and she went crazy for the symbolism. You'll be like that but with math. :3 You'll teach this generation to love the maths!


    *calms down*

    I talked to Jacob about Bio once :P I can definitely believe that haha! I think I convinced him to take Physics? Hm... we'll see how that goes XD

    THINGS: I just wanted to say Jessica, that I appreciate you and your messages greatly. I know the Komm is a tough place to be nowadays but thanks because people like you make it better. You're a great internet friend~ (Also you are an amazing artist I am not kidding. Your youtube speed drawings blow me away).

    THING 2: I ended up not going to prom :P NEXT YEAR IT IS.

    I  had more things to write but I totally forgot. SO ADIOS~ 

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    Ahhh Jess, sorry I didn't get back in time to talk to you. It was great that Doug was alive again tonight, but it was too chaotic to get in some good conversation. Soon though! School should be slowing down soon, hopefully, and even if it doesn't it has to end soon and DIE FOREVER so then it will for sure! Haha, but I'll talk to you soon. Wield your umbrella with might.

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    Jessica :D Thank you so much! You have beautiful handwriting by the way. I want to print it so I can put it on my wall XD Gracias~ 

    (I will reply to your comment soon. It's AP week(s)... AAAAAAAAAAAH -dead-)

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *sorry but now AP week is over yay*

    THANK YOU! And cutting my hair was a bit of an out of the blue decision. I just looked at my hair, was assaulted by the Texas heat, and decided I would like it better short. I'm used to it by now, but back when I read your comment it was very unusual for me because brushing my hair used to take me forever and now it takes me ten seconds.

    9 days! NINE MORE DAYS JESSICA. I AM NOT GOING CRAZY I SWEAR. *going nuts* It's really bad. I can't even spell. I usually never proofread but now I have to type and retype words TOO many times.  WE CAN DO THIS JESSICA, AND KEEP OUR BASIC SPELLING SKILLS INTACT MEANWHILEAOINIEABFOE OH WHO AM I KIDDING.

    I can't even type XD It's bad. It's really bad. Also, I'm language confused. I can't even stick to English! I'LL EVEN START COMMUNICATING IN FRENCH. (it's taking me forever to type this because of all my errors)



    You're right. I think it's God's best creation XD I gave up on that whole "no sleep" business because I am literally a zombie merely trudging through these last weeks of school.

    Also, my room is beautifully clean. I reorganized everything :D Here, I have a picture: 

    Everything's nice and neat and organized and exactly how it's supposed to be. (my room is too unusual but at least every unusual piece is in its unusual place).

    I love people! I don't know what's going on with me but that's just my general sentiment. Like, at school my thoughts will mainly consist of (I am going nuts Jessica help me) "Ughhhh... Physics... kill me.. test... ew... what's the equation?.. who even cares?.. what does it matter.. ha that guy made me laugh! I love people so freaking much!" People fascinate me even in my deteriorating state.

    (thanks for complimenting my title haha if  I ever write my autobiography I'll be sure to let you know :D)

    YES. I DO NEED SLEEP. *dies slowly*

    Yeees :D You'd be the best teacher. and I love the golden ratio. (Donald Duck in Mathemagicland is my ex-Geometry teacher's favorite movie. I kind of love it too). People would pay to have someone amazing like you teach their kids. You'd do great.

    TURNIP HEAD IS AARON. Claire's child :3

    Oh, could you ask Jacob if he ended up deciding to take Physics? I'm kind of curious. I wish him the best. *done with Physics basically*


    I haven't been on Youtube since I spoke to you! I'd better go watch that Bistro video... I will comment on there :D

    How'd your dentist appointment do? *has dentophobia* 

    1. I'm glad I met you too :D And that you've read this far into my pseudo-dementia. 

    2. Prom next year will be fantastical. 

    OH. NEW TOPICS. So, I'm putting my writing portfolio together and I'm really, really nervous about it. It has to be things I've written in Creative Writing class and I'm not sure if I'm a fan of all that stuff. OH WELL What's done is done. Who even cares it's the end of the year (there is something wrong with me. I have senioritis and I'm not even a senior).

    Also, I have loads of projects this week. WHY? Why can't the famed 'Dead Week' exist?! GIVE ME THESE NINE DAYS.

    I was talking to one of my debate friends and I told her that I wish I could just stop my normal life for a while and then come back completely refreshed. Like, not have any obligations for like

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    (FIRST PART OF THE MESSAGE BELOW. It cut off my message! I am not amused XD Well, maybe a little. Seriously though this is the second part)

    I was talking to one of my debate friends and I told her that I wish I could just stop existing for a while and then come back completely refreshed. Like, not have any obligations for like a week then come back and resume life like nothing happened. I'm so tired of being tired! That'd be really cool actually! I promise there is nothing wrong with me... *sigh*

    I should stop writing now, shouldn't I?

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *yay replying*

    Yay for haircuts! I love getting my haircut--it feels nice, and now that I have it short I can't even imagine having it long again. How did I even like that? It's so great short, but I need to get it trimmed again (trimmed haha) 

    YAAAAAAY FOR  BEING FREE! I've been really busy though, all break! I've been touring Dallas with Kathi, and otherwise been occupied. Now all this week I'm volunteering at church helping with a class for third graders. It's only from 9-12 so I'll be good, though. Otherwise. FREEEEDOM.

    I think school killed that part of my brain where grammar AND basic math mattered XD My grandfather came to visit me from México, and he's been quizzing me on APUSH, and I literally can't remember anything. It's a nice feeling, because I know I know it, I just don't have to bring it to mind :D AND YES. I've been sleeping a whole lot. I love sleep.

    I love my room too! I used to have this collection of stuffed animals, and since then I've had this strange attachment to them. I should be a *cool* teenager though, and donate them, too, but I think it would break me XD I've kept my room clean, but I want to do it more! Strange the things one does...

    ALSO I WANT THAT PIN. When I had my quinceañera (oh so long ago, it seems) I wanted to design my cake after the Starry Night, but we had a change of plans. I still want a cake like that though. OOH! I have a new among-favorites impressionist painter (except he's still alive haha). His name is Leonid Afremov--he even has a DeviantART! You should look him up. I LOVE his use of colour.


    (Dude. I will SEND you my first copy. I'll even be pretentious enough to sign it :D)

    So we'll both have great career paths! YAY.

    I NEED TO WATCH LOST. My darling Sawyer lost his Juliet and I CRIED. I CRIED ALL THE CRIES. I didn't like them together but then I did.

    My brother has the catapult video and won't sent it to me. Sigh.

    YES! We have plans for our fame now. Deal! 

    I need to get braces too... it would freak me out though. I've been fighting the dentist thing for a while, but I'll eventually have to cave. I REALLY HATE THE DENTIST. But I hope you can get the invisalign! That's what I wanted, too.

    Haha! We deserve a reward for talking about the weather for SO. LONG.

    YAY ARTISTS! Atomic Tom hasn't done anything recently ): But you must send me some song recommendations. 

    OH. Kathi left for Germany yesterday. I keep turning around and expecting her to be here. It feels so strange without her.

    Okay, I'd better stop now because I'm exhausted and I have to get up early tomorrow

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    Oh, two things to add (a little late):

    1) I used the word "Yay" WAY too much in my last message. Weird.

    2) Recently, I've been wondering how we started out with these messages. I realized that we started with a relatively short one and then they progressively got longer and longer XD That's awesome, especially since we recently got to the point where our messages were cut off.

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    JESSYKUHHHHH! I am SO SORRY! I can only be on for literally like TWO MINUTES now, but I'll be back on later tonight hopefully. AHHH I'M SOO EXCITEDDDDD!

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    I'M HERE.

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)

    YOU FANTASTIC LITTLE SWAMP CHICKEN, YOU. That drawing is unbelievably brilliant. So many good, beautiful people I love. THANK YOU! ^^

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    *work cancelled today so I can reply :D*
    How long has it been? I hope it hasn’t been too long.
    I’m writing the response on a separate document because I’m scared of the Komm :P
    I want to cut my hair again too! I want it really, really short. I liked how it was just below my chin, but now it’s grown to shoulder length. I like it because it looks good wavy, as well, so I might just keep it this length. What are you considering doing to your hair? (Nooooooo, I love your hair!)
    I like being busy in Summer break, because I get to choose (mostly) what kind of busy I am. I think it’s better to be busy hanging out with people or teaching Spanish classes or whatever than being busy trapped in our educational system. And I’ve been home a lot more than I’m comfortable with ): I like being out.
    Jessica. Your idea is brilliant! I need school split into sections. This long three month break is awful. I’d rather it be just a nice, short break every once in a while. That way school doesn’t drive us crazy and neither does break. We should seriously let the Powers That Be know about your idea. I got ONE break last semester, and it was only a week. How is that sane?
    I go to sleep late as well. I mean, no pressure for waking up the next morning, not really (whenever I work it’s in the afternoon), so wonderful. I’ll stay up hours writing letters or writing for me, or reading (I’d forgotten how much fun reading could be. OH SCHOOL YEAR HOW YOU HATE ME), listening to some music (I’ve gotten really into this one song called Bright Lights by Matchbox Twenty). I love the night. It’s my favorite. I guess we’ll have to work really hard to regularize our sleep schedules again, though.
    I donated some of my plushed toys last year. It was a huge bag of them too. I need to donate more now. I need to do this.  I need to. I-- yeah.
    Let me know if you rearrange your room :P
    Mine is messy again! I’m looking forward to cleaning it. But today is dedicated solely to finishing LOST. I got the 6th Season from the library because the internet was disappointing me. I’m 11 episodes in. Meaning I have only five episodes left. O_O Just five. Five and LOST will be over... forever... no more Dessy, or Sawyer, or Hurley, or--- I need a moment.
    I want a Starry Night cake for my 18th birthday now :D THAT IS OFFICIALLY MY NEW GOAL. I will let you know how that pans out.
    I love Deviantart as well. So many talented people. I allow myself the freedom of openly admiring their talent. It makes up for my own “I can’t art!” moments. (also for my “I can’t grammar” moments).
    Yes! I’ll have a signed art piece! That would be so awesome you have no idea. I’d better get to finishing that book ;D
    Did you finish Sherlock? Did you? (and if so how are your emotions doing). I love that show.
    Ahh. I think it’s been a week. Did you get your braces? how are you doing? I’m glad they’re ceramic and not metal, I’ll try and get those. I don’t know when I’m getting mine. The mum keeps saying we have to go, but then my dentophobia kicks in, I imagine myself dying a slow and painful Novocaine-induced death, and the mum agrees to put it off for another week. I guess I should just get it over with. *shudders*
    Yay! Our weather skills are unsurpassable! I congratulate us on our intrinsic awesomeness.
    Can’t wait for my country song :)
    Yeah, Kathi was a foreign exchange student. She was like a sister--we did everything together. But I know she’s happy back home, and I’m happy here, and I’ll see her again someday, so no use being sad.
    Woah... seven months. That’s crazy! I think I’ll print out and bind our messages as well. I really enjoy writing/reading them, so rereading them should be an excellent experience. I didn’t think they would  carry on this long, but I’m so happy they did. And I hope they do for longer.
    I’m trying not to overuse certain words, though. I

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    (and I checked a million times too!) 

    "I’m trying not to overuse certain words, though. I appreciate your patience :)"

    That was the last of it, I believe.


  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)


    Oh those comics are quite hilarious. I'm glad you think of me when you think of Zelda, since it pretty much accurately sums up my entire existence, haha.

    ANAGRAM MAGIC, IT'S BEEN TOO LONG. A whole summer too long, as you remarked. We'll need to remedy that soon. I'll probably be tied down for the rest of this week at least and maybe the next with the whole getting-used-to-college-in-a-city-I've-never-lived-in-ever thing, you know. But I need some anagramatical goodness SOON or I think I'm just going to explode. We'll have to make it happen.

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)


    Haha, no that's awesome. Hopefully we'll be able to synchronize more then, since I'll have large portions of each day off now, too.






    Haha. Hope I can be online for more than 10 seconds when you're here soon.

  • K-Mod

    Kevin (UniSeal)


    Haha, well maybe at least!

  • K-Mod



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