Josip Bubnjević (Nirdala)


Novi Sad


Comment Wall:

  • K-Mod


    Welcome to the Kommunity!  here's a little tour guide that may help you along the path to mythical beastliness ~   Rhett & Link 101

  • Maya (DarkStrawberrySquirrel)

    Welkomm to the komm!

  • Lilian Brandon (Tachyonic Raven)

    Welcome to the Kommunity! Hop into chat and meet other Mythical Beasts, nose around the discussions in the forum, and check out the amazing artwork of other MB's on the Beast Kreations pages, but most importantly, have fun and be your mythical best!

  • Chris Blake (Levaithan)

    WELKOMM!!!!!! *cheers and claps while confetti falls*


  • Pinkie Brony Chick

    Hiya! And welkomm to the greatest, awesomest, nicest, best community ever! You'll love it here. I hope your mythicality beastlyness will thrive here more then ever!



  • Chris Blake (Levaithan)

    we are the 6 Blitzkateers!