Andrew Eaton (Fire Wolf)

27, Male

Mesa, AZ

United States

Comment Wall:

  • K-Mod


    Welcome to the Kommunity!  here's a little tour guide that may help you on the way . . .  Rhett & Link 101


  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    Oh, Thank you! I love art, so I have fun with it. ^.^ Either way, credit goes to God. It's all his work anyways.

  • Kristi (Phoenaphant)

    Thanks Andrew Lupis_Ignis! And a fairly new welcome to you too!

  • Maddie Burton

  • Erin Carlson (Pegicorn)

    Thankyou :)
  • Liam Merrick (Chupacaribou)

    Thanks man!

  • Maxamillian Chesterfield

    Thanks for the warm welcome!

  • Penny

    Thankyou :) x

  • K-Mod


    Welcome to the Welcome Kommittee!

    Please check out the general "rules" (which are really just helpful suggestions) and ask if you have any questions.

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    Why hello, Andrew :D Actually two of those. She's an exchange student from Germany staying at my house--so she's my friend and she's family. She does have awesome red hair haha! 

    You have a nice day too :) 

  • Nik Matt

    How do I be beastly!?

  • Lucas (I'm Brony and I'm Proud)

    LOL!!! :)

  • wideblue75

    thX FOR THE WELCOME!!!!=]

  • Dylan Riddle


  • D.A.D.

    Cool thanks
  • Adelina (RainbowSerpent) Maria

    Thank you.:D

  • K-Mod


    Your order is ready for pick-up.  Click image below to view all trading cards. The Lupis Ignis ~ the Legendary Fire Wolf is card #18 in the 2012 series and #75 overall.

  • Eric Marshall (Dubopotamus)

    Thank you very much, right back atcha buddy!

  • K-Mod


    MB Card - - - you are most welcome.  One is happy to be of service.


    Regarding the "Mod Help" offer . . . i'm not one, just a very active kommunity member.  That's why it's called The (Unofficial) Welcome Kommittee.  Great job, by the way, on the coverage you are giving to greet new members. It's quite fun, isn't it? And after a short while it becomes a daily habit and you hate to miss someone.


    A little history on the WK - - - although several of us would individually post greetings before then, the group started on September 20, 2010 and the first new MB that was greeted on that day was #11,272 - - - which means that as of this writing I have posted welcome notes to 9,386 MBs (give or take a handfull of "private" settings) in the past 564 days = 16.6/day average . . . much higher on average since the beginning of GMM. 

    What can I say? I'm a numbers guy. 


    Keep up the good work!


  • K-Mod


    for help & instruciton it is easiest to come into KommChat  - - either i or another one of the regulars can help you though it


  • Avindya Perera (morphus evolvia)


  • Caleb Powers

    Thanks for the greeting! :D

  • Meredith Rane Bluntschly

    Thanks, and don't worry. I WILL!


  • Abby :)

    Thank you, i will! :)

  • Anna (Queen-of-the-Meliae)

    Haha yes! I shall be beastly (;

  • Heather(Yumie)

    -Thank you for the welcome. 

  • Callum (Hypercornn)

    Thank you, may you have a mythical day.

  • Kyle

    Thank you for the warm welcome!

  • Hannah Barker

    Thanks! Never knew mythical beasts were so friendly!
    Hannah B. :):):)
  • Ellen (Minotrilophosaurus)

    Thank you! I will wear my beastliness with pride.

  • Pascale

    Thank you! Beastly I'll be!!!

  • Helen

    Thanks :D

  • Maverick

    Thank you! (:

  • Andrew G. Weir

    Thanks! :)
  • Mareike (Rain Bird)

    thank you very much! :)

  • Zuzka Vašíčková

    Hey, thanks! =) have a beastly day! ;)

  • Lady Hummingbyrd

    Thank you good sir, I shall do my best.

  • Timothy Lam

    Thank you for the warm welcome my fellow mythical beast!

  • Hannah Nicholson

    Thank you for your greeting. =)

  • Mister J

    Thank you very much. May the force be with you. Always.

  • Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)

    XD Komm people tend to be non-stalkers. (I like your page background by the way)

    The pic is of my pet rock, Bonafacio III. Jacob named him :P (I might go back to a picture of me though...) He's sitting on a German book (me trying to learn languages). 

    What you call your interrogation comments are fun to answer haha. Hope all is going well for you, Andrew.

  • nope

    Thanks for the welcome! 

  • Nick McFadden (Myopic Byclops)

    Thank you for the welcome. ^_^

  • Kevin D. N. Lawson

    Many thanks!

  • Lori Linton

    Heck yes!!
  • Rohan

    Thank you very much :D