Aimée (Queen of the Amazon)


Plano, TX


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  • christopher bovee

    hey thanks for the welcome. your awsome! :)
  • christopher bovee

    idk im just testing this gift thing
  • Jonathan Castro ( El Cadejos)

    Hooolas !!


  • The rainbow barfing unillama

    You sure have a long list of things you want us to know about you...
  • Jonathan Castro ( El Cadejos)

    Hooola Reina ! Como estas ! Tanto tiempo !! Haces falta por estos lugares no se si no te has podido conectar o es que yo no me conecto cuando estas =(


    La  cosa es que se te extrana recuerda que con un gran poder viene una gran responsabilidad y que la tuya es mantener el Internet a salvo del aburrimiento !! Un abrazo espero que estes bien tu y tu familia !!! Saludos desde Costa Rica !


  • Mack (Alrokabeesk)

    Heyyy! Long time, no read? You get the point. Gimme a shout when you come into chat~
  • Ms.Linkie (MooingNanner) Here is the finished Product Aimee! Just like my dream I had :D enjoy!
  • Luis Navarro

    Muchas gracias por la bienvenida : D!
  • Scarlet

    thx 4 the welcoming!!!
  • sandy gibson

    Thanks. You're so hospitable!
  • Gisela Lamont (Unizamander)

    You're awesome too!!!!!!!11!!!!1

    See I'm so classy I put 1s in my exclamation point dumps.

  • Gisela Lamont (Unizamander)

    Gifts are like my life okay.


  • Gisela Lamont (Unizamander)







  • Sinus Sister

    Thanks for the welcome, The Aimee (with an accent)! Rhett and Link delight me. There's my newest "find" and I can't stop laughing. What's your favourite video?
  • Sinus Sister

    The Aimee, my fav video, so far, is the Cuban gynecological and the mattress TV ad with rap. They're side-splitting!
  • Zee (Baconhawk) Platinum

    You're picture is fabulous. I love you ever so much^^

  • K-Mod



    The panel of celebrity judges panel has been assembled - - only a few days remain for KBE entries. Stay tuned for more details!

  • Zee (Baconhawk) Platinum

    My dearest Aimee

    I haven't seen you around in a while. It's kind of saddening. Hope everything's hunky dory. 


  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    Hey Aimee! I was just strolling around in the never-ending fields of this place called the internet, and I happened to come across something. I remembered that we never found a signature smiley face for you, and I thought this might work:  \%%%/  Yay! It's a crown, for the queen! :D
  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    Oh, you're very welcome! Glad you like it ^^

  • onyx hadden (ninjasnail)

    I MISS YOUUU!!!! <3

  • Sarah Kelly (Oodilong)

    haha thanks ^_^

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    For your amazing triumph. I'm very proud, Aimee! ^^yay.

  • Anna (Thatrandomlady)

    Aimee! It's been a while! How you doing?

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    Hi! Yeah, sorry for not talking much. I've been so incredibly busy, especially this week. Just kinda stressed right now. I also think that whenever I'm online, you're not. Bad timing I guess. But, no matters. It's still nice to get an update from you! :D

    You finished the book already? Wow. haha I guess you really wanted to read it! I must say, it was probably worth the wait. ;)

    Aww, I'm glad you like my drawing. It's more of a little doodle, but I figured it was needed at the moment!

    *has a feeling this will be a really long post*

    Sorry to hear what happened about your precious little Boni. :( But, I'm sure he scared off that dog with its fierceness! He is the Death Incarnate after all. XD

    YES. LOST! I loved that show! It's really suspenseful and keeps you watching. I was sorta addicted to watching it. haha. Well then, here's an update from me I guess:

    1. It finally started raining yesterday. And it's cold.

    2. Jacob says Frank is doing quite well. He even killed a dinosaur the other day.

    3. I get to tutor my friend in math next Saturday! yay! I know it's nerdy, but I'm like a kid in a candy store when it comes to that kind of stuff. hehe ^^

    4. I've grown to REALLY appreciate small towns (like mine). haha. I was in San Francisco again yesterday and I had another....interesting...experience. That place is just full of whackos. XD

    5. I mysteriously lost two of my art pencils. :( They just vanished! I have yet to solve this case! *is determined*

    So yeah. A billion other things have been going on, but I'm writing quite a bit now. XD I told you it was going to be long. But, I really enjoy having a conversation with someone who actually says something more than just "cool". Plus, I'm a talker (if you haven't noticed). If you made it this far, I congratulate you! Ok, I'm going now. Hopefully I'll talk to you soon! *stop typing, Jessica!* Alright, Bye!

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *loved your reply*

    Yeah, I run into the same problem! People ask me the same thing, and all I can say to them is YES. I'm positive you don't know him/her. I never want to say that they live in another state because then they think I'm a weirdo. But all of you guys are still amazing!

    And don't even think that your replies are too long! I l  like long messages. You put character in them, and it's so much more enjoyable to read. Plus, one-word replies are so boring! (not to mention, hard to carry on a conversation with.) Kinda funny though, today I was talking--A.K.A. writing back and forth to each other on a piece of paper--with my friend and whenever I wrote back to her, I took up like half the page. XD She said she couldn't understand how I could say so much in one reply.

    Oh! I have another show for you to watch. I don't know if you've watched the show 'Alcatraz'. It's a new show that just started, and it's pretty good so far. It has the same sorta suspense and mystery like Lost. It's by J.J. Abrams, and he also did Lost, so I think it's gonna be good.

    Yep, it's was sprinkling today. I love hearing it at night though. It sounds so pretty. Maybe rain will come your way soon? That is, if they haven't crushed you before then....*really hopes Aimee isn't crushed*

    I said hi to Jacob for you, he says hi back. haha. Yes, Frank is very fearsome...but if he's the one who scared my pencils away, then I might just have to tell him to tone it down on the awesomeness level. I've got my eye on you, Frank...... O.O

    San Francisco was great, I enjoyed it. It is a beautiful city though, especially at night. Just as long as you stay away from the weirdos in masks that watch you in windows....(yes, that did happen to me. haha)

    I didn't know you liked physics so much! That's really neat. I love tutoring too. :) And it's really cool when you can tutor someone when you love the subject so much. Like you with Spanish, or me with math. Math, how amazing you are. I'm really loving the material in it too, but I'm not a fan of my teacher. *will not get into this topic* I think he assumes that we're totally understand everything too, so I know how you feel.

    Well, that was yet another long reply by Jessica Vasquez. I feel like I'm writing a book. I'll talk to you soon, daughter-in-law. :)

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *Don't interrupt me, I'm writing to Aimee. I'll be back later*

    Exactly! And if you tell them you met them online, they'll either give you weird looks, or give you some comment about how it's not safe to meet anyone online. And to make things even more confusing, none of my friends know who Rhett and Link are, so they have no idea what I'm talking about anyways. haha.

    Just 'K'? That's it? Well, that's annoying. I've had that happen to me before, too. Your Potassium comment made me laugh, though. XD Even though I really hate Chemistry.....well, just science in general. But if you like it, hey, more nerd power to ya.

    *High five for Alcatraz*

    Yes! I am loving the show so far. I can't help but think of Hurley every time I see him show up. I wonder if they'll bring any other Lost characters into the show? A Lost family reunion! XD I didn't know he did Fringe, though. I haven't watched it yet.

    You're wise to warn Boni about him. Jacob just had to pick the most mysterious rock to be his Frank. Of course. Although, to be fair, I think he’s using this suspicious personality as an alias to cover up his true character. We all know Frank is a loving and wonderful rock. I mean, just look at that innocent smile.

                           oooh, look! My reply has pictures this time!

    No rain for me today. I would give you some rain, if I could. That weatherman is probably planning some evil plan in which maniac laughing will follow. DON’T LISTEN TO HIM. Besides, don’t weather reporters always wear cheesy smiles?

    Ahh yes. Creepers in good ‘ol San Fran! Haha. Well, my family and I were eating dinner when this guy walks around with one of those creepy drama masks. It reminded me of the Vendetta mask. He just walked by the window, but he looked straight at me with a weird twitchy glance. It was freaky, that’s all I know. XD I survived, though. I'm good.

    I think it's really cool that you love writing so much. It's a nice escape sometimes (more so for you, than myself). I do that same with art. So, the mailman is being mean too? Hmm...I sense a strange coincidence here. The mailman and the weatherman must be in it together!! Geez, the lies and deceit! What has our world come to?

    *wishes you luck* I'm sure your tutoring will be great. :) I can understand if it gets frustrating though. You can explain something that seems so simple and clear to you, but it'll completely go over their head. But I guess that's why they call it tutoring.

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *jump high five returned while eating cookie*

    Same here. A lot of kids at my school know Julian Smith. There was even a vote to have a ‘Julian Smith Day’ once. But, Rhett and Link aren’t as well known for some reason—at least not by the people I know. Jacob and I are by ourselves when it comes to YouTube stuff. I guess they do fly under the radar. XD

    Sounds like the “word” k causes a lot of problems. XD We should just ban that “word.” From this point on, further use of the “k word” is prohibited. *slams invisible stamp on imaginary document* There. It’s settled.

    I have high hopes for Alcatraz, it’s great so far. I barely watch any TV either. But, if I find a really good show, I’ll have my little sprees where I’ll stop everything to watch an episode. That’s how I was with Lost, and now with Alcatraz.

    Thunderstorm, huh? I hate to be the one to tell you this but…perhaps the weatherman stole the rain. Think about it. It hasn’t rained here for two days, and suddenly you have the biggest thunderstorm EVER (no dramatization there). And who knows, he could’ve stolen more rain from countless others. *shakes head*

    Here’s what I think. Even if the mailman seems to be taunting you with your letter, he may have a good plan. He may be leaving you in extreme suspense so that way when you do receive the letter, you’ll be more excited. It gave you something to look forward to, and you’ll appreciate it a lot more. Of course, I could be completely wrong. Just trying to give some encouraging thoughts. XD

    I’m impressed, reading 257 pages in one day!  Congrats on your A! I can see you learned your lesson, though. XD

    On the other hand, I highly appreciate you giving me wonderful advice, but sadly, I must laugh at myself. Asking me not to procrastinate is like asking me not to breath. Not that I like procrastinating, I just somehow ALWAYS end up doing it. I can’t help it. I just have too many things to do. I mean, every time I turn around, I find myself volunteering for something. Every free second of my time is being spent, and I end up beating myself up for it.

    Wow. Look at how short that reply was. :( Shame. haha

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *tries to think of something creative to put here*

     I guess we’ll be the only ones watching our YouTube videos, but I have no problem with that. They can think we’re strange. They’re the ones missing out.

    Ahh, with your royal stamp, our document is official! And hey, it gives us an excuse to have an execution for anyone that chooses to use that notorious K word—(or non-word).

    *Alcatraz is on tonight!*

    I’ve never seen Doctor Who, but I here a lot about it from other people. I’m personally a Quantum Leap fan (best show ever!). It’s an older show, but still amazing. Who’s your favorite character in Lost so far? As for myself, I loved Desmond. Plus, he had the best accent! ^.^ (I love the Scottish/Irish accent to death. hehe) Oh, and after you finish the show, then you can fully understand R&L’s Lost parody song. It’s so funny.

    We must stop this oh-so-called weatherman! Who knows what else he could be planning. Although, I must say, I am quite enjoying the weather here right now. It’s been in the upper 50’s and sunny. So perfect.

    See. The mailman is trying to give you traces of hope by sending you other letters. Still all part of his plan. Just you wait, I’m sure it’ll come in soon.

    *Is currently procrastinating*

    I can say this has been the most difficult school year academically. I’m a homeworkaholic—and I really should being doing some now—so it’s extremely overwhelming for me.  My problem is: because I have so many things to do, I don’t have a lot of time to do leisure activities. And because I can’t spend my time on things I like to do, I want to do them even more. So, by making time to draw or whatever, I procrastinate on my work, thus making the end result more stressful. It just goes in circles. What I hate most about it is that it takes sleep away from me. We need more time in a day. Wouldn’t that be nice? Haha. Eh, but whatever. I’m getting by. Like I always say, life goes on.


    Our messages are slowly getting shorter. Haha.

  • Ezekiel (stuffydragon)

    lol not yet ;)

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *Apologizes for taking so long to reply. (One word for you: school.)

    Anyways. Firstly, I’d like to congratulate you for your accomplishment of stretching out your message. (And I love how you came back to tell me about Desmond.) XD Very good there, Aimee. You shouldn’t feel disappointed at all. I loved it. Now it’s my turn to return the favor.

    I guess in a cartain way, you can say we’re cultured. I mean, I can say that I know a lot of awesome people from all over the U.S. and the world, and thats pretty cool—even though I probably won’t ever get to meet any of you guys in real life. :( But hey, if you give me a deeper understanding of the world around me, then I’m fine with that. Haha ;)

    We must have an execution soon! (Or at least when someone uses that….*whispers*….*forbidden letter*.) Either way, it should be fun. Inform Zee immediately if we are to hold an execution! ^^

    I’d recommend Quantum Leap. (duh) You should watch an episode if you ever have the time. And I maybe, perhaps, possibly, will try to watch Doctor Who. I’ll check it out. But it probably won’t happen for a while, because I’m so darn busy. (And yes, making lists is fun. Hehe) Oh yeah…..Aimee, I’m so disappointed in myself. I actually….*sniff*….missed Alcatraz on Saturday. :( I was busy playing Zelda with Jacob, and I totally forgot it was on. Oh well, at least they put them up on the Fox website.

    I may be jumping to conclusions here, but could it be possible for ALL the weathermen around the country to be part of the same organization with a common goal?! (A goal that I still have no understanding of...) See. If we didn’t know each other from across the country, we would’ve never picked up on this diabolical plan. International friends are cool.

    AIMEE YOU NEED TO BREATH (it’s good for you.) I can understand, waiting for something like that is so frustrating. Don’t you have any other way of contacting her? Or what if you just sent her another letter? Maybe she hasn’t even sent a letter yet?

    Hmm. Cycle of stress sounds about right. I think you and I have similar schedules. They say Junior year is the hardest.

    Lastly, I conclude with two random thoughts:

    1. You are a fantastic writer. I think that every time I read one of your messages. I really can picture you saying these words to me.

    2. I hope my reply was long enough. Haha.

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    OH YES! I forgot to say, I (or actually, Jacob) found one of my art pencils! YAYYY! He found it under his bed. How it got in there, I have no idea. I didn't even take my pencils in there....strange. Only one more to find. *is determined*

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *forgives Aimee*

    Actually, there’s nothing to forgive. These messages are for fun, and the last thing ­­­­­­­­I want it to become is just another thing you have to do. Don’t feel like you have to respond within 24 hours or anything. It’s more stressful, and it kinda takes the fun out of it. So please, take your time and reply whenever you want. Besides, this whole week has been so extremely busy for me, that I probably couldn’t have responded anyway. So, I guess it was best that you responded later. :) Sorry to hear about you being sick, though. Hope you’re doing ok now.

    Ahh yes, Hurley and his ranch. XD Gotta love that guy. (I don’t know about you,) but I really liked Sawyer. He did get annoying sometimes because of his ego and his “I’m better than everyone else because I’m Sawyer and I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do even if someone’s life is in danger” attitude. But overall, I think he was a good character. Charlie was cool too—another one of my favorites. I just couldn’t stand Kate or Jack. They got so stupid and careless. Buuut, I’ll let you decide which characters you like. XD

    I still think it’d be cool to meet some of you guys. It’s just kind of weird how you can get to know someone over the internet like this, and feel like you know so much about them as if you’ve meet in person—even though it’s never happened. The internet is a smart little fella. That’s the catch about internet/long distance friends, chances are you won’t be able to actually meet them.

    *Hooray for future executions!*

    I must also catch up on Alcatraz before they take down the episodes on Fox. No rush at all with all the things I have to do.

                *side note: (I am not yelling at you) AIMEE! You can call me Jessica if that’s what you prefer! I am perfectly 100% fine with whatever you choose to call me. It’s up to you. Honestly, I’m so used to both, I don’t even notice half the time. So don’t freak out, my friend, all is well. ^^ haha.

    All the Californians and Texans (and everyone) must unite to put an end to all of this! ...And in the meantime, we will figure out their exact purpose. Although, I might want to hold off on that for now, the weather has been so nice the past few days.

    Yay! You finally received your letter(s)! Now, what took so long? Did she just send them out late? But, 10 pages?! Wow. I guess you’ll be busy writing a 20-page reply to her! Haha. I just liked how you said ‘I only have 7 pages’ (even if they are only on the front). But good for you! You go for it.

    Busy week is right. Same goes for me. I’m so looking forward to next week, though. Next week = Ski week = No school! Woo! So, sushi and horror movies, huh? A strange combination indeed. But hey, if you had fun then apparently it’s a perfect combo. I just so happen to like neither, so it doesn't work out for everyone.

    That’s so neat, Aimee! I can imagine how exciting it is for you, considering you speak Spanish and love the culture so much. I’ve always loved accents. They’re extremely fascinating to me. *silently cheers for Irish accent*

    As for Frank: yes, he does live in Jacob’s room, and yes, it probably is his fault. Like I said, he can be very deceiving. But, I still forgive him. There’s just something about that innocent smile that catches me off guard every time.

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *Can finally breathe for once*

    Well, welcome back! Hope you had fun while you were gone.

    Is it even possible for school to not be stressful? This year has been the hardest regarding the work load (for me, at least). Up side to that: I’m about 1 billion times more excited for summer vacation. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy about summer. I keep telling myself: “I just gotta make it through this last semester, Jessica. Only three more months.” Then with school on top of life, I got really stressed about two weeks ago. I had a lot stuff going on at the time, and I hit my end. A lot of my friends noticed I was acting “different.” But, I’m doing a lot better now. *Thanks God* Also, a lot of my friends were going through problems of their own, so I was able to help them through it. I tend to play therapist a lot, and I’ve even been nicknamed “The Counselor.” XD But it doesn’t bother me. It makes me happy, and I’m so glad I could be there for them. I can even say I play therapy in my sleep! I had a dream the other night that I was comforting two of my friends that are dealing with stuff right now. I know, I’m a weirdo.

    So yeah, this week has been great so far. Plus the fact that I’m off of school this week makes it that much more enjoyable.

    We get the week off because of Ski Week. (That’s just what we call it) I really don’t even understand why we get the week off, but I’m not arguing. I’ll take whatever break I can get. Instead of skiing, however, I shall be ice skating this Saturday with two of my good friends! I’m so excited. I wouldn’t mind going skiing, though. I just don’t know how that would end up considering I’ve never been skiing. Haha.

    *I feel like I’m talking about myself a lot….I apologize. I’ve just been happy lately.

    Bravo to you, Aimee. Your descriptions of everyone were spot on! XD So true about Jack, though. He got so lost (no pun intended) in his feelings and pride that he got annoying. I think Sawyer was a good character to the whole show. And he gets better towards the end, in my opinion. Whenever I look at Charlie, I never fail to imagine him as Merry, which makes me do my happy dance. Haha. ^^ The fact that he was in LOTR is a good enough reason for me to say he’s awesome. Here’s a video for you to watch:


    I warn you, though, you must not watch it until you finish Lost! I thought it would be a nice little present for you when you’re done. I only that because you won’t understand all of it right now, and it has a few spoilers in it. (It could also be quite possible that you’ve seen this video already, but just in case you haven’t.)

    MY HANDS (and feet) ARE ALSO FREEZING. Sounds like the weather over there is not so great at the moment, either? Gah, I just don’t know what to do about this weatherman anymore! *shakes head*

    Congrats on your 14 page-reply! But you’re right; you can’t keep her waiting any longer. She may be freaking out right now.

    (I think I NEED to meet your Irish friend. Haha.)


  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    I forgot to say something...again. *hits forehead*

    Life lessons of the week:

    1. It is really hard to cook dinner without running water in the house.

    2. Moms are the greatest people on earth.

    I say that because we didn't have water yesterday, so I had a little bit of a problem trying to boil the noodles. XD My mom is also currently out of town, and won't be back until Thursday night. We're falling apart without her! haha. (Not really, we just miss her a lot.)

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    I think most pre-juniors underestimate the work load headed towards them—I know I did. I was all confident thinking I could take it, but I guess that’s where my poor judgment came in. But hey, despite the amount of effort school asks of me, I feel pretty darn proud of myself. If I can make it through 9 classes, then imagine the sense of satisfaction in the end.

     I personally can’t stand history (one of my least favorite subjects). But if you enjoy it, then take advantage of that! We can’t let school destroy every bit of our academic entertainment (if you have any). In the meantime, I’ve been counting down the days ’til vacation. A kid at my school actually made an online countdown, so that makes counting a lot easier. Haha. Once we get past this year, things will get a lot easier. Unless, of course, the same mentality of 'I can handle it' strikes again and we find ourselves at square one. But I doubt it. Let’s stay positive. XD

    *is so excited about tomorrow* Actually, I just finished talking on the phone about it with my friend. (that’s right, I was talking on the phone). I’ll try not to fall, but I can’t guarantee anything. You should go sometime!

    I still love him as Merry, but the fact that he can capture both characters that have such different personalities, shows that he’s a great actor.

    Maybe I shouldn’t have given you that link quite yet. Haha. My fault. If you ever reach the end of your patience, then go ahead and watch it and place the blame on me. X Think of it this way: you’ve already experienced this before with John Green. You were so proud of yourself (and you even got confetti out of it). Just apply that same control, and you’ll be good to go! Much easier said than done.

    If the weather is so nice, doesn’t that mean we should be celebrating the weatherman? Unless this is all part of his plan. I don’t know what to think anymore! The weather’s been pretty good here lately. It’s cold in the morning and the evening (usually in the 30’s), but by the afternoon, it’s in the lower 60’s. Perfect.

    (I think we can take something as simple as the weather and drag it out longer than most people would) XD

    *is jealous of your Irish friend*

    My mom came home last night. I nearly hugged her to death. ^^ She’s the greatest.

    Trebuchets, huh? That sounds fun. Haha. I used to make stuff like that with Jacob all the time; made out of sticks and rocks from our backyard.

    (I don’t think you’ve lost your mind. We’re all a little crazy in our own special way, so I approve of whatever craziness you own.)

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *Totally forgot to put an action at the start of my last post. I’m so ashamed, I broke the pattern. D: *

    You’re totally right though, it’s kinda weird to think that we’ll be done with high school by next year. Although, I do like to look back and see how much I’ve changed in just these three years. I’ve overcome a lot of personal struggles, and made some of my closest friends. Now, to think that we’ll all be seniors is so weird! And I don’t even want to think about college. I just don’t know where the years went…probably underneath that pile of schoolwork right next to me (that I should really be doing right now). *Procrastination!* Well, while we’re not procrastinating, we can still stay positive. We’ve made it this far Aimee; I know we can last three more months! I might even reward us with a special prize. (What that [might] be, I have no idea.) No matters. Either way, we will be successful. By the way, when is your last day of school?

    (I’m usually really scared to talk on the phone—especially if it’s business related.)

    Ice skating was SO MUCH FUN! XD Man, it was so great. And I survived with minimal injuries! Haha. I bruised up my ankles, but that’s because their skates are so uncomfortable. I only fell once, and it wasn’t my fault! I place the blame on Sarah. She ran into me and actually caused the four of us to fall. Other than that, it was the best. It was the first time I’ve gotten together with my friends that didn’t regard textbooks. Well. Now that you’ve heard my testimony, you must make your own decision. I recommend it~

    Gah, I wish I knew someone with an Irish accent that I could talk to! I am very jealous of you. Haha. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of the group Celtic Thunder (love them so much), but all of them have the greatest accents ever! Keith Harkin is my favorite in the group:

    Click here to listen to the BEST accent in the WORLD.

    *Giddy* I could listen to him all day.

    You’re so creative, Aimee. I love the way you express your personality through words, it’s a talent. I can’t help but laugh when I read your posts. Congrats to you! Just thought I’d say that~

    So let me get this straight, the weatherman can’t make up his mind about the temperature, AND he could possibly be stealing your vacation days? Heresy! I would like to think that the weatherman here is being more honest than yours, but who knows—he could turn on us at any moment.

    (I know. The Komm came this close to exploding due to our awesomeness. Good thing it didn’t)

    My vote’s on the trebuchet. I think they can launch further. If Jacob and I are hired, we’ll make some Bow and Arrows while we’re at it. Hehe.

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *Is stuck at home doing math (the math I procrastinated on)*

    One of the best years of school so far, I’d say. (Just as long as you ignore the work part of it.) I’m actually really looking forward to next year, though. I’m excited about being a senior, even though it will be our last year. You’ve been to a different high school every year? I know how that feels. Luckily, I can say I’ve stayed at this one high school from the beginning. But I’ve still been to….6 other schools total? Something like that. Switching schools is not the most thrilling thing—unless you didn’t like the school you were at. June first, that means you only have 14 weeks of school! Which is a considerably small amount, since we’ve been through (roughly) 25 weeks already. My last day is technically May 31st, which is the last day of homeschool courses, but I never go by that schedule. I’m going with May 22nd instead because that’s the last day of onsite/online classes—which is what I consider my last day. The last few days are always really easy too, we just have a bunch of parties. I doubt you can even call them “parties” considering  most of my classes have no more than 12 people (There’s 6 of us in Spanish. haha), but it’s still fun.

    Yeah, I had lots of fun. :) I wasn’t cold at all…but my hands were (like they are now). You’re skating around the whole rink for 3 hours, so the cold temperature felt nice. Ice skates tend to run large. Often times, you have to ask for a size smaller than your normal size. But they’re still painful to wear. And yes, it was like a domino effect, I was the last one to go down. So, if you do want to take a nice break school, Ice skating is a good way to go. *whispers* Do it Aimee...

    Hooray for extended weekends! Having Mondays off makes a HUGE difference. I can tell by your enthusiasm that you love chick flicks. XD Your reaction made me laugh, Aimee. Good friends have the power to turn a not-so-interesting event into the best experience ever. I know that happens to me. Sounds like you enjoyed yourself, even though you’re not a fan of chick flicks or popcorn. Psh. Haha. What about authentic movie theater popcorn?

    I go back to classes tomorrow. My relaxing break has come to an end, but I had fun while it lasted. I stayed up til 4 AM last night laughing and having fun with Jacob. I don't think we'll be doing that anymore til summer. School crushes our fun.

    I know! I love Celtic Thunder! I love Irish music, and they’re a great group. I honestly don’t know how many times I’ve watched Keith Harkin’s interview. I love him. I also love that his voice has a slight country sound to it. *does excited dance*

    Ahh! The squigglies! They’re so beautiful. XD You’re welcome, though. You know it’s true. :) So take all the extra determination and put it to action…publish to your heart’s content!

    I’m going to make a huge jump and say…let’s trust our weathermen. I know, don’t freak out, but there’s a chance they could pull through on their word. Let’s go with it, just to see what happens. You never know.

    You keep enjoying your day. ^__^

    I'm off to eat dinner at my Grandpa's. Adios for now.

  • Bri (Positivity Pixie)


  • Zee (Baconhawk) Platinum

    God man, I don't even know if just saying thank you would be good enough for a comment like that. Thank you so much. There's no one else I'd want my sister to be rather than you. You're kind, smart, and you're royalty for God's sake. How many people can say their sister is of Royal blood? Not many. You're absolutely perfect in every way possible. And if you change in any way, I'm coming after you. 

    Out of love, I mean. 


  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *Finally found the remote*

    Firstly, I apologize for taking so long to reply. I have a lot of stuff going on right now, and I’ve been crazy busy. Can you ever forgive me??

    Weeeell, anyways. I’ll continue this conversation from 8 days ago. *cough* sowwy.

    Yet another stressful (yet, somehow relaxing?) week from school. I’m so used to it by now, that it’s almost no big deal to me anymore. Actually, back during Christmas break (in a galaxy far, far away…), I didn’t have anything to do. It was strange. I wonder if, by the end of the school year, we’ll have so much free time we won’t know what to do with it? That’s why I’m looking forward to senior year, I’ll barely have anything to do! *Don’t take 9 classes again, Jessica. For your own sake.* I think we’ll make cool seniors, though. We’re already the coolest older sisters. But you can’t switch schools senior year! I won’t allow it. Especially since you already love the school you’re at now.

    By next Tuesday, I’ll have 10 more weeks left! yessss

    May I ask why you would want a misguided senior to go with you? Even if you don’t get someone to go with you (which would be a strange occurrence), I think going with a group of friends can be just as fun. And, if all else fails, fall onto Plan C of watching chick flicks all night. I, on the other hand, will not be going to prom. I save that for senior year only. It’s more special that way. Even when I do go next year, I know I will have the hardest time finding someone to go with. Chances are, no one will ask me, and I’ll be forced to ask someone (and will be terrified to do so). I have a very narrow group of guys to choose from, so that’ll be a task.

    I still recommend ice skating. I’ve only been ice skating 3 times, but I forget how much I love it every time.

    Oh yeah, I totally enjoyed every second of my Ski week. It seemed to go by too fast, though. Now I’m right back into school and it’s already crushing me. But we’re going to be optimistic, remember? *Optimist*

    Due to my optimism, Jacob and I will be saved. No need to worry! We’ll remain the way we are. He is one of my best friends, after all. And thank you for the compliment! I like being the bomb. :D A lot of my other friends always ask me: “Do you guys ever fight? No….but seriously.” That’s when I laugh.

    There’s nothing wrong with country! Haha. Then again, you’re hearing that from me, who is absolutely in love with country music. Ahhh. *Giant grin* Don’t worry though, Celtic Thunder is obviously more Irish than country. XD

    Mathematics according to Aimee:

    • Writing > Sleep
    • Lots of emotions + Aimee = Undefined
    • The word “Ok” - the letter “O” = EXECUTIONS!

    Mathematics according to Jessica:

    • Sleep > anything regarding school
    • Junior year – work load = Best year ever!
    • A family – The mom = Death

    This whole ‘trusting the weatherman’ thing might have been an ok idea. The weather was great for the longest time—until today. It’s raining again. I absolutely love the rain…I just hate being IN it. Bleh. But look on the bright side, if he does fail you, you’ll just figure out his reasoning behind it.

  • Anna (Thatrandomlady)

    I'm sorry I never replied back I haven't been on in so long, and I know it's crazy right I can never catch any of my old komm friends on the chat anymore.

  • KobayashiMaru89 (Lokapuana)

    *waiting...again again* ;)

  • K-Mod


    excuse me Miss . . .but looks like you got a PENGUIN on your head?


  • tyler boston(spotted zebra)

    Please take ame bit of time to watch 
    Kony 2012! Thank you! :)
  • Anna (Thatrandomlady)

    I see your face O.O

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *Is super excited about canvas painting*

    Glad to know that you have the kindness in your heart to forgive me. It makes me happy. :) haha.

    Oh, completely. I think senior year is just waiting to lovingly accept us. I’ve never been so ready for senior year. *counts fingers* ….only 38 more days for me (only counting actual school days, excluding spring break and Fridays). We can take next year as a reward, as you were saying. All this hard work will pay off! Wow. Look at all this optimism in the room. I hope you stay at your school, sounds like it’s a good one. Otherwise, that’ll be quite disappointing.

    So, only seniors are allowed to go to prom at your school (excluding the situation of a younger date)? I really like that. I wish my school would do that. Except, I can imagine how that would cause issues considering there’s only about 135 students at my school. That makes about 30 seniors at prom…not very much. Haha. 3 years ago, there were only 12 seniors. XD If we had more students, then I would like to make it seniors-only. I see prom as a seniors event, anyways. People ask me every year: “Are you going to prom this year?” I always reply, “No. I’m not going until senior year.” How many times must I repeat this? Then they look at me as if I’m crazy for not going. I think prom has lost its meaning, I really do. Even still, if you do go, I think going as a group would be better.

    Wow, your spring break is really early. I hope you enjoy(ed) it, though! I think we’ve come to appreciate breaks from school much more than previous years. Haha.  Ours doesn’t start until April 6th (why does it start on a Friday?). My very last break of the year, so I need to take advantage of it when it comes.

    Honestly, Jacob and I rarely ever fight. If we do, it’s over something very minor and never usually lasts the whole day. We’re only 16 months apart, so we’ve been very close since we were born. I wuv my wittle bwother! Hehe. He hates that…

    The only genre of music I cannot stand is metal/screamo. Ehhhh. It’s too loud and yeah.

    I have good news to report! The weather has been very pleasant. I am thoroughly impressed and shocked. This could all be due to the fact that spring is about 2 weeks away…but it’s still nice. Things are looking up for us!

    Random fact: This whole time we have been writing, we’ve written 12,000 words, 320 paragraphs, and 29 pages. Wow is all I have to say.

  • Jessica (Swamp Chicken)

    *Happy Pi Day!*

    Being the lame person that I am, I completely forgot to wear my Pi shirt today. D: I’m so ashamed. (Josh Turner shirt won instead). Well, it’s never too late. I’ll be wearing it tomorrow and have some pizza pie while I’m at it. :D 3.141592653589793238462643383….*goes crazy*

    It may only seem like a long a time til school’s over, but it’ll go by like nothing. If we’ve gotten this far into the year and survived, then I know we can make it through these last few weeks. I’m not quite ready to graduate, but definitely ready to be done with junior year. And I hope you stay at your school!

    I’ll pop in the chat once in a great moon, but you’re right, we definitely need to inform others of Doug! *Idea* I’ll pack that away for later...that makes me wonder what Doug looks like anyways? Hmm. Something to ponder for a time when I acquire more time.

    Yeah, my school is so small. It’s kinda pathetic, but it makes me laugh and yet 1000x more grateful that it’s the way it is. But I totally agree about prom. It’s more special if you wait. Just seems like it’s that one last dance before you graduate. But I’m also old fashioned about a lot of things.

    AP tests…what fun. It’d be nice to have one last break before end-of-the-year testing. Not to mention, I think it would ultimately give us greater scores. More sleep.…that almost sounds foreign.

    We both must have the coolest younger brothers ever. (Even if they are temperamental or wear yellow mustaches in public.)

    Christian screamo? That’s…..different. XD I doubt I would like that either. I do like just about all genres of music, though. (Rhett and Link’s hair song is stuck in my head. XD) By the way, country just so happens to be my favorite genre. Pssh. Whatever. Haha.

    Wise words, Uncle David. Sounds pretty accurate. XD It’s been raining here lately. Bleh. I’m tired of the rain. It’s all cold and stuff.

    12,000 words and counting. Haha. I just copied all our posts into word and looked at the word count. You have to think, we started this whole thing way back in January, so it’s gonna be a lot. Yay for mini cheesecakes!

    Congratulations Aimee! It’s such a good feeling, knowing what you want to do and where you want to go. What are your plans? That’s something I need to start thinking about. And congrats on your poetry! See, told ya you were a good writer.

    Ahh, addicted to Lost, I see. I laughed so hard when you said, AND HURLEY SAYS DUDE SO MUCH. Because it’s true. XD Don’t worry, it only gets weirder! Haha.

    Here, my friend sent me this picture the other day and I totally thought of you:

  • Anna (Thatrandomlady)

    Dude we are just so perceptive... ^.^

  • Becca cooper

    Hey thanks for the welcome and i hope to see you on chat to! :)