Eve - Evelina Waara (Dextria)

32, Female



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  • LaurenS14 (TwinklingBeatle)

    i love your art and i think we should be friends :) haha
  • DantheMontageMan (Black Wing)

    Hey Eve- I envy the fact that you live in Sweden. I've been there twice, in the summer of 06 and 07. It's awesome to say the least. I'm an artist myself, and I must say, you have some sick Photoshop skills. I am actually a motion media design student at SCAD. So, this means that we should be friends. Just sayin'.
  • Chris Johansson (Skoll)

    Hehe tackar, jag kom på en bättre idé när jag kom hem dock, ska ut och fota den någon dag i helgen xD
  • Tammy (Landshark)

    I love wearing my new Landshark thumbnail!! Thanks again Eve!! <3

  • K-Mod


    Random Contest Group: follow instructions HERE
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    I love the new pics you've posted Eve- you've got talent that for sure! I was wonderin- with all your renderings of others beast as of late iff'n you'd give mine a go... I'd love to trade ya my version of yours for it, BUT what's a "Dextria" exactly?
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    D'OH! After perusing your photos, I saw your Dextria ones!
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    Absolutely... I probably won't be able to post my Dexrtia for a week or so, but I'll whip one up for ya! Can't wait to see your Ghost Chicken!
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    Well, i found time to get the black and white version of my take on a Dextria done... don't think I will get it scanned until next week though... keep an eye out (like I wouldn't let you know when it gets posted)
  • Chris Johansson (Skoll)

    -pounce- Heeej! Vad har du för dig? Märkte precis att du tagit bort Skoll från dina bilder? eller jag kanske bara missade den! :O
  • Chris Johansson (Skoll)

    Aaaawe, va söt du är! <3 ser fram emot det! <3
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    Lovin' the Ghost Chicken! (And giddy that you like the "House Party at Arkham Asylum" song!)
  • Teresa U - Twin Phoenix - TnT

    Hey lady!!! Good news for you... I am featuring you this week for the update for all of your awesome artwork and renderings and such!!! :D So be sure to check it out... I'm working on putting the update together now.
  • Teresa U - Twin Phoenix - TnT

    OOoo... can't wait to see it!!
  • Tammy (Landshark)

    Congrats on being a featured member!! Yay!!
  • Chris Johansson (Skoll)

    Grattis till att bli featured! : D
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    Alrighty, Eve... my rendition of the mighty Dextria is complete and all posted up! Hope ya love it!
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    No, You're awesome... glad you like it!
  • Chris Johansson (Skoll)

    Så lite så! Håller på med en liten sak till dig! : D
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    The RhettandLink Fold-A-Figures are done! go check 'em out on me profile!
  • Chris Johansson (Skoll)

    Nopp! det är en hemlis! : D
  • Chris Johansson (Skoll)

    Vill du veta något som kommer göra dig ännu tokigar? :P
    Det är fler folk här på kommunityt som vet vad det är! xD
  • Chris Johansson (Skoll)

    Kom online på msn! : D
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    No printer!!! oh, bummer! get thee to whatever sweden's equivalent of a Kinkos (copy place) is worthwith! (glad you like 'em)
  • Teresa U - Twin Phoenix - TnT

    You are most welcome!!! It is well-deserved, to be sure!!
  • Chris Johansson (Skoll)

    Hej, sorry, pengarna på min mobil tog slut igår så kunde inte svara, försökte ringa dig hemmifrån och insåg att jag kanske skrämde livet ur dig eftersom du inte har det numret och någon som du inte vet vem det är ringer dig klockan halv 3 på natten är kanske inte det roligaste > -br /> Förlåt om jag skrämde dig och förlåt att jag inte kunde svara.
    Hoppas vi hörs snart :*
  • Chris Johansson (Skoll)

    Hahahaha Okej! <3
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    Thanks again... and so glad you're clever enough to figure out the whole "remarK." thing... you'd be surprised how many people's heads that one flies right over!
  • Charbel (Randler Wolf)

    Hi Eve :) how r ya? made any new designs lately?
  • Chris Johansson (Skoll)

    God jul söten!
    Hoppas du har en hälig jul! : D
  • Chris Johansson (Skoll)

  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    cool beans, and thanks Eve!
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    put up a sneak preview of the painting I've been telling ya about... figured you may want to take a peek! lemme know what ya think
  • Bethany Welcher

    Hey, you are the person who created the T-shirt design I wanted with Rhett and Link Howling to the moon. The I'm a mythical beast shirt! What ever happened with that? I want to make that happen. I want that shirt! I know you are just the designer but we need to find a way to get them to make this.
  • Tammy (Landshark)

    Hey Eve, thanks for the comment, I've been thinking of you! I'm good here! Looking forward to your next amazing art! What are you working on, my Mythical Beast friend? You should make something for Rhett and Link's new studio! I know it would be amazing!!
  • Gabriel Michael

    Hello there fellow mythical beast! Thank your for your warm welcome :) very much appreciated!
  • morgan powell

    Thanks for the welcome it was very sweet of you
  • morgan powell

    it was very beatsly of you
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    Howdy Eve... life o'er the pond is fine... just finishing up that RhettandLinka Jones Painting after about a week of being sick... should have it up soon! (and still have your headshot on my pile of to do doodles!) Stay mythical!
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    ... oh, and get a sneak peek at that painting by checking out my first ever video- you can see it about 3/4 of the way through!
  • Teresa U - Twin Phoenix - TnT

    Hello friend! I haven't talked to you for a while!!!
  • Dustin (Kangawolf)

    thanks for subscribing to my channel (:
  • Dustin (Kangawolf)

    well thank you! youre awesome
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    I finished that painting... and just might have time to get to that cartoon you asked me for a while ago this week! look for it soonish!
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    Thanks Eve!
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

    Hello Eve! Life is going like life should be going. I am breathing, I have food in my tummy as does my children, we have a roof over our head and We still Love Jesus. How have you been? It's sad we don't have Kasts and the chat room seems to be going away.
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞

    That is awesome! A+ WOOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    Thanks for the glowing words Eve! (just so ya know, I just got a gig doing the art for a web comic... I have been super busy with that... haven't forgotten your request!)
  • Bethany Welcher

    Is there anyway we can talk to Rhett and Link on this site? I am so busy all of the time I have never had time to really figure out this site. If there is a way we can message them maybe we can find a bigger size of the picture you used of them singing and then it would be easier for you to make that into a t-shirt right? And then if we can message them maybe they would help out too. idk.
  • Corey Kramer (Ghost Chicken)

    Hey Eve! Long time no hear from! Ya... things are going well... recently took over as artist for and began my own webcomic! Keeps me super busy... and looking down I see I already let you know that... lol they're both at www.remedialcomics.com if ya can to give 'em a looksee- I draw "Remedy" and write/draw "Wonder Weenies" (and yes I remember I owe ya a drawing lol just waitin' for that precious downtime) Hope you're doing well as well!