Amber (The Phoenicorn)


United States

Comment Wall:

  • Ben P (Pianosaurus)

    Lala lala lala lala lala lala lala lala
    bom bom bom bom
    didily didily didily didily
  • Ben P (Pianosaurus)

    I know, I've been a combination of working on stuff and not having access to the computer (I need to get my own) :(. I'll be on tonight sometime after five until about 7, and hopefully I'll have the computer most of tomorrow.
  • Ben P (Pianosaurus)

    Your page is all fun and stuff.
    Just came to say 100% of your photos are featured. Tis awesome.
  • Sara (Squinchilla)

    Now that song is in my head (again)!
  • Ben P (Pianosaurus)

  • Ben P (Pianosaurus)

    Aww, thanks! And you didn't miss it, 9 days to go :)
  • Ben P (Pianosaurus)

    Lol, well thanks anyways. (7 days! and only 16 till school!)
  • Sara (Squinchilla)

    But, at least having this song in our heads helps teach us valuable information about Maine... I just looked up European Honeybees. :) They're kind of cute!
  • Sara (Squinchilla)

    My parents want a Maine Coon. :) They're about as big as moose! Meese? (The "goose/geese" trick doesn't work here...)