Ben P (Pianosaurus)


United States

Comment Wall:

  • Amber (The Phoenicorn)

    You! How dare you change up your schedule on me, not speak for 2 days, and then leave a comment referencing a hilarious video I linked you to!
    (Translation: Where've you been? Come back!!!)
  • Teresa U - Twin Phoenix - TnT

    You are the pianosaurus. So do you play the piano in real life?
  • Teresa U - Twin Phoenix - TnT

    What kinds of stuff do you play? If you're taking lessons, I would assume you lean more toward the classical side, but I could be wrong.

    The music program in which I studied is a classically-oriented program, so I sang a lot of art songs, some music theater, and some opera. I also love singing in choir. I don't really play anything--but since I hope to be a choir teacher, you could say that the choir is my instrument.
  • Teresa U - Twin Phoenix - TnT

    I love art songs. I could sing 19th Century German lieder all day long! Of course, I like singing French and Italian songs as well, but German lieder have become my favorites. On my senior recital, 3/4ths of it were in German--the first was the entire Coffee Cantata (Bach), with the chamber orchestra, and then I did a four-song set of German lieder. For my last set, I sang some English songs.

    I am really aiming to teach high school choir.

    What program are you aiming to get into, if you don't mind me asking?
  • Amber (The Phoenicorn)

    That definitely just made my day. :D
  • Amber (The Phoenicorn)

    It's a present! For your birthday! ...though I'm pretty sure I missed it. D: Anyway, Happy Birthday and welcome to old age! :P