Nigel (The reverse Centaur)


Wilmington, DE

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Stephanie Causey (pepsipixie)

    no sadly i have never seen that show....but thanks for the idea
  • Zoe Morelock Miller

    Thanks! But it was 1987 (cause I'm ancient...!).
  • Alyse (one-eyed moose-monkey)

    I like your video if the Roscoe's song... :)
  • Alyse (one-eyed moose-monkey)

    yeah, I remember seeing that episode :)
  • Nikki Reed (Chickcharnie)

    haha Well, I just joined today. So, I've not had a whole lot of time to add anything yet. Thanks for adding me!
  • Tasha (Mock Turtle)

    Thanks Nigel. I like your "headphones". (-:
  • Nikki Reed (Chickcharnie)

    Hey, thanks! Basically, I started w/ the photo I linked to, posterized it, and sort of just drew over it. I don't know that it's technically a vector image because I did it in Corel Paintshop instead of an actual vector drawing program like Illustrator, but that's what I'm calling it anyway. lol
  • Nikki Reed (Chickcharnie)

    Thank you!
  • Emily (Two-Eyed Cyclops)

    You have no idea how glad I am that you have the Space Junk video!!! :)
  • Emily (Two-Eyed Cyclops)

    Don't worry, I definitely will! ;)
  • Stephanie Causey (pepsipixie)

    im here Nigel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • rambunkshush

  • Chris

    Thanks I had been working on the hee and hoo at the end for a while.
  • Caity Brown (Nessie)

    Hahaha, thank you very much!
  • Tegalto/Tess G. (Twin Phoenix)

    :) Thanks. I do enjoy tinkering with photoshop from time to time.
  • Emily (Two-Eyed Cyclops)

    "ognog" always reminds me of "egg nog"! :) Now I'm craving egg nog...
  • Douglas Carr(flying buffalo man)

    dude the cbe rocks nice beat
  • Nikki Reed (Chickcharnie)

    lol I just found out about the Konami code literally last weekend. Just thought I'd try and be a know it all. :D

    Anyway, loved your video! Good luck!
  • Emily Collins (The Dark Horse)

    Thanks for the compliment on my video. =) However, I still think your cover of "Roscoe's" is equally cool. ;)
  • Ben Burton (Mr. Frumious)

    Last night, I showed my wife the different video CBE entries for the first time (she doesn't follow the Kommunity as much as I do), and in her opinion yours is the clear front runner. She says it's the most like something R&L would do...

    This morning, I can't get "Fat booyys" out of my head! Thanks!! :)
  • Nikki Reed (Chickcharnie)

    haha Thanks a bunch!
  • Edlives (Dragon)

    Welcome to the Kommunity! great job on the CBE vid.
  • John Stratman (Stratmaster J)

    does the cheat code from your vid work on the wii virtual console version of super mario bros?
  • Ben Burton (Mr. Frumious)

    Well according to R&L's latest vid, I guess the first 45 submissions get a Rhett & Link Rock t-shirt... YEAH!!

    You and your brother put together a pretty nice little album, there... Love the Hairball song! I just started playing around with mixing and music production a few months ago after buying a mike and recording software... What do you record your stuff on?
  • Ben Burton (Mr. Frumious)

    Nice. That's kind of like me, eventually decided to splurge on the equipment while the song ideas were still in my brain...

    My setup is pretty basic compared to yours, just a usb mike and mixing software from Best Buy (also by M-Audio, incidentally). I'm not a talented instrumentalist, so I rely on free samples that I can scavenge from places like
  • Tegalto/Tess G. (Twin Phoenix)

    Haha... thanks for the photo comment. That's my bedroom wall that I painted at the beginning of this past summer. Coming to your page here I can see why you liked it. Totally matches your color scheme. ;)
  • Tegalto/Tess G. (Twin Phoenix)

    Haha... Well there's an idea! Now to figure out what I'm going to do with my music education degree...
  • John Stratman (Stratmaster J)

    Your mythical beast is spelled Centaur, not Centar. Sorry. I am am obsessed with spelling.
  • ✞JeanWifeMoMhorphin✞
  • Emily (Two-Eyed Cyclops)

    Yeah, I forgot to charge my laptop, so it died on me while I was trying to chat. :(
    That's awesome, though!! You should definitely upload a picture like that, because then we can be photo buddies! [;
    By the way, the slideshow above looks so sweet... When did you get married?