Tasha (Mock Turtle)


Prescott Valley, AZ

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Tammy (Landshark)

    I like your page! Your photo is watching the "Gas Prices Song!" Cool!
  • Emily (Two-Eyed Cyclops)

    Glad to be your friend, Tasha! :D
  • Nigel (The reverse Centaur)

    nice "embeded" video :)
  • Rene De La Cruz (El Chupacabra)

    Me obsessed? Some people in this community have Rhett and Link Tattoos. Some have even named their children Rhink, so that they won't offend R&L. And one member painted her room "RhettandLinkast Green".
    Obsessed, hardly. ;)
  • Natalie Roth

    Ah...I love the gas prices song too!
    (Said in a high voice): "There's a KINK in the hose!"
  • Daniel Gardner

    Hey thanks Tasha!! Great to see you around the Komunity!! Your kids are SOO cute!
  • Emily Collins (The Dark Horse)

    Haha, yeah, fiction family is AWESOME. Sean and Sara Watkins pretty much know me by name now. Jon called me "the chick in the front row from last night with the pink camera and the water" in the parking lot before the second show. I was flattered. haha. I Looooove Nickel Creek. They're like one of my favorite bands right now...In case you didn't notice that's me and Sean Watkins in my display pic...lol
  • Suzy (Bluenosed Water Leaper)

    Thanks for the welcome! Great pics! Yes, love Rhett and Link - real wholesome guys which cause absolute hysteria in this house!!!
  • Lynn (Mama Bear)

    Ha! You actually go around singing that kink in the hose stuff? Hilarious!
  • Sharon King

    No I never have. I would like too.