Jessica Fortner (unicorn)


United States

Comment Wall:

  • Tammy (Landshark)

    Awesome Rhett and Link song!! Everybody should check that out! That was amazing!!
  • Aly And Cate (Two headed AlyCat)

    oh thank you so much
    it took us about it took us about 3 hours to record it
  • Raquel TW-Jackalope.

    That is cool!
    I got the job because I'm friends with one of the main editors (:
    He works for Xanga.
  • Roxanne Martelli

    yeah actually. ^_^ I've been playing in worship teams for the past 2 years I suppose. (seems a lot longer. XD) I've played guitar for about wow, 4 or 5 years now and bass for a year and a half. This is uber exciting by the way! nice to meet a fellow worshipper on an AWESOME website. hehe ^_^
  • Roxanne Martelli

    I noticed a trend within the people on here and the amazingness. The first time I showed someone a video they were all "no way..they must be mormon" I definitely lol'd hardcore. XD

    Dude seriously?! Thats amazing! 10 years? holy crap. Something deep inside wishes that my parents made me start when I was younger. My dad had begged me to start playing guitar when I was like 9 but I just wouldn't budge. Then when I was like 12 and he laid off of the play guitar bit, I started to. I guess thats where obstinance gets you. haha.

    What worship team are you on at the moment? (I guess just like, what does your team consist of and what do ya guys do on your parts) random question I know. I'm taking up the actual leading role for the worship team at my highschool (i.e Christian highschool hehe) so I love getting different perspectives. =)