It's sort of like a late nite show meets a talk show meets Hee Haw meets the internet! 


The new half-hour (that's 30 minutes of actual content) weekly variety show from Rhett and Link.

Premiering Thursday, April 25, 2013.

Mark your calendar now!


  • Music Videos
  • Sketches
  • Things on the Street with People
  • Things on the Phone
  • much much more


The Mythical Show Ep. 7 DELAY (feat. ???? & ????)

Today's episode of TMS is delayed for a couple of hours due to technical difficulties.

But R&L have been posting a few still shots thfoughout the week and earlier today, presumably from the show.  Just hints at what might be included, you'll have to let your imagination run wild until it's finally available for viewing. 


Possible LOCAL COMMERCIAL spot - - - I can hear the tag line now:

When I'm on the links, I need every advantage I can get.

If I had my druthers, I'd druther a DRUTTER than a putter!


OR . . . is this the Drutter-off that we were promised when Rhett and Link first introduced us to the game changer back on

GMM Season 3 ~ Episode #53 - - - Amazing Kickstarter: The Drutter


Possible new characters?

or is this the long-awaited return of  Seaborne & Roach in disguise?


 Possible guest host . . . GRACE / from Daily Grace

(not one of my personal favorites)



Well, a few hours later and the show is finally available for viewing.  Judge for yourself:


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    Don't want to be critical because I truly am a hige fan, but I'm afraid that Episode #7 will end up as #12 (last place) in my final ranking of Favorite TMS Episode at the end of the season. 


    Better luck next week.

    • Grace is definitely not a favorite. 
    • The Forest Patrol guys are just plain creepy.
    • Drutter-off Tourney was fun to watch (almost as much fun as those outfits), but I'd have preferred to see a commercial for the Drutter than the plumbers.  JUST SAY NO TO CRACK!
    • Where' is the mullet?  No S&R or whoever they are.
    • I'm still bummed out about that poor little gerbil. Somebody go and poke it with a stick to see if it wakes up.

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      Best 35 seconds of the entire show?  @ 9:54-10:29 ===> Starting with Rhett's celebratory jog & jump and continuing through the egg pelting.  I'm pretty sure that Egg #5 was hard boiled based on the loud  THUMP heard on impact with Link's rib cage.

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        Carly (Penguroo)

        Grace is awesome!!! Her involvement in this video is the reason for me joining the Rhett and Link Kommunity ...  I'll never be the same ;)